"What's the situation?"

Chen Ge immediately asked.

"The dead man was the security guard of the day transport group. The time of death was around 12 o'clock last night. It should be that something strange happened to me when I was on patrol. The body of the dead person turned into a corpse with white eyes and no life."

Li Yue he immediately told Chen Ge what they found in detail.

After listening to Chen Ge, he stepped forward and squatted down to check the body of the security guard in front of him.

After careful examination, Chen Ge is more sure that Lin Tianyuan did it.

At this time, I found that there was a wine bottle left in the wine cupboard.

Seeing this, Chen Ge quickly went to the front of the cabinet, opened it, and took out the bottle of wine and the wine cup inside, and looked at it in his hand.

After the brain's rapid operation and speculation, Chen Ge may be able to guess a reason.

It is estimated that Lin Tianyuan came back to the RI Yun group yesterday. When he was drinking wine, he met the security guard's patrol inspection. Therefore, Lin Tianyuan killed him and absorbed the soul and essence of the security guard. Therefore, this scene happened.

Then Chen Ge turned again and looked at Li Yuehe.

"Li Jun, can you speak for a moment?"

Chen Ge looked at Li Yuehe and proposed.

Li Yue after straightening out, first is a Leng, and then nodded to agree to come down.

With that, they went to one side to talk.

"Mr. Chen Ge, is there anything strange about it?"

Li Yuehe looked at Chen Ge in surprise and asked.

Chen Ge immediately told Li Yuehe, "Li Jun office, to tell you the truth, this security guard was not killed by others. It was Lin Tianyuan, chairman of the Nippon group, who did it!"

Hear Chen Ge say so, let Li Yuehe suddenly surprised incomparably, love shows incredible expression.

"Here. Mr. Chen Ge, why do you say that? Is there any evidence? "

Li Yuehe is not the kind of person who is easy to believe casually, but asks Chen Ge in doubt.

Everything has to pay attention to evidence, so he still hopes Chen Ge can produce evidence, only in this way can Li Yuehe believe.

After listening to Chen Ge, he was not angry. Of course, he also understood Li Yuehe's thoughts.

As a person in the Department of military aircraft, we can't make a conclusion so rashly.

Then, Chen Ge and Li Yuehe started a conversation, told Li Yuehe about their trip to Lingshan, and told him about the mutation of Lin Tianyuan.

Believe it or not, it's up to Li Yuehe to decide. Anyway, Chen GE has said it clearly.

After hearing this, Li Yuehe was also skeptical.

He looked at Chen GE's look and didn't seem to be joking. After all, Chen Ge didn't have to make fun of such things.

"Li junchu, Lin Tianyuan is now a very dangerous person. He is no longer a man, but a man and a ghost. He has the ability to absorb people's soul and essence. He will not appear rashly during the day, but will only come out at night and night."

Chen Ge is looking at Li Yuehe again.

"But.. Where can we catch Lin Tianyuan? "

Li Yuehe frowned tightly and asked Chen Ge with some difficulties.

If it is really like what Chen Ge said, then Lin Tianyuan is really a very dangerous person, but we must quickly seize Lin Tianyuan, otherwise the disaster will be more and more.

"Li Jun's office, this place is Lin Tianyuan's own office. I had a look at it just now and found that he must have drunk the wine in his cupboard when he came back yesterday. This means that he will come to hide in the middle of the night, so I think we can work together to arrest him tonight!"

Chen Ge immediately proposed to Li Yuehe.

After listening to Li Yuehe, there was no objection.

"Well, you can do as I say!"

Li Yuehe directly agreed to Chen GE's proposal.

Soon, Li Yuehe asked the body of the security guard to be disposed of, and then the scene was treated and arranged with some organs and monitoring equipment.

When you're ready, just wait for the night to come.

Time came to night, the night gradually darkened down, the lights outside had already lit up the whole city.

In order not to let Lin Tianyuan detect anything, Chen Ge asked Li Yuehe to turn off the lights of the whole RI Yun group. Then Chen Ge disguised himself as a security guard and began to patrol the whole building.

Li Yuehe and others are sitting in the car, seriously staring at the monitoring. The monitoring is placed in a small corner of Lin Tianyuan's office, which can see the situation of the whole office.

Everything is ready, only east wind, and then we just need to wait for the arrival of Lin Tianyuan.

According to yesterday's situation, Chen Ge guessed that Lin Tianyuan would come again tonight. After all, this is the only place where Lin Tianyuan can stay.Most of the time passed, and in a flash it was about 11 o'clock in the evening.

Just as everyone was getting sleepy, a black shadow suddenly flashed through the surveillance and turned into a human figure in Lin Tianyuan's office.

Judging from his body shape, he is indeed Lin Tianyuan.

After Li Yuehe saw it, he really felt incredible. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe the fact. Now he knows that everything Chen Ge said is true.

At this time, Chen Ge, disguised as a security guard, has also begun to patrol, and directly went up to the 16th floor, Lin Tianyuan's office.

According to the scene of last night, Chen Ge also took a flashlight to shine in the office, and made a change in his voice, which could not be heard by Lin Tianyuan.

"Who are you? How could it be in our chairman's office? "

Chen Ge pushed open the door and came in, lighting Lin Tianyuan's back with a flashlight and asked intentionally.

Lin Tianyuan's eyes flashed cold killing intention, and then directly turned his head to look at Chen Ge, and immediately flashed in front of Chen Ge.

But when Lin Tianyuan was ready to make a move, the lights around him lit up in an instant.

"Lin Tianyuan, you've been cheated!"

Chen Ge raised a strange smile and looked at Lin Tianyuan.

When Lin Tianyuan saw that the man in front of him was Chen Ge, he was shocked, and he knew that he had been cheated.

"Chen Ge!"

Lin Tianyuan grinned his teeth and roared.

The sound falls, Lin Tianyuan immediately releases the black fog from his body to attack Chen Ge.

Chen Ge, of course, had long been ready to deal with it, and directly showed his own Xingyuan sword in front of him.

Xingyuan sword absorbed all the black fog instantly.

"Lin Tianyuan, you don't want to leave here today!"

Chen Ge directly roared at Lin Tianyuan.

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