After returning to reality, Chen Ge immediately felt relaxed and happy, and had a more understanding in his mind. It turns out that this understanding can only be understood after he goes back.

Then Chen Ge raised his hand again.

The feeling of the knife rising and falling.


A hand knife slashes on the soul bamboo in front of you.

The bamboo of the soul was directly cut off by Chen Ge.

It was a success!

Chen Ge was very excited.

He now knew what the meaning of the first soul bamboo was.

Everything should be done step by step, not eager for quick success and instant benefit. This is the meaning of this soul bamboo.

That's why the old chess player is faster than Chen in the game.

"Congratulations, Chen Ge, for breaking the first bamboo of soul!"

Tapan is also standing behind, smiling at Chen Ge congratulation.

Chen Ge also smiles, and then goes to the next soul bamboo.

Put the second hand on the bamboo root.

In an instant, Chen GE's consciousness once again entered a space.

Different from a space, this space is full of beautiful scenes.

The scene is constantly changing.

At this time, another old man appeared in front of Chen Ge.

"Little friend, can you see what this scene represents?"

The old man looked at Chen Ge with a gentle and kind smile.

After listening to Chen Ge, he was stunned.

"I don't know what to call the elder?"

Chen asked in a hurry.

"Ha ha, I'm a psychic Taoist."

The old man replied with a faint smile.

"Hello, master Tongling. This scene is changing endlessly. I can only see that it is represented by spring, summer, autumn and winter."

Chen Ge first paid a respectful greeting to the Taoist, and then told him about it.

The psychic also gave a satisfied nod.

"You are right. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are indeed representatives of this, but there are other different representatives. You need to calm down and feel with your heart, little friend."

The Taoist priest is also a reminder and guide of Chaochen song.

Chen Ge also clearly nodded, and then calmed down his heart, and then felt the scene of change in front of him.

After a long time, Chen Ge opened his eyes.

"I've learned that the visions of psychic masters are not only representatives of spring, summer, autumn and winter, but also different scenes of life."

"Spring, on behalf of a person when he is just born, seems to be the scene of a new sprout."

"Summer, on behalf of a person in the growth of all encountered, like hot weather, there will always be some difficulties and distress."

"Autumn represents the season when one has already got a happy life and harvest."

"Winter means a person has reached the end of his life, looking back on the representatives of the past."

Just listen to Chen Ge to tell all his understanding.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

After listening to Chen GE's story, the Taoist priest directly stretched out his hand and clapped it.

"Not bad, little friend, you are really extraordinary. It's really different to have such an understanding. It's true that spring, summer, autumn and winter really represent a person's life."

"Well, little friend, you have understood it. You can go back!"

After listening to the Taoist priest, he gave an order to Chen Ge.

Voice down, Chen GE's consciousness was transmitted out, back to reality.

Chen Ge immediately raised his hand and slashed on the second soul bamboo.


The soul bamboo was shot off in an instant.

The second soul bamboo, Chen Ge understands the meaning of life.

He knows that life is like spring, summer, autumn and winter, and it is a seasonal change. However, everyone has to experience birth, aging and death in his life. The only thing he can do is to feel the life experience, not to do something to change his fate.

Seeing Chen Ge break the second soul bamboo, Tapan also showed a happy smile.

Because Chen Ge did not let him down.

Then, Chen Ge immediately put his hand on the third soul bamboo.

In an instant, Chen GE's consciousness entered a new space.

The third soul bamboo.

Chen Ge as like as two peas, he saw a man who was exactly the same as he.

Chen Ge was surprised.

"Are you?"

Chen Ge asked.

"I am you

The other party also showed a smile and looked at Chen Ge.

"Are you me? Who am I thenChen Ge continued to ask.

"You are me, I am you, we are one person, but two different thoughts!"

The other party's meaningful reply to Chen Ge.

"Different thoughts, what do you mean?"

Chen Ge is also a little confused.

"Ha ha, to be exact, I am another self in your heart, also belong to the dark self, commonly known as the devil of the heart!"

The other side chuckled and explained.

Chen Ge understood that the man who looked like him was his own demon.

Chen Ge knows that the third soul bamboo is to test himself in the face of heart demons, only after defeating the heart demons can he understand the implication.

"Chen Ge, why didn't you directly sacrifice Lei lie to get the key to open the door of ghost cave clan? Are you stupid? Such a good opportunity is wasted by you

Just listen to the heart demon immediately face gloomy down looking at Chen Ge angry way.

Chen Ge is also closely staring at the heart demon.

"I'm not going to take my friends as a sacrifice chip!"

Chen Ge also immediately refuted to his own demons.


After hearing Chen GE's words, the heart demon is again toward Chen Ge to scold.

"Do you know what you're doing? Originally, an excellent opportunity is in front of you, but you don't know how to cherish it. You are absolutely stupid

The heart demon glared at Chen Ge angrily and continued to insult and scold.

"Shut up, you are just the devil in my heart. You can't control and decide my thoughts!"

Chen Ge can't help but retort angrily.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Hearing Chen GE's retort, the heart demon immediately burst out laughing.

All of a sudden, the whole darkness is filled with heart demon's laughter, the laughter is so sharp and gloomy.

"Yes? If I devour you, you will live under me forever

The heart demon's look instantly became insidious and cunning. He looked at Chen Ge and said.

With that, a weapon appeared in the hand of the demon.

"Xingyuan sword!"

Chen Ge was shocked when he saw this.

Yes, the weapon in the heart demon's hand is nothing else, it is Chen GE's own Xingyuan sword.

Chen Ge didn't expect that his heart demon could control Xingyuan sword.

"Chen Ge, since you are so stupid, don't blame me for my impoliteness. I want to wipe you out completely. I want to occupy your whole body and mind."

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