"President Gibson, this is the acquisition contract. Please have a look, and you can ask any questions you have!"

Chen Ge reminds Gibson.

Gibson took over the contract and looked at it immediately.

The meaning of the contract is that after Yaojiang acquired Pingcheng company, Pingcheng company will not exist. Even if the products produced and developed are named after Yaojiang.

However, Chen Ge didn't fill in the column of purchase amount, and gave it to Pingcheng company to fill in.

After a while, Gibson dropped the contract.

"Mr. Chen Ge, as you know, our Pingcheng company is well-known all over the world, and its profits and stocks are very high every year, so..."

Gibson looks at Chen Ge and reminds him.

"President Gibson, I don't think we need to beat around the bush. Your Pingsheng company will just give me a purchase amount."

Chen Ge doesn't want to hear Gibson say so much nonsense.

He doesn't like to beat around the bush. He'd better be frank.

Hearing Chen Ge say so, Gibson was embarrassed for a moment, and then immediately looked at all the shareholders at the bottom to discuss.

After a long time, Gibson and others finished the discussion.

"Mr. Chen Ge, according to all the market value of our company, the current market value of our Pingcheng company is 120 billion US dollars."

Gibson looked at Chen Ge and said with a smile.

120 billion dollars, which is a huge amount.

Hearing this amount, Zhen Ji was shocked and immediately looked at Chen Ge.

Zhen Ji doesn't think Chen Ge can get so much money to buy Pingcheng.

If Chen Ge can't buy it, they will lose face and make a big deal today.

At this time, Chen Ge sat in a position and fell into meditation.

In fact, he seems to be thinking, but he is not.

Chen Ge is communicating with Meng Meng in her brain.

"Meng Meng, how much exchange value does it cost for us $120 billion?"

Chen Ge asks Meng Meng in his head.

"Master, it costs 10000 points to exchange 120 billion US dollars. Are you sure you want to change it?"

Just listen to Meng Meng and immediately give Chen Ge a reply.

Well, it costs only 10000 points of its own exchange value of $120 billion, which is also very cost-effective.

"Make sure you change it, now, immediately, immediately!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Ge directly orders Meng Meng.

"Good master, I'll change it for you right away!"

Meng Meng responds directly to Tao.

"Drop by drop..."

Just after talking with Meng Meng, Chen GE's mobile phone rang out a series of prompt tones.

Chen Ge does not need to see to know, it must be the money to the account.

So familiar with the sound, Chen GE has long been listening to the ear cocoon.

At this time, Zhen Ji is close to Chen Ge.

"Mr. Chen, if you can't buy it, you can still refuse it now. At least we don't have to look ugly!"

Zhen Ji's kind-hearted Chao Chen Ge reminds her that she is very worried now.

Hearing Zhen Ji's words, Chen Ge just reacted.

"Mr. Gibson, please give me an account. I can put $120 billion into your account now, and we will sign the purchase contract directly!"

The next second, Chen Ge smiles and says to Gibson.


Everyone at the scene looked shocked.

Zhen Ji's face became extremely surprised.

She didn't expect that Chen Ge could really get so much money.

My God, this is not ten thousand dollars.

That's 120 billion dollars. It's an astronomical concept.

After a long time, all the people present reacted to the shock.

"Mr. Chen Ge, I'll sign the contract with you right now!"

Gibson had no opinion, and agreed with a smile.

After that, Gibson signed a purchase contract with Chen Ge, filling in the purchase amount of $120 billion.

After signing the contract, Gibson immediately gave Chen Ge an account.

Without saying a word, Chen Ge directly remitted US $120 billion.

"Well, check it out!"

After the remittance, Chen GE's face was calm and reminded Gibson.


Voice down, Gibson's mobile phone rang a message.

When I opened it, it turned out to be $120 billion.

Another look of shock came to Gibson's face.He has never seen such a bold and wealthy person as Chen Ge. He is even richer than bilmotz.

Joking, Chen Ge can be said to be the world's richest person worthy of the first person.

Bill Motz, ballart, is nothing.

Chen Ge can kill these people every minute if he wants to.

The new president of the company, Chen Pingge, is now the beginning.

"Mr. Chen, do you have anything to tell the company next?"

At this time, Gibson changed his address and asked Chen Ge.

Chen Ge nodded and took a look at all the shareholders sitting.

"First, from now on, Pingcheng company will be incorporated into Yaojiang group, and a new name will be added before all trademarks. This name is: Yaoguang Pingsheng company."

"Second, the positions and shares of all of you will remain unchanged, and each person will receive an additional 2% profit."

"Third, put all the technology of Pingsheng company under Yaojiang!"

Just listening to Chen Ge, he said three requirements directly.

Hearing Chen Ge say so, all of you have no opinion.

You know, for them, Chen GE's acquisition has brought them two percent more income, which is a good thing.

"Also, there will be a press conference tomorrow. Gibson, you will announce the acquisition."

Then Chen Ge suggested to Gibson.

Gibson nodded and agreed directly, without any opinion.

I'm kidding. Chen Ge is now the new chairman of Pingcheng company. Of course, Chen GE has to listen to everything.

"Well, it's all right. Everyone can break up!"

After all this, Chen Ge stood up and preached, and then took Zhen Ji away from the headquarters of Pingcheng company.

Along the way, Zhen Ji is still in shock.

"Zhen Ji, you book two tickets to dabangguo tomorrow. I'm going to buy Sanxin!"

At this time, Chen Ge gave an order to Zhen Ji.

After hearing this, Zhen Ji glared her eyes again, almost falling out of her eyes.

"Mr. Chen, you just bought a Pingsheng company, and you want to buy Sanxin immediately?"

Zhen Ji looks at Chen Ge in disbelief and asks.

Chen Ge smile, can't place a head to respond: "yes, what's the problem?"

"No, no, it's just that you're too rich!"

Zhen Ji quickly shook her head and could not help sighing.

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