"Ha ha, little friend, there is no way to go up this mountain. We have explored it for many years. The road is still good. Some places can't go at all. We have to climb up."

Walking in front of the village head Lin Shanqi heard Lei lie's words, but also laughed and joked.

This kind of mountain road is indeed very difficult for the three of Chen Ge, but they also have no way. If they want to find the cave, they have to bear to get used to it.

Some things, do not pay some price, how can success?

After an hour's trek, they finally came to a good place to walk, and they were hundreds of meters away from the foot of the mountain. It can be said that they came to the position half way up the mountain.

Under the sight of hundreds of meters of deep valley, it is really can not help but produce a sense of fear.

"Three little friends, there is the cave you are looking for!"

At this time only listen to Lin Shanqi and look at Chen Ge three people sign way.

Hearing Lin Shanqi's words, Chen GE's three people immediately cast their eyes in the direction Lin Shanqi points to.

It turned out that there were two stone pillars at a hole.

It seems that this place should be the place that Chen Ge three people want to look for.

"Well, thank you very much, village head. We can go by ourselves."

Later, Chen Ge said thanks to Lin Shanqi.

"Well, you should be more careful and go back to the village to find me when you come back!"

Lin Shanqi is also a kind-hearted Chao Chen Ge three people proposed.

"OK, thank you, village head!"

Chen Ge three people at the same time with one voice of thanks.

After that, the three people walked toward the cave together, and then said goodbye to Lin Shanqi.

Lin Shanqi said goodbye to several other villagers, and then went on his way to the mountain.

Soon, Chen Ge three people came to the entrance of the mountain.

When I came to the entrance of the mountain, I saw a large rock platform inside. As expected, as Tong Lin Shanqi said, there was indeed a stone wall similar to the gate.

"Brother Chen, what mechanism should be used to open the stone gate?"

Lei lie looks at the stone wall gate in front of him and suggests to Chen Ge.

"You're right. There must be some mechanism around here to open the door!"

Chen Ge also agreed with Lei lie's words.

"Let's look for it."

Wang Yun also said excitedly.

The words fall, the three people immediately around to look for up.

After looking for a while, the Kung Fu pays off. As expected, Chen GE's three people find the mechanism to open the door.

The mechanism is a shape similar to the eight trigrams.

"This is not the eight diagrams."

Lei lie said it immediately after seeing it.

"Brother Chen, do you understand gossip?"

After saying that, Lei lie is looking at Chen Ge and asking.

After listening to Chen Ge, he also nodded slightly.

"The eight trigrams are also known as eight gates. Each gate has different meanings. However, I don't know the secret arts of geomantic omen, but I only know one or two of them."

Chen Ge made a simple explanation, and then revealed the color of difficulty.

It seems that if you want to open the stone wall gate, you must solve the Eight Diagrams diagram. If you want to open the gate, you must have something to do with the geomantic omen.

"What do we do, brother Chen, you don't know Feng Shui.".. How can we get in? "

Wang Yun looked at Chen Ge and asked.

"Don't worry, there must be some way. Although I don't understand, I still know something. The general way to enter such a place is certainly not too difficult. It is the real problem to come out. "

Chen Ge stares at Wang Yun and explains to Lei lie.

After that, Chen Ge looked at the eight diagrams in front of him and looked at it. I was deeply in thought.

"I see!"

After a while, Chen Ge began to cry out.

"I understand that the eight diagrams is not the mechanism to open the stone wall gate, but to tell us where the mechanism exists."

Chen Ge analyzed it in detail.

Then, Chen Ge found the location according to the eight diagrams.

"Left and right for the ridge, back and forth for the separation!"

Chen Ge read a sentence in his mouth.

Looking for it according to this spoken language, Chen Ge really found the location of the mechanism.

It's hard for ordinary people to find such a mechanism, unless it's someone who really understands the eight trigrams and geomantic omen.

It can only be said that Chen Ge is just lucky, the front of these is still simple, can let him smoothly find the location of the organ.

After finding the mechanism, Chen Ge directly twisted the mechanism.

With the twist of the mechanism, the stone wall gate immediately began to shake violently.Then, the stone gate opened, and a dark passage appeared in front of Chen GE's three people.

Seeing the passage in front of them, they looked at each other at the same time.

"Brother Chen, you succeeded!"

Wang Yun excitedly looked at Chen Ge and said.

Then, the three immediately walked into the passage and walked into the cave.

With the three people's entering, the stone wall gate at the entrance of the passage was immediately closed.

As Chen Ge said, it's easy to come in, but it's really a big problem to go out.

However, since we are here, we should take it as we come. We should go ahead and find out what happened.

Leilie took out a flashlight from the bag and handed it to Chen Ge and Wang Yun. Each of them had a flashlight and walked all the way to the inside.

To tell you the truth, such a dark environment, it is really easy to make people feel inexplicable fear.

But fortunately, they are not one person, but three people together, finally there will be a little comfort and security.

Soon, Chen Ge three people out of the channel, this passage is 100 meters long.

But as soon as they got out of the tunnel, they were blocked by a wall. They had just climbed out of the pit and fell into another pit.

"Why is there another wall here?"

Lei lie looks at the wall in front of her and asks Chen Ge in doubt.

Chen Ge looks at the wall in front of him and reaches out to touch the wall.


When Chen Ge just touched the moment, the whole wall began to shake.

Then the wall moves directly to one side and opens.

After the wall was opened, Chen GE's three people were shocked.

Yes, in front of them was a pile of gold and silver treasures as high as the mountain. Countless gold coins scattered on the ground, emitting the golden light.

In an instant, the whole inside lit up a candle.

"I'll go!"

Seeing this scene, Lei lie and Wang Yun both exclaimed.

Both of them were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"My God, with so many gold coins, we are going to be rich!"

Wang Yun exclaimed, full of excitement, and then directly rushed in.

See Wang Yun rushed in, Chen Ge subconsciously want to stop, but he was deeply attracted by a thing.

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