The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 924: Rape

Rarely sneered, his eyes turned, looking at the black stone tablet, his hands in front of him, and then swayed the law.

On the palm of his hand, a golden line of light emerged, and a breath of enthusiasm came from it, which was many times more intense than the flames that burned the corpses.

A loud bang was heard.

On both palms, two red flames were lit at the same time, which is many times brighter than the light on the stone.

I saw that my hands were one point, and I pushed it flat and pressed it up towards the black stone tablet.

However, his hands have not touched the surface of the stone tablet, and the khaki light on the stone tablet suddenly burst into full bloom, and a yellow light curtain appeared on the periphery, blocking his hands outside.


Rarely cold, the red flames on his hands are twice as powerful, burning toward the yellow light curtain.

"Puff puff"

There was a strange noise on the yellow light curtain, and a white smoke rose from it.

At the moment of being flame-baked, the yellow light curtain suddenly shook like a life, and the golden dark lines stretched from the bottom of the light curtain, and quickly covered the entire light curtain.

These golden dark lines are connected to each other and drawn on the light curtain into a quaint tortoise totem pattern.

The mysterious turtle totem pattern just emerged, the abnormal sound on the light curtain immediately stopped, and even the white smoke that appeared before disappeared.

Rarely folded, the brow wrinkled, and the fingers on the light curtain suddenly bent, becoming like an eagle, clinging to the light curtain.

At the end of his ten fingers, a small red flame, like a red snake, stalked down his fingers and drilled down the light curtain.

The mysterious turtle pattern on the light curtain suddenly trembled, and a slight "beep" sounded, and a cyan smoke emerged from it.

In a short while, there were ten round holes in the light curtain.

After the ten fingers crossed the light curtain, they immediately spewed out a large flame, which violently burned under the light curtain.

I saw that the ten small holes explode with the violent burning of the flame, and the light curtain disappeared like ice and snow.

Rarely folded, the corner of the mouth evoked a smile, and the flame in the hand converges in front of the black stone monument.

The palm of his hand darted forward, and a layer of white ice appeared on the palm of his hand, and quickly spread toward the black stone tablet.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the whole stone was frozen.

Then, with a palm of his hand, he turned his palm into a fist, and his hands ignited a raging flame, and slammed into the stone.

A loud bang of "Boom."

The two extreme forces of extreme heat and extreme cold collided with each other and suddenly exploded.

The white ice is wrapped in a black stone tablet, and the four pieces are blown apart, turning into countless pieces and flying in all directions.

The fascinating gaze stayed on the gravel on the ground for a while, and took a black spar and placed it in the position of the black stone tablet.

As soon as the black spar was put down, it flashed and ignited a khaki glow.

At the same time, a black stone monument suddenly flashed in the northwest corner of the sand table in the pentagon hall of the Turtles, and the light suddenly went out.

Lu Yizhong, who was sitting on the side of his knees, felt a little wrinkled, his brows wrinkled, his eyes wide open, and he looked toward the northwest corner of the sand table, but he saw that the stone monuments there were all shining, there was no abnormality.

"Quiet..." Lu Yizhong shook his head in confusion and said to himself.


Outside Wuyan, on a battleship.

Nangongjing stood side by side with Pilu, and his eyes moved in unison to the yellow nebula outside Wuyan.

"it has started"

Pilu smiled and the voice was a little dumb.

At the moment, Nangongjing had no face on her face. Pointing at the yellow nebula somewhere, she told the Ximen Snow: "The mobilization fleet moved to the other side and prepared to attack."

"Yes." Ximen Xue said.

Looking at the other side of the gaze, I saw that the yellow light outside the nebula was even more awkward, and it seemed slightly scattered. However, if it was not eye-catching or not carefully examined, it could not be found at all.

Simon Snow flew a little from the volley of the battleship and flew over to the warship in front of the front.

No one noticed that when flying into the air, Simon’s hand in the sleeves squeezed an unknown method, and a ring of golden light flashed and disappeared.


Among the stars, five circular warships are rapidly approaching the direction of Wuyanxing.

Shi Muzheng and the elders and other people stood on the bridge and talked, suddenly frowned, turned back to the warship interior.

Entering the room with the enchantment, Shi Mu saw that Jin Xiaoying was lying on a gums with a rather charming gesture, and his chest was slightly open, revealing some scenery.

"What's wrong?" asked Shimu.

"There was just a news coming over, saying that the big star of the turtle family will soon be broken." Jin Xiaoyu replied.

"When the Turtles are famous for their solid soups, how can they suddenly disappear?" Shi Mu was shocked and asked.

"I don't know about this, anyway, I sent it." Jin Xiaoyan shrugged and said.

Shi Mu thought for a moment in the same place, did not say anything, turned out of the inner room, and returned to the bridge.

"The patriarch, what happened?" The elders saw him look different, and asked.

"There may be problems with the large group of turtles. The situation of Wuyanxing is not good. I have to go one step ahead," said Shi Mu.

"Good. The patriarchs don't want to act rashly, we will catch up as soon as possible." The elders changed their look, slightly sinking, saying so.

"Things here, please come to the elders."

Shi Mu said, "哧啦" sounded, the light behind it emerged, the black and white wings extended out, and suddenly spurred, they rushed out of the battleship and flew into the sea of ​​stars.

Almost in the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared into the depths of the Xinghai, which was several times faster than the battleship.


Wuyan star.

The faint gaze moved away from the black spar, and suddenly turned around and flew in the direction of the coming, darting away.

A few hundred miles away from it, a black stone monument stands on the other side of a deep tiankeng.

Under the stone tablet, a crane is sitting on the knees.

His face is wrinkled, his eyes are deep, his nose is quite high, his cheeks are sunken, his arms on his lap are as thin as a hemp, and it looks like a skinny bone.

Compared to his dry body, the dark gold robes that are placed outside his body are too wide, especially the two sleeves, which are dragged from the knees to the ground.

Suddenly, the old man's eyelids moved, and the closed eyes suddenly opened, and the bright light was shining, looking toward the sky.

I saw a stream of light passing through the air and fell towards the ground.

"Who?" The old man shouted, his voice looked hoarse.

"Elder Lu Yan, in the Xi Lingfu family is very good." Very replied.

"You are not responsible for guarding a position, what are you doing here?" Lu Yan asked.

"In this down, just to take your life." Han said with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, the momentum of the body suddenly climbed, and the atmosphere of the gods was unobstructed.

"It turned out that the heavens were fine! The juniors who had less than half a year in the advanced state of God had dared to scream with the old man. I really don't know if you are ignorant or arrogant!" Lu Hao stood up from the ground and laughed in his mouth.

After all, the golden light flashed on his body, and a powerful spiritual fluctuation fluctuated from his body, bulging his originally empty robes.

The breath released from his body is actually a strong man in the early days of the gods.

"It seems to be an eye-opener. It turned out to be a strong god. No wonder you are only guarded by one person here." Han folds a little, but his face is still as easy as usual, laughing and saying.

After all, his wrist turned over, took out a green steel vine spear, and speared it, and stabbed it toward Lu Hao.

I saw his wrists turn around, Qinggang Fujio spears crossed several virtual shadows in the air, and the spear tip was like a green lotus bloom. In an instant, hundreds of guns were stabbed, and the head was caged to Lu.

When Lu Yan saw it, the large sleeves were empty, and the hundreds of guns were wiped out from the night sky.

"Lingbao." Han brows a brow and picks, slightly surprised.

I saw that the dark gold robes on Lu Yan’s body were lit with a little light. It looked like the stars in the night, very gorgeous, but it was a spiritual treasure with a low grade.

Lu Yan's double sleeves were explored, and the runes on the cuffs immediately lit up. Two long-sleeved scorpions smashed out, like two golden snakes, entangled in the past.

I saw the starlight on the sleeves, and it flashed, and I quickly folded it in the middle.

I squinted my eyes and swept to the sides. I saw a little bit of light in my body, as if I had fallen into the sea of ​​stars, I didn’t know where the way out.

Lu Yan saw it, and a sneer in his mouth, the hands clasped in the sleeves each swayed the law, and the mouth also picked up the mysterious mouth.

The sound of "嗡" sounded softly!

A strange wave passed through the double sleeves of Lu Hao, and the starlight reflected on his sleeves suddenly made a big splash, fluttering one by one, rolling over the body.

Han Fen only felt a huge pressure on the whole body, and the brow suddenly became close.

"Kids, the power of the stars is not good for the taste of the body? Into the old man's 幌金星罗袍, do not want to live out." Lu Hao voice is dumb, the tone does not have the slightest emotion.

"Hey, Lingbao also wants to trap me?" Han brows his brow and stretches out, sarcastically.

After all, his wrist turned, and he slammed the blue steel vine spear into the ground.

"Aoki Senro!"

In the middle of the mouth, a big sigh, the position of the chest, the light flashed, and a shadow of Qing Ding immediately emerged.

A glimpse of the incomparable wood attribute aura flows out of the Qing Ding, and flows into the Qinggang vine spear along the arm of the rare fold.


A series of sounds of land rupture sounded one after another, and numerous cyan vines with thick arms rushed out of the ground and extended toward the sleeves on both sides of the rare fold.

Numerous roots of green vines merge into a lush green vine forest, just like countless pairs of arms, all the stars that oppressed on both sides are dead.

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