"Yes, what Chen Dong taught me is that I remember it."

Peter nodded quickly.

At this time, he was also relieved.

Last night, Texan scolded himself.

Fortunately, Chen Ge didn't argue with him and didn't mean to dismiss him.

So Peter is relieved.

After the explanation, Chen Ge and Zhen Ji get on the bus and leave the hotel for the airport.

He'll let Gibson do it anyway.

Arriving at the airport, Chen Ge and Chen Ge successfully caught up with the plane and flew to dabangguo.

It was about 10:00 p.m. when we arrived at dabangguo airport.

Chen GE has asked Zhen Ji to arrange the car and the hotel.

After a night's rest, Chen Ge took Zhen Ji to Sanxin company headquarters by car the next day.

Chen GE has informed long Guoyao Jiang's personal secretary to come to dabangguo.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Chen Ge and his personal secretary successfully met.

"Zhou Nuo, have you prepared all the documents?"

When he saw his Secretary Zhou Nuo, Chen Ge asked Zhou Nuo.

Zhou Nuo immediately nodded to reply: "Chen Dong, all the preparations have been completed, and the acquisition contract is also ready."


Chen Ge nodded with satisfaction.

Give the matter to Zhou Nuo, Chen Ge is very relieved.

He believed that Zhou Nuo would get everything ready.

Soon, Chen Ge and his party arrived at the downstairs of the headquarters building of Sanxin company.

Chen GE has asked Zhou Nuo to contact Han Guangming, CEO of Sanxin company in advance.

Han Guangming has been standing downstairs waiting.

Seeing Chen GE's arrival, Han Guangming immediately welcomed him.

"Mr. Chen, welcome to Sanxin company!"

Han Guangming smiles and greets Chen Ge.

Two days ago, Han Guangming just learned about the acquisition of Pingcheng company.

When he was still worried about whether his Sanxin company would be acquired, he received a call from Zhou Nuo, the private secretary of Chen ge of Yaojiang group.

Zhou Nuo told him that Yaojiang group would come to buy Sanxin company.

Han Guangming knew that he had no way to avoid all this.

Even Pingcheng company has been acquired by Yaojiang group. How long can their Sanxin company hold on to.

Therefore, Han Guangming can only choose compromise.

Besides, being acquired is not a bad thing.

Later, Han Guangming led Chen Ge and his party into the headquarters building of Sanxin company.

Like Pingsheng, Han Guangming has assembled all the shareholders.

Come to the conference room.

Han Guangming took the initiative to let the middle seat out for Chen Ge, but he did it on both sides.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chen gechen, founder of Yaojiang group and chairman of the board."

Only listen to Han Guangming is to look at the bottom of the shareholders to introduce.

Hearing this, the shareholders at the bottom applauded in succession.

These are the old ways. Chen Ge doesn't care about the ceremony and welcome.

"Han Dong, I won't beat around the bush. You Sanxin can directly estimate the market value, give me a purchase amount, and we can sign the purchase contract immediately."

Chen Ge looks directly at Han Guangming and suggests.

Han Guangming was stunned at first, then nodded his head in a hurry and said, "well, listen to Chen Dong."

With that, Han Guangming immediately started to estimate with the shareholders below.

After about half an hour.

Han Guangming and others have finally estimated the market value of Sanxin company.

"Mr. Chen, the current market value of Sanxin is $400 billion."

Han Guangming will tell the amount.

Hearing Han Guangming's words, Chen Ge nodded.

Then Chen Ge goes into her head and talks with Meng Meng.

"Meng Meng, how much exchange value do you need to exchange for us $400 billion?"

"Master, we need 6000 RMB in exchange for 400 billion US dollars. Do you want to change it?"

After listening to Meng Meng, she immediately replied to Chen Ge.


Chen Ge responded without hesitation.

"OK, I'm changing it for you!"


As soon as the voice dropped, Chen GE's mobile phone rang.

$400 billion has arrived!

After the money arrived, Chen Ge immediately opened his mouth and said to Han Guangming, "OK, no problem, then sign the purchase contract directly."

Han Guangming was shocked to see Chen GE's promise so readily.

But he has nothing to be curious about.

You know, Chen Ge just recently acquired Pingcheng company.Compared with Sanxin company, Pingcheng company is much inferior to Sanxin company, which can be seen from the result of market value estimation.

One is $120 billion, one is only $400 billion.

So Chen GE's acquisition of Sanxin company is a very simple matter.

Then, Zhou Nuo took out the acquisition contract and handed it to Han Guangming.

Han Guangming took over and immediately began to sign.

After signing, Han Guangming gave the account to Chen Ge.

Without saying a word, Chen Ge transferred $400 billion to Han Guangming's account.

Acquisition completed!

From now on, Sanxin company has officially become a company under Yaojiang.

"First, Sanxin brand was renamed Yaojiang Sanxin company."

"Second, the owners of the company remain unchanged, and shareholders' shares and earnings increase by 2%. You, Han Guangming, are still the CEO here."

"Third, all the technical and product data of Sanxin are handed over to Yaojiang group!"

With the previous acquisition of Ping Cheng company, Chen Ge is still the three requirements.

After hearing Chen GE's three demands, Han Guangming agreed immediately without any comment.

"By the way, you can hold a press conference in the afternoon to announce the news that Sanxin was acquired by Yaojiang!"

Then Chen Ge reminds Han Guangming again.

Now that it has been acquired, it is of course necessary to announce that Sanxin has been acquired by Yaojiang.

After the acquisition, Chen Ge left Sanxin headquarters with Zhou Nuo and Zhen Ji.

"Mr. Chen, don't you need to replace some of the staff of Pingcheng company and Sanxin company?"

After leaving, Zhou Nuo asked Chen Ge curiously and doubtfully.

Chen Ge listens, smiles, looks at Zhou Nuo and responds: "Zhou Nuo, now we just acquired, many things of the two companies are still in the hands of those people, we need to slowly get familiar with and integrate into, if a sudden injection of new blood, will lead to the whole balance instability."

After listening to Chen GE's explanation, Zhou Nuo understood immediately.

"I see, Chen Dong!"

Zhou Nuo nodded.


At this time, on the other side, in the black palace of Dabang state.

It's time for us to hold a forum with some senior officials of dabangguo.

He threw his papers on the table.


His face was full of anger.

"Yaojiang group actually bought Pingcheng company, this.. All of a sudden, the enterprises of our big bang state have become those of Longguo! "

Especially reliable spectrum is very uncomfortable to say.

We should know that Pingsheng company is an important enterprise in Dabang.

Now, it has been acquired by Yaojiang.

Pingcheng company has now completely become an enterprise of Longguo.

This is certainly unacceptable.

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