"No, you don't have to go this time. I'll go with Wang Yun myself."

Chen Ge looks at Lei lie and says.

"Brother Chen."

"Lei lie, I know you want to study with me and see the world, but not this time. When we go to Dongwu mountain, we don't know what kind of danger is waiting for us. So I can't let you take risks. You stay here to learn the knowledge of becoming a monk with Miss Zhen."

Chen Ge looks at Lei lie with great care and tells that he is also for Lei lie's good.

After all, Lei lie is an ordinary person, and there is still a big gap with himself. Chen Ge hopes that Lei lie can learn more knowledge. Only in this way can he help him solve many difficulties together, instead of letting him protect Lei lie all the time.

Hear Chen Ge say so, Lei lie also has no opinion, can obediently listen to Chen GE's words, stay in the office.

"Zhenji, after I left, you will take care of everything in the office. If there is anything I can do after I come back!"

Then Chen Ge said to Zhen Ji, looking to one side.

"Well, don't worry."

Zhen Ji also nodded.

For Chen GE's words, Zhen Ji certainly won't have any opinions. The only thing she can do is to support Chen Ge.

"Well, all right, you go on studying, Zhen Ji. I'll talk to you alone!"

Zhenji tells Chen Chao lie another word.

Then Chen Ge and Zhen Ji went to one side.

"Chen Ge, do you really decide to cooperate with them? I don't think they are very reliable! "

Zhen Ji looks at Chen Ge and asks again.

After listening, Chen Ge smiles. Of course, he knows Zhen Ji is worried about herself.

"Don't worry. The people of RI Yun group can't do anything to me, but I'm going to find something important. Have you forgotten the lady picture we've been looking for? It may appear in Dongwu mountain, so I'm going to go there and have a look. "

Chen Ge also explained to Chen Ji and comforted her.

"I understand, but you have to be careful. Those people in Nippon will not have such a simple purpose."

Zhen Ji is a reminder of Chao Chen GE's concern.

Chen Ge smiles, then reaches out to touch Zhen Ji's face and nods.

"Drop by drop!"

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rang.

Chen Ge took it out and saw that it was Wang Yun who called.

You don't have to guess Chen Ge to know the purpose of Wang Yun's call. He must have told himself that the departure time has been set.

A few seconds later, Chen Ge put the phone through.

"Hello, Wang Yun!"

Chen Gechao and Wang Yun said hello.

"Brother Chen, Lin Tianyuan has already sent me the departure time. I will gather at the entrance of the expressway at 9:00 tomorrow morning and wait!"

Only listen to Wang Yun will set off time high speed to Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he immediately responded.

"Well, I see. I'll be there on time at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

After that, Chen Ge hung up.

"Start tomorrow morning, so fast?"

After hearing Chen GE's time, Zhen Ji also exclaimed.

"It seems that those people in the Nippon group can't wait, so they are in such a hurry to start!"

Chen Ge, of course, was also immediately aware of this one of the famous.

"In a word, just be careful yourself!"

Zhen Ji doesn't want to say anything more. She can only give such a reminder and advice.

When the time came, Chen Ge had packed all the equipment and luggage.

In addition to three or four clothes to change, the rest is some equipment that Chen Ge needs to use.

The journey ahead of this adventure is completely unknown, so no one knows what kind of danger will be encountered. The only thing we can do is to make all preparations and take measures to prevent it from happening.

Chen Ge sleeps very early tonight, also is to prepare for tomorrow, must replenish the good condition and the spirit.

As soon as he woke up to dawn the next day, Chen Ge got up early.

After a simple breakfast, Chen Ge set off with his luggage on his back. Drive to the highway entrance.

At nine o'clock sharp in the morning, Chen Ge successfully meets Wang Yun and Lin Tianyuan.

But at this time, I saw a call from the trunk of Chen GE's car.

After hearing this sound, Chen Ge and others were immediately attracted.

Chen Ge quickly walked to the trunk of the car and opened it. Lei lie was lying in it with a bag on his back. )

"Lei lie? Why are you here? "

Chen Ge see is Lei lie, suddenly surprised asked, he did not expect Lei lie will appear in the trunk.

"Hey, brother Chen, I really want to go with you, so let me follow you!"Lei lie laughingly looks at Chen Ge to propose a way.

Chen Ge frowned in an instant.

"Nonsense, who asked you to come with me, go back to me right away!"

Chen Ge immediately became gloomy and angrily drank to Lei lie.

By Chen Ge such a reprimand, Lei lie immediately did not dare to speak.

"Brother Chen, I just want to go with you. Take me with you."

After a while, Lei Lei looked at Chen Ge again and said, staring at Chen Ge with a pair of pleading eyes.

"Well.. How to say hello

Chen Ge also has no way, glanced at Lei lie after saying.

"All right, you've come, so let's go together."

Then Chen Ge had to choose to agree to come down, agreed to let leilie go together.

As soon as Lei lie listened, he was very happy.

"Yes, thank you, brother Chen!"

Lei lie excitedly thanks to Chen Ge.

"Mr. Chen, is this?"

At this time, Lin Tianyuan asked Chen Ge in doubt.

"Oh, chairman Lin, this is my apprentice, Lei lie!"

Chen Ge also introduced Lin Tianyuan immediately.

After hearing Chen GE's introduction, Lin Tianyuan was relieved.

"Since it's Mr. Chen, your apprentice, let's go together. Maybe the master and apprentice will be more powerful together."

Lin Tianyuan also said with a smile at Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he glared at Lei lie behind him, and then took leilie to sit on Wang Yun's car.

Chen GE's car was parked in the parking lot on one side.

On the way, Chen Ge did not communicate with each other.

Chen Ge sat in the co driver's seat with her eyes closed. Wang Yun was responsible for driving, and Lei lie was in the back row.

"Brother Chen, I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. Don't be angry with me!"

See Chen Ge don't say a word, let Lei lie very flustered, quickly apologize to Chen Ge up.

Chen Ge slowly opened his eyes and took out his mobile phone.

After taking out the mobile phone, Chen Ge dialed Zhen Ji's number.

The phone was put through soon.

"Hello, Chen Ge, what's the matter?"

Soon Zhen Ji's voice came from the phone.

After hearing Zhen Ji's voice, Lei lie was also a little worried,

"Zhen Ji, Lei lie has been taken away by me, let me tell you!"

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