Chen Ge is really interested in this. Let Huang Yonghao talk about it in detail.

"Cough, brother, let me tell you this. Yunding villa is no longer a simple residence, but also represents a kind of dignity. As the name suggests, this villa stands on the top of the Yunwu Mountain in Jinling. It has been built into a manor around it. If it is in the cloud, you can enjoy the scenery of mountains and rivers in Jinling City!"

As Huang Yonghao spoke, he was also longing for it.

Is there such a God!

Chen Ge asked, "is this house expensive?"

Chen Ge is planning to buy a house, and this time Chen Ge is determined to spend thousands of yuan to buy a villa, so as to put the car and everything is convenient.

So, I want to ask the price of this villa.


Huang Yonghao gushed out a mouthful of wine and glared: "I'll go. Brother, this house is more than expensive. Do you know how much it costs? It's 700 million yuan."

Huang Yonghao's father dares to spend $700 million on investment and business.

But spend $700 million on a villa that doesn't work for business.

It's equivalent to pure consumption, which the general rich dare not do.

Unless it's too much money to spend.

So Huang Yonghao is still afraid of this house price.

We should know that even though Huang Yonghao is so open-minded and entertains so many rich second-generation people today, it only costs 6.7 million yuan.

"Of course, brother, this amount of money must be nothing to you. I remember that sister Gan spent one or two hundred million yuan to buy a customized car to drive."

Huang Yonghao has the idea to let Chen Ge have a try.

After all, he knew that the money was nothing to Chen Ge.

But Chen Ge is really painful.

Seven hundred million! It's too luxurious to buy a condominium!

Chen Ge shakes his head and decides to be honest and have a look at buying a villa of ten or twenty million yuan.

"It doesn't matter if you don't buy it, brother. After three days, let's go and have a look at the head office." Huang Yonghao said reluctantly.

If Chen Ge really bought, he can also go in to live, that is really Hao ah!

"Well, if we have time, let's go and play together!"

Chen Ge saw that Huang Yonghao had prepared such a grand show for himself today. Although he knew that he wanted to get close to him and was purposeful, his feeling of being taken seriously made Chen Ge hate him.

It was not easy to refuse Huang Yonghao and agreed.

Then, a group of rich second-generation people are playing surfing on the sea. All in all, it's a pleasure.

Of course, almost all the girls have never left a circle, which is Chen Ge as the core of the circle.

Where Chen Ge goes, there are more girls.

All of them use their greatest ability to make eyes at Chen Ge in order to attract Chen GE's attention.

But Chen Ge, tired, has no time to continue to play with this group of beautiful little sisters.

The afternoon will arrive soon.

The cruise party is over this time.

Originally, Huang Yonghao also invited Chen Ge to visit other places, but Chen Ge declined. After all, Chen Ge is not like Huang Yonghao. It doesn't matter whether he takes college credits or not.

Tomorrow Monday, I have to have class!

Bai Xiaofei was in charge of driving and sent Chen ge back to school all the way.

After returning to the dormitory, Yang Hui and they seem to have gone online again, and no one is there.

Tired for two days, Chen Ge fell asleep until he was woken up by the chirping sound of the door opening.

"Yang Hui, isn't old Chen coming back?"

"What? Come back? Why is the phone off again? "

It's Yang Hui and Li Bin who have come back.

The elder brother several excitedly looked at the Chen Ge which just woke up to laugh.

"Oh, my cell phone has been turned off for a long time. I'm too tired and I haven't recharged. Oh, I've been sleeping till six o'clock in the evening. Have you been on the Internet for so long?"

Chen Ge looked at his watch and slept for more than three hours.

"Shit, still on the Internet? Mr. Chen, I doubt whether you have been traveling or looking for gentleness town these two days. Do you not read the news of our class group? "

Li Bin is a little excited.

Before Chen Ge just told them to go out with a friend, but didn't tell them exactly what to do.

So Li Bin and Yang Hui don't know what Chen Ge did these two days.

As for Li Bin's gentle village, ha ha, Chen GE has gone.

All of them are beautiful women!

Chen Ge then said with a smile, "what kind of town are you going to? Tell me what happened to our class?"

"Before you left, wasn't hanfei'er a star anchor's PK war? Hey, as expected, Han fei'er won the championship directly and became the absolute first sister of the live broadcast software in the same city. The star anchor's reward income that day was more than 200000! Damn itLi Bin is really envious and hateful. He envies others for earning so much in one day. Why is he not a woman?

"Well, since yesterday, a newspaper office has come to interview Han fei'er, and the title is even more overbearing: a girl in Jinling university has been broadcasting live for several hours a day, earning more than 200000 yuan!"

"Oh, ah, in short, all kinds of related reports have been launched. This is not because of the newspaper's propaganda. Since this afternoon, we have come to Jinling TV station to interview Han fei'er. We just, as students, also recorded a video. Haha, I also showed my face!"

Yang Hui added the next thing.

This Chen song is quite clear.

Han fei'er is so angry that when she is interviewed, she naturally needs to conduct some peripheral interviews, which is similar to the exclusive interview column of TV station. After the interview, I will interview his classmates, family and friends.

It's usually a set of phrases arranged in advance.

Ha ha, I didn't expect that I used my ordinary identity to brush some gifts for Han fei'er and raised funds for live broadcasting in the same city.

Actually indirectly to Hanfei Er to praise red.

This makes Chen Ge a little sad.

"Lao Chen, get dressed quickly. Hanfei'er is going to invite you to dinner this evening. It's the same home kitchen you invited last time! The whole class will go! "

Yang Hui patted Chen GE's bed and went to change clothes.


Chen GE's promise this time is quite happy.

First of all, he was almost rested and a little hungry.

Second, Han fei'er is the one who holds the red. What's the matter with her celebration party?

How justifiable it is!

Chen Ge quickly changed his clothes and ran downstairs just like Yang Hui and some of them.

School gate.

A large group of Chen GE's classmates are waiting.

Han fei'er is not what she used to be. In the past, she was just a small anchor, earning a little money. Now, she is a real Internet star, making a lot of money.

Nature is the core of all.

"Sister Fei, shall we call DD?"

Yellow hair at this time in front of the buttocks, followed by the buttocks. Since the last time Xu Dong and his brother Xu Chao beat the son of Jinling rich people, he has been punished. He has never dared to come to school. Now there are only yellow hairs left in his class.

"Call a fart DD. I've contacted a service company and asked them to send ten Audi cars. Let's go by car. By the way, Huang Mao, you can count the number of people and see who hasn't arrived?"

"Must come!" Huang Mao was happy to go, just like to do his own home business, but also called out: "don't talk, I call to the name of the call to!"

It'll be over soon.

Huang Mao ran over and said, "sister Fei, only Yang Hui is left in their dormitory. Hao Lanlan says that she is very uncomfortable. She is lying alone in the dormitory."

"Well, I see. What about Yang Hui and them? How can you be so inked when you change your clothes Hanfil put on a brand-name wine red glasses, holding her shoulder coldly. After all, it's popular on the Internet. It has to be standard.

"Coming, coming, Yang Hui, they are coming!"

At this time, a girl yelled.

Yang Hui and his six dormitories are trotting over.

"Why? Isn't Chen Ge out to play? Why are you back? "

"Yes, I'll go. It may be that as soon as he hears the meal, he comes back in a hurry. Who knows if he has spent all his lottery money? He said it was tourism. In case he went out to work!"

Before Chen GE's side arrived, the sound of ridicule was already ringing

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