
Two security guards immediately laughed at Chen GE's words.

"Boy, what qualifications do you have to teach me? I think you are looking for a fight!"

Finish saying that, two security guards to Chen Ge waving the baton in hand to hit.

"Pa!" "Pa!"

Chen Ge directly on the quick hand, two slaps on the two security to fly out.

Two security guards flew directly into the company and fell to the ground.

The huge movement immediately attracted the attention of all the people inside, and all of a sudden they looked at the door.

Hearing the sound, the security captain Zhang De rushed to the door in a hurry.

Before Zhang De wants to open his mouth and scold angrily, he swallows it back to his mouth.

Because he found that the person was not someone else, but Chen Ge, chairman of Yaojiang group. How could Zhang De not recognize Chen Ge.

"Chen.. Chen Dong! "

Zhang De exclaimed in horror.

Shua, all the people present were shocked. No one dared to make a little noise. They were standing still.

Chen Ge came in slowly from the door.

In an instant, everyone's eyes are tightly fixed on Chen GE's body.

Especially the two security guards, their faces were even more frightened. Where did they think that the person in front of them was Chen Ge, chairman of Yaojiang group.

If they knew and gave them 10000 courage, they would not dare to treat Chen Ge with such an attitude.

They knew that they were doomed and their jobs would not be guaranteed.

"Captain Zhang, is this the man you recruited?"

Chen Ge walks up to Zhang De and gives him a cold glance.

By Chen Ge such a question, Zhang De was speechless, did not know how to respond to Chen GE's words.

"Mr. Chen.. I

Zhang De couldn't speak.

"Needless to say, you can go to the financial department and settle your salary and leave now."

Chen Ge didn't want to talk to them more, so he said to Zhang De directly.

Zhang De several people suddenly like a thunderbolt general bombardment in the body, they know this really finished.

Losing such a good job means that there is no living allowance.

You should know that to work in Yaojiang entertainment, the salary is very high, and the treatment is also very good.

Such a good job, now there is no, of course, who will feel uncomfortable.

But the more so, the more strict Chen Gecai has to be.

We can't do nothing because of the company's good treatment and welfare. We can't be idle every day.

Don't talk about Yaojiang group and Yaojiang entertainment. Even if you change to other companies, it's the same. A company will never raise an idle person.

"Mr. Chen.. I know I'm wrong. Please don't fire us and give us another chance. "

Zhang De immediately knelt down and pleaded in front of Chen GE's heel.

"Mr. Chen, I'm old and young, and my family depends on me. If I don't have this job, I really don't know what to do. Please don't fire me. I'm sure I won't do this again. I'll do it well."

Zhang Dechao prayed to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge took a look at Zhang De, but he was helpless.

"Well, I can give you a chance, but all of them have to leave. If you recruit again, don't blame me for my ruthlessness."

Chen Ge is not unreasonable. He still chooses to give Zhang De another chance.

Everyone makes mistakes, as long as they know how to correct them.

"Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Chen. I will do what you say and strictly control it."

Zhang De quickly nodded and agreed.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

With that, Chen Ge glanced at the two security guards and walked upstairs without looking back.

"You two, get out of here now!"

After Chen Ge left, Zhang De yelled at the two security guards angrily.

Hearing Zhang De's reprimand, the two security guards have no way but to bow their heads and leave Yaojiang entertainment.

Zhang De is also lucky in his heart. Fortunately, Chen Ge is willing to give him a chance, otherwise he will be expelled like these people.

But this lesson also let Zhang Deqing Chen GE's temper, he will never dare to mess again, must do well to show Chen Ge.

Soon, Chen Ge came upstairs.

Lei lie's office is on the sixth floor.

Come to the door of Lei lie's office, Chen Ge sees that Lei lie is making love with a female model in it.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Chen Ge knocked on the door of Lei lie's office without saying a word.

The knock on the door surprised Lei lie and the model.Leilie two people suddenly look back, when he saw Chen Ge standing at the door, suddenly a burst of shock, immediately let go of the female model in his arms.

"Mr. Qin."

"Shut up, don't speak without me!"

Lei lie changed his face and yelled at the female model in a low voice.

Female models are scolded and dare not speak.

Later, Lei Lei Lei quickly went to the door, opened the door and looked at Chen Ge with a smile.

"Brother Chen, why are you free today?"

Lei lie smiles at Chen Ge and says hello.

Chen Ge looks helplessly at Lei lie, and then goes in.

After entering, Chen Ge turned her eyes to the female model, who was also looking at Chen Ge with curiosity and doubt on her face.

"Mr. Qin, who is he?"

The female model asked curiously to Lei lie.

"Shut up, he is Chen Dong, chairman of Yaojiang group. You are not qualified to speak!"

Leilie immediately yelled at the female model.

Hearing this, the female model's face suddenly changed, and her face was full of nervousness and panic.

I'm kidding. Chen Ge, the chairman of Yaojiang group, arrived. It's a boss who is bigger than Lei lie. How could she have the right to speak? It's really stupid to ask this question just now.

"You, go out first!"

Chen Ge looked directly at the female model and said in a deep voice.

Where the female model dare not listen, she quickly walked out, and when she walked out, she did not forget to close the door carefully, for fear that Chen Ge would deal with her.

Later, only Chen Ge and Lei lie were left in the office.

"Brother Chen."

Leilie touched the back of his head and looked at Chen Ge in some embarrassment.

Chen Ge sits down and looks at Lei lie.

"Lei lie, as a president, you should pay more attention to the company's situation."

Chen Ge looks at Lei lie and says.

Leilie sat down a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, brother Chen. I let you down."

Lei Lei apologizes to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge also a light smile, said: "I know you like to play, I do not object to this point, but you also have to be responsible for some of the company's situation, otherwise the company can really be finished, do you understand what I mean?"

Chen Ge didn't come specially to set up a teacher to make a crime, but just let him see the company's appearance today, which really made Chen Ge a little worried.

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