The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 918: Dilemma

"Anwar brother, how are you here?" At this moment, a voice came, a purple dawn flew away, and the figure appeared.

"The Anhua patriarch, I just saw you and the lord standing here, the ally master?" Another ray of light came from the air, and there was a goddess of the flying mouse family.

The movement just seemed to alarm a lot of people, and a ray of light flew over from a distant battleship.

Among the few breaths, half of the elites in the league flew over.

"The lord...the stone lord, he just flew into the tidal wave..." Anwar said with some throughput.


"This tidal wave is known as one of the three major natural disasters in the Tianhe domain. There are all kinds of powerful natural fires in the depths, and even a lot of tyrannical flames and beasts. How can the lord rush into?"

"Yeah, what if it is involved in the twisted time and space cracks?"

"Even if I wait for such a godland, three or five people will join hands and dare not enter it. Why don't you stop him?"

The crowd was shocked and said with some anger.

"Of course I want to stop the lord, but with his strength, how can I stop it. I haven't spoken yet, he has already flown inside." Anwar's neck was a little cold, and the subconsciously concealed the three sides. thing.

If it is known by others, Shi Mu went in to repair him. He estimated that he would be drowned by everyone.

"The lord enters the tide of the fire, can you say what to do?" asked the elders frowning.

"The lord said that he wanted to fix a magic weapon." Anwar had to say.

"Repair the magic weapon?" The elders glimpsed, and the answer was completely beyond his expectations.

"White Pak elders, this stream of fire is too dangerous, the lord should just go in, not far, do we join forces to catch up and pull the lord back?" said the old man of the flying mouse family.

"It’s too late, and there’s no way to tell the direction of the tide. The chances of us going to find the ally are extremely low, and the strength of the lord is far superior to me, and taking him as a person will not do things that are not sure. Since he chooses to enter it, he must It’s the grasp of the whole body. We are here to wait for him to come back.” The elders sighed and shook their heads.

Others heard the words and looked at each other and sighed and said nothing.

Among the tidal waves, Shimu is like a boat in a stormy sea, without any struggling power.

The surrounding tides are generally tumbling, the hot high temperature almost burns everything, the space oscillates, the huge force pulls his body, almost tearing his body apart.

"It's amazing!" Shi Mu's eyes are bright, there is no fear, and there are words in the mouth, and the force of the heavenly flames is used to spur the three sides.

The three sides of the ancient 幡 光芒 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡 幡

The flames around it seemed to find a place to vent, and all swarmed away, like three fire dragons, rolling into the three sides of the ancient.

This time, the speed of engulfing the flame is several times faster than that of Anwar. The flame in the range of more than ten feet is almost exhausted.

On the surface of the three sides of the ancient enamel, the circle of the spirits is bright and bright, emitting bursts of crystal light, and the damage on the enamel surface is quickly repaired several times.

Shi Mu’s heart is loose.

He felt that the pressure around him was greatly reduced, and there was no such feeling of being involuntarily.

His eyes turned and he looked at the three sides of his face. His brows wrinkled slightly.

Although the repair speed is a lot faster, it is not enough.

He took a deep breath and walked in the depths of the tide, standing on three sides.


The flame in front of it swept over, and a red fireball with a size of hundreds of feet appeared. It slammed into Shimu and brought a hurricane sound like a meteorite.

Three sides of the ancient plaque are being repaired, Shi Mu did not dare to let them bear, the body flew out and punched out.

The huge fireball was broken and broken into a number of fragments.

Shi Mu’s body also swayed a bit, and this stood firm, his arms faintly numb.

"It is not a fireball, but a flame crystal!" He was a little surprised in his eyes. He waved a piece of sphere and was a red crystal with a strong flame.

This kind of flame crystal can only be born in the depths of the volcano for thousands of years. I did not expect it to be in the tide.

He waved a law.

The large holes on the upper surface of the three sides of the ancient scorpion rose a little more, emitting a powerful suction, swallowing up the fragments of the fireball, and the crystal light emitted immediately brightened.

In the eyes of Shimu, the color of excitement emerged and continued to fly in the depths.

Half an hour later, the color of the surrounding flame gradually changed from red to white, and the temperature emitted was several times higher.

It is already a place where the tides are deeper, but Shimu has not stopped and continues to fly deeper.

On this road, there are countless dangers.

Space storms, fire and rain, and even the torrent of red crystal formation, but the strength and machine change of Shimu, have dealt with the past one by one.

At this time, the three sides of the ancient plaque have been repaired a lot, the surface exudes a strong red light.

The red light from the three sides of the ancient scorpion is connected together, as if a red fire cloud, twirling, exudes a horrible suction, and all the flames of the flames are swallowed up by the square.

Among the red clouds, Shi Mu almost didn't feel much heat.

"This ancient 幡 has not been repaired, it has such power. It seems that at least it was a treasure of the Lingbao level, and the grade is not low." He looked at the red cloud around him, excited in his heart, shouted and speeded up. .

At this moment, the change is sudden!

The tidal flame in front suddenly rolled forward, and a huge golden claw of the size of the house was extended. Each of the five fingers was huge, and the fingertips grew out of the long claws. The sharpness was extremely high, and the golden flame was entwined with the road. Grab the stone priest.

Within a few hundred square feet, the flames of the flames are scattered, and the space is shrouded in a powerful and incomparable momentum.


Shimu's eyebrows were picked, and they were not afraid. They snorted and waved.

A large piece of sacred flames emerged and condensed into a giant palm of almost the same size, colliding with the giant claws.

Although the power of the huge animal claw is large, how can it be the opponent of the sacred flame?


The huge animal claws collapsed directly and turned into a golden flame. It was swallowed up by the three sides of the ancient scorpion, and it was not a flesh and blood.

A painful scream came from the tide in the front, where a huge figure could be seen faintly and turned to escape.

"Hugh to escape!"

Shi Mu's eyes flashed, his body swayed, turned into a red shadow and flew out, blocking in front of the huge figure.

When he saw the other party's appearance, he was slightly surprised.

This huge figure is a kind of lizard-shaped flame behemoth. The size of the body is several dozen feet. It is like a small mountain peak, which gives off a strong atmosphere and has reached the level of the gods.

"The beast!" he said with some surprise.

The atmosphere of the flame is rich to the extreme, through some opportunities, the fire attribute beast will be born.

Because it is born in the fire, it is natural to control the fire flame, and the control of the fire system has reached an amazing level.

The flame giant lizard seemed to be not high in front of him. When he was stopped, he immediately forgot that he had just been injured by Shimu, and roared, and his mouth spewed a large golden flame and hit the stone tomb.

"Golden flame, it seems that the power is not small." Shi Mu slightly surprised.

However, this level of firepower, he still does not mind, waved a law.

The red fire clouds of the ancient Shu are rolling in and out, flying fast and blocking in front.

The golden flame slammed on the red fire cloud, and the fire cloud just stabilized, and then immediately stabilized, then quickly swallowed the golden flames, and a few breaths swallowed it.

The flaming monitor lizard did not seem to respond.

At this moment, the figure behind him was a flower, and the figure of Shimu appeared out of thin air.

He casts a giant scorpion and transforms his body. The arm instantly becomes dozens of times larger. It is entwined with the sacred flame of the sky, and it is bombarded on the head of the flame monitor lizard.

Infinite endless power, coupled with the divine power of the sacred flame, the flame giant lizard head is usually broken and killed by a blow.

The huge body of the giant lizard fell down, and then collapsed and disintegrated into an endless golden flame.

"go with!"

Shi Mu gave a low drink, and he pointed a little. The red fire cloud flew out and swallowed the golden flames. After a dozen breaths, it was completely swallowed up.

"Hey, what is this?" Shi Mu single-handedly, a fist-sized golden ball flew from the front and landed in his hands.

The ball exudes a strong flame of fire, and it has not been sucked away by the ancient scorpion. It can be seen that there is a lizard in it.

"Demon Dan... No, can't call the demon, it should be a beast." Shi Mu cracked his mouth and smiled very happy.

This is the spiritual beast of the gods, and it is worth a lot, maybe there are some other uses.

He turned his hand and collected the golden beast and continued to fly toward it.

Absorbing the flames of the sacred lizard, the three sides of the ancient scorpion have been repaired a lot, and some of the smaller broken parts have disappeared. Only a few large holes in the middle of the shovel have not been repaired.

"It’s really fun, this tidal wave is a dangerous place for others, but for me, it’s a big complement!” Shi Mu made a smooth shout.

Along the way, he also kept running the exercises, absorbing the flames of the flames here, and the power of the nine-turn fire has improved a lot.

Although the power of the nine-turn fire has been completed, but continue to engulf the flame of gas cultivation, the power can continue to improve.

He showed his sacred flames all the way, and he made some progress, getting closer and closer to the perfection.

In the sound of the long whistle, Shi Mu was turned into a red phantom and flew forward.

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