After a day and night of flying, Chen Ge four finally returned to their own city.

All four were sleeping soundly on the plane.

It was the most comfortable day and night in a few days.

After getting off the plane, Chen GE's four people went to their xuanyang hall by car.

After half an hour, he returned to xuanyang hall.

"Yes! Brother Chen, we are back at last! It's really comfortable to go back to the city! "

Lei lie immediately raised his head and sighed. He felt that it was really comfortable to come back. He was too frightened and frightened by the wind and sun outside these days.

"By the way, ray, you don't have a place to live?"

At this time, Chen Ge suddenly thought of something and quickly asked Lei lie.

"Yes, brother Chen, I really don't have a place to live. When I came last time, I set out with you in a hurry."

By Chen Ge such a reminder, Lei lie also immediately reacts to come over, toward Chen Ge response way.

"Well, well, you and Lin Zilan will live with me and your sister Xia. Anyway, we still have a spare room over there. It's convenient for us to live with four people."

After listening to Chen Ge, he immediately proposed to Lin Zilan and Lei lie.


"Brother Chen, I'll listen to you!"

Lei lie and Lin Zilan immediately open their mouth and promise to Chen Ge.

For Chen GE's proposal, they have no opinion at all, as long as they have a place to live.

"OK, let's take you to the place where you live and have a good day's rest. Then we have more things to do."

Chen Ge continued.

With Lin zhenlie's, she goes to Chen's residence.

Chen Ge two people live in a very good place, not far from xuanyang hall, but also a very luxurious villa.

After coming to the villa, leilie and Lin Zilan were surprised.

"Wow, brother Chen, I didn't expect that the place you live in is so good!"

Lei lie couldn't help but cry out again.

He has never lived in a villa. He never thought that he could live in a villa. He is so happy.

Four people walk in, Chen Ge takes Lei lie, Zhen Ji takes Lin Zilan to see their own room.

After looking at the room, leilie and Lin Zilan have no opinions, and feel very good. They are both extremely excited and happy.

"Well, we've been working hard these days. Let's have a good rest today. Lei lie, Lin Zilan, you can clean up and have some good food together in the evening."

After that, Chen Ge looked at the three men and said.

Three people are also a burst of nodding to answer the way, and then each scattered busy work.

Chen Ge returns to her room.

"Drop by drop!"

At this time, Chen Ge received a strange number.

This number shows a local call, and the beginning of the number is very special. You can see that it is not a simple person.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Chen Ge connected the phone.

"Hello, who is it?"

After connecting Chen Ge, he asked lightly.

"Excuse me, it's Mr. Chen Ge, isn't it?"

There was a man's voice on the phone.

Chen Ge doubted for a while and asked, "I am, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Chen Ge. I'm the person in charge of the military aircraft Department of Jiangling City, Longguo. My name is Li Yuehe. I have a very difficult case of supernatural. I hope I can get your help!"

Li Yuehe at the other end of the phone said to Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he immediately understood that he was from the military aircraft Department of Jiangling city.

However, since the person in charge of the military aircraft department called himself personally, Chen Ge certainly wanted to give face and help.

"Well, I'll come by tomorrow morning!"

Then Chen Ge promised Li Yuehe.

"Well, thank you very much, Mr. Chen. I'll wait for you tomorrow."

Li Yuehe is also very respectful, Chao Chen Ge responded, and then hung up the phone.

The fame of Chen Ge xuanyang hall has been opened for a long time, so many people know Chen GE's ability.

Now encounter the case of supernatural, of course, the first time I think of is to find Chen Ge.

This night, Chen Ge four people sleep the most comfortable night.

The next morning, Chen Ge called leilie to get up early, and then took leilie to Jiangling military aircraft office.

"Brother Chen, what are we going to do at the military aircraft Department today?"

Leilie asked curiously in the car.

"You'll know when you get there!"

Chen Ge also made a simple response.

Leilie did not continue to ask, he knew that something must have happened.Soon, after more than 20 minutes, they arrived at Jiangling military aircraft office.

Li Yuehe, head of the military aircraft department, was waiting for Chen GE's arrival at the door.

Chen Ge two people from the car down, Li Yue he immediately smile to meet up.

"Mr. Chen!"

Li Yuehe greets Chen Ge with a smile.

"Hello, Li Jun!"

Chen Ge also politely responded to Li Yuehe, extending his hand and shaking it with Li Yue.

"This is my apprentice, whose name is Lei lie!"

Later, Chen Ge introduced Lei lie standing behind Li Yuehe.

Lei lie is also quick to react to greet Li Yuehe: "Li Jun office Hello, I am Lei lie."

"Hello, Hello!"

Li Yuehe also responded with a smile.

Seeing the arrival of master Chen Ge and his disciples, Li Yue was relieved.

"Come on, come on, let's go in and talk about it."

Then Li Yuehe beckoned Chen Ge into the building of the military aircraft department.

Soon, Li Yuehe and Chen Ge came to a large conference room. There were a lot of subordinates sitting inside. Everyone was busy investigating the case.

Seeing Li Yuehe and Chen Ge come in, all of a sudden everyone is quiet.

"Mr. Chen Lei, you are welcome to solve this case

Li Yuehe looked at the subordinates at the bottom and introduced them loudly.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Hearing Li Yuehe's words, all the subordinates at the bottom stood up and applauded.

In fact, Chen GE's name has long been like a thunderbolt. Now I can finally see myself. Of course, it makes them very excited and happy.

With the goods, Chen Ge and Lei lie sat down.

"All right, let's go!"

Li Yuehe also told his subordinates at the bottom and started the seminar on the merits of the case.

I saw a subordinate came over with information in his hand and put it on the table in front of Chen Ge.

"Mr. Chen Ge, please take a look at the case."

Li Yuehe gestured to Chen Ge with a smile.

After picking up the information in front of him, he nodded and listened to it.

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