Soon, two hunters in purple cut a hole in Zhang's neck.

He let out the blood from old Zhang.

It's true that when people die, they still have to struggle, and they don't let old Zhang go at ease.

It's absolutely tragic. It's inhuman.

This is why Mr. Zhang is not willing to help Zhao Ling and others.

Because Zhang knew what kind of person Zhao Ling was, he would not compromise even if he would rather die.

But everything will not be as smooth as Zhao Ling thought.

Zhao Ling had Zhang's blood poured on the stone pillar in the middle.

There was no change after the blood was poured in.


Zhao Ling saw this, and then he scolded.

Angry, he couldn't stand it any more, picked up a knife and went to the old Zhang's body.

After several times of wielding a knife, Zhang's body was divided into several sections in an instant.

Such a cruel picture is really ugly.

Seeing this, the other hunters around felt a great fear in their hearts. No one dared to speak out, for fear that Zhao Ling would spread his anger on them.

"Build a camp here, and we'll wait for them to come out here!"

After calming down, Zhao Ling is to his subordinates command way.

Since we can't go inside, Zhao Ling can only choose to wait for the rabbit, waiting outside for Chen GE's return.

According to Zhao Ling's order, the hunters began to move one after another, and built a camp around the whole stone formation to surround it.

As long as Chen Ge two people come out from inside, then they will be controlled immediately.

It's a sinister trick.

At this time, Chen Ge and Chen Ge, who had already arrived at the territory of the ghost cave people, had already arrived.

The two of them did not know what happened outside, let alone the result that Zhang had been dismembered in order to save them.

If Chen Ge knew that, Chen Ge would be very angry and would not let Zhao Ling and others go. He would surely seek justice for Zhang and let Zhao Ling and others pay a painful price.

But it's also something to wait until Chen Ge gets the ghost hole rune.

Chen Ge takes Lei lie slowly into the territory of the ghost cave clan.

They were very careful when they took every step. They didn't dare to make any movement, for fear that what kind of mechanism was triggered.

When they got to the middle of the territory, the torches around them lit up automatically.

See this scene let Chen Ge two people immediately alert.

"Who are you?"

Then a thick voice came from around.

The sound makes people feel goosebumps all over the body in an instant.

Not to mention Lei lie, even Chen Ge feels a great sense of fear and pressure from his heart.

Lei lie was gasping for breath, his face was pale, and he looked very miserable.

"Chen Ge, the soul master of the younger generation!"

Chen Ge quickly called out.

With the call of Chen Ge, Lei lie and Chen GE's heart and state just recovered.

"I'll go.. What happened just now, brother Chen? "

Lei lie eases over, looks at Chen Ge in horror and asks.

"Don't talk!"

Chen Ge reminds Lei lie.

After a moment of silence, Ma Lie didn't dare to breathe.


At this time, a dark shadow flashed past Chen GE's two people.

Then, a man holding a scepter stood in front of Chen Ge.

The man was wearing a skull crown, holding a scepter, and wearing a mask of tusks on his face, which made him feel terrible.

But he was the ruler of the ghost cave clan.

"I'm the leader of the ghost cave clan. What are you two doing here?"

Guijianchou stares at Chen Ge and asks them word by word. Each word is so powerful and powerful that they can't resist it.

Chen Ge knows that if he and ghost see worry fight, I am afraid he will not be its opponent at all.

Guijianchou's strength has greatly exceeded Chen GE's imagination, and has exceeded the spirit world.

"Ghost see worry, master, I am a spirit Master who is half human and half ghost. This time I come here to borrow your ghost cave rune, in order to save all living creatures in the world. The python is dead, and the door of ghost world has been opened."

Chen Ge looked at the ghost to see sorrow respectfully.

"Oh, all these things have been fixed for a long time. Even if you come to take my Scepter now, it's useless. If the door of ghost world is opened, it means that the world has changed a lot. Maybe when you go back, everything will not be what you think."Guijianchou sneered and then looked at Chen Ge to tell the story.

"In spite of this, I still want to have a try, at least let people and ghosts live in peace, otherwise the world will be dead!"

Chen GE's firm tone preached to ghosts and ghosts.

After hearing this, he also looked at Chen Ge. He didn't expect that Chen Ge would have such an idea. It was for the sake of the living creatures in the world.

"Well, in that case, you can take it."

Ghost see worry after listening, also have no way, directly agreed to come down.

Hear ghost see worry so will, dun time let Chen Ge and Lei lie two people are ecstatic.

They thought it would be very difficult to get the Rune of ghost hole.

But now I didn't expect that it would be so simple that people would accept it with such ease.

Then, ghost see sorrow handed Chen Ge the ghost hole Rune in his hand.

Without saying a word, Chen Ge quickly took the Rune of the ghost cave and took it in his hand.

Holding it in his hand, Chen Ge felt extremely excited and couldn't believe everything in front of him.

Thank you very much, master

Chen Ge immediately said thanks to ghosts.

"Don't mention it. I also hope you can really save all living things in the world, so I can trust you!"

Ghost see worry is also light said a word.

"Of course, I will not let you down!"

Chen Ge also clearly nodded.

He knew that the reason why GUI Jian Chou so easily agreed to himself was that he trusted himself very much.

To gain such a great trust, Chen Ge certainly can't let ghost see sorrow down. He must do his best to save all living things in the world.

After saying that, Chen Ge is toward ghost to see sorrow again, thank some, and then ready to take Lei lie to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Just when Chen Ge and Chen Ge just took a step, they were stopped by ghost seeing sorrow.

They turned again and looked at the ghost.

"What else can I do for you, master?"

Chen Ge asked curiously, thinking that he would not have to regret it.

But soon this idea was removed from Chen GE's mind. How could an elder turn back? He must have thought too much.

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