The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 920: Winning treasure

Shi Mu feels the operation of Xuan Huo in front of him. He thinks of destroying the immortality of the fairy stick method, and the flash of light in his mind seems to have some insight.

He lifted his palms, his mind was moving, and countless red rules and runes emerged.

He took a deep breath and tried his best to run the exercises.

The rules of the palm of the hand are constantly tumbling and jumping like a flame, constantly expanding, faintly forming a trend in the three-dimensional field, but each time it expands a few points, it will be weak.

"It seems that it is still not possible... It should be that the understanding of the law of fire is not enough." Shi Mu tried hard several times and finally shook his head and dispersed the red rune in his hand.

The next step in comprehending the law is to form your own field.

Once you have completed the field, you will almost never violate the law. Within the field, any attack will be bound by this, and it will hurt yourself.

Invincible in the field, this is just a distant legend for the people below the gods, but at the level of the gods, it can be regarded as a universally accepted statement.

Once a certain revision is reached, the competition between the two will rise to the power of the law, and even the competition in the field.

At the beginning of the Dark Lords, after the smoke of the advanced gods, the two gods will immediately escape without fighting. His incarnation inherited the broken field of the Red Tears, and repeatedly faced the power of the gods. When you can play the role of the squadron, and finally turn around, it is all from the power of the field.

This shows that the field is strong.

Just want to cultivate the field is too difficult, generally only the late stage of the gods can comprehend, with the current strength of Shi Mu, there is still some power.

"Forget it, this trip to repair the 昊天玄火幡 has been greatly rewarded." Shi Mu sighed, no longer think about this.

He waved his hand to fight the law, and put away the big fire, but did not put away the three sides of the sky.

The sacred fire of the heavens turned into a cloud of fire, shrouded his body and returned to the original road.

After the restoration of Xuan Huo, it is the best treasure of fire.

Wherever the fire clouds pass, all the flames are automatically separated.

Shi Mu eyes flashed, if possible, he really wants to stay here for a few years, but unfortunately there are alliances that make him unable to distract.

He was immersed in cultivation before, and he did not know how long he stayed in this tidal wave. At this moment, he must hurry back, lest the Alliance people worry.


In addition to the tidal wave, the great elders and other great powers have been here, and many people are anxious.

Shi Mu has entered the current tide for more than one day and one night, and there is still no news.

Even the elders who are confident in Shimu, at the moment, under the calm face, a trace of anxiety is also revealed from the eyes.

Anwar’s heart is even more regrettable. He knew that he should not take out the three sides here.

If Shimu is involved in the incident, their alliance will almost end, and even the fate of the entire Tianhe domain will be changed. If it is impossible to reverse the situation between the heavens and the heavens, the end of the Yanhu family can be imagined.

"Right, I remember that the lord has a parrot spoil. The parrot should have a contract with the lord. At least we can know if the lord is innocent at the moment."

At this moment, a middle-aged man suddenly opened his mouth.

He is the patriarch of a medium-sized ethnic group, and his cultivation is just weak, and his strength is not weak.

Anwar and others were shocked, yes, how did they forget the color?

"The spirit of the lord is retreating along the way. I listened to the lord and said that he is preparing to break through the bottleneck of the gods. It is not good at this moment." The elders said hesitantly.

"I don't care so much, it is related to the life and death of the entire Tianhe domain. Now the safety of the lord is the most important." In that aspect, the middle-aged man was eager to fly toward the warship.

At this moment, a stream of fire suddenly stunned, and a cloud of fire flew out from it.

The fire cloud slid a little, and it quickly shrank, showing the appearance of Shimu.

The fire clouded into three small faces and fell into his hands.

"Allies!" Everyone in the room was overjoyed and went over.

"Shi Guizhu, you can be considered to be out."

"Lord, are you all right? The tide is so dangerous, how can you break in?"

"Yeah, if you have an accident, the league is over."

There is a rare burst of ecstasy in this group of gods, but there is a concern in the words.

Shi Mu’s heart was warm and his face was smiling.

"Sorry, let everyone worry, I am fine."

"Well, the lord is safe. It is all right. Everyone returns to the battleship. The tide has already weakened a lot. It seems that it will not be long before it will pass completely. We will soon have to start again." The great elder saw Shi Mu I didn't want to say more on this matter, I stood up and said.

Shi Mu heard this and looked forward to the tide of fire. Some were surprised.

The scale of the tidal wave is indeed much weaker than before. He has been inside, but he has not felt it.

In the alliance, except for Shi Mu, everyone was quite convinced of the words of the great elder of the Yitian giant Yi people. At this moment, they all nodded and turned away.

"The time is tight, don't wait any longer, everyone goes back to their respective preparations, waiting for me to cast everyone through the tide of fire." Shimu blinked and said.

Everyone heard this, suddenly stopped, turned and looked at Shi Mu with an unbelievable look.

The tides of the fire are so powerful that they are very clear that it is extremely difficult to walk alone, let alone the owners of the Alliance, but five warships.

"The lord, not that we don't believe you, but that is the tide of fire, what are you talking about?" A divine can hesitate to say.

"Nature is true, you go back and prepare for each other." Shi Mu said faintly.

The elders looked up and down the stone grazing, and felt keenly that there was any major change in Shimu. It should be harvested in the tide of the fire, and the heart could not help but secretly.

The strength of Shimu is naturally stronger and better.

When I heard the words that Shi Mu was so sure, everyone was not saying anything. They all flew to the warships, and only Anwar stayed.

"Shi brother, I am really sorry, let you enter the stream of fire and risk." Anwar said apologetically.

"No problem, this little stream of fire is not in my heart." Shi Mu smiled.

He frowned slightly, his eyes showed a strange look, one hand flipped, and took out the three-faced 昊天玄玄幡.

Anwar’s eyes fell on the sacred fire of the sky, and he felt the strong fluctuations that he exuded.

"An brother, these three faces are actually called 昊天玄火幡, which is a powerful spiritual treasure. It matches the skill of my cultivation. With three sides, my strength is much enhanced. Please forgive me. Li, can you transfer these three faces to me? As long as you open your mouth, I will accept it at any cost." Shi Mu hesitated, but still said, looking forward to Anwar.

Anwar heard a glimpse.

"Of course, if the brother is not willing, then forget it, when I did not say." Shi Mu said.

Anwar heard this and his face showed a smile.

"Shi brother said this in the words, these three magic weapons are what I accidentally obtained, and you personally recovered, since this treasure is suitable for you, take it, between you and me, what exchanges. Moreover, you are the ally of our alliance, and now you are under the responsibility of resisting the nephew and recovering the entire Tianhe domain. If you can do something for it, it is also my part." He laughed.

Although these three faces are extraordinary, they do not match the exercises of his cultivation, and they are not useful.

Shi Mu heard great news and said: "An brother is willing to cut love, that is really grateful! This way, these things are the price of my exchange of three sides."

He took out a storage bag and handed it to Anwar.

He has already prepared for the exchange of things. The storage bag is equivalent to more than half of his current value. He used to kill the treasures that many gods will receive. It is only a few pieces of spiritual treasure. Other precious materials, medicinal herbs are There are countless.

Anwar saw Shimu’s firm eyes and knew that if he did not accept it, Shi Mu would not take the three sides of the Xuan Huo, only to pick it up.

"This... these things are too much! The three faces are not so great, Shi brother you..." Anwar learned into the storage bag and was shocked.

These things are almost worthy of the savings of ten divine powers.

"An brother, you are wrong, the three sides of the sky, the mysterious fire is definitely worth so much, originally I intend to exchange five pieces of fire attribute Lingbao with you, but unfortunately there is no such spiritual treasure, had to take these ordinary treasures to offset. "Shimu laughed.

Anwar is still a dull appearance.

"Well, go back, wait for the road to go." Shi Mu patted Anhua's shoulder and turned to fly toward the battleship.

When Anwar saw Shimu leave, it reacted and sighed and flew up.

After a while, the five warships slowly started and came to the edge of the tide.

The sacred steps on the battleship, the celestial beings of the celestial beings were white, and although they told Shi She would bring everyone in the past, those people did not believe it.

On the five warships, there was a flash of emptiness, and a figure emerged. It was Shi Mu.

He has a golden glow, and he has words in his mouth.

After a while, with one hand and one wave, three sides of the sky and the mysterious fire flew out, instantly became dozens of times larger, emitting a rolling flame, condensing into a circle of fire and clouds, shrouded five warships inside. .

"Go!" Shi Muxin thought of a move, urging the 昊天玄玄幡.

A huge force exploded in the fire cloud, and it took up five warships. It seemed to mention five stones and flew directly into the tide.

Everyone on the battleship only felt that it was dark, and it had already flown into the endless flame, and the heart was shocked.

However, as soon as the flames touched the surrounding fire clouds, they immediately separated automatically, and the fire clouds turned, and a smoky scent of the outside did not pass in.

All the people in the league looked dumbfounded. The next moment, those heavenly places, the Holy Order demon broke out with a burst of cheers, and they sang the infinite magical power of Shimu, and the magic power was boundless.

The great elders and other great powers were also amazed, and looked at the surrounding fire clouds in amazement, and reassessed the strength of Shimu.

Without danger, these gods are not idle, and they have used various means to collect the flames of the outside, to condense the magical powers, and to refine their magic weapons.

After all, this opportunity is not much.

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