The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 931: Reversed the situation

(Forgetting words because of dissatisfaction, the last chapter made a lot of changes, everyone can have time to revisit it.)

Seeing that the space channel under the whirlpool of Huangyun was blocked, Zhao Zhuming and others suddenly overjoyed, and the trio army also experienced a surge in morale.

With Zhao Zhuming, the two turtles of the Turtles and the Dahan are the pioneers, the people of the three tribes seem to have a sharp knife, and they have directly entered the chaotic heavenly army.


In the depths of the six-color Xiangyun in the air, the murder of six people waiting for Lu Luxian is still going on.

Pilu Xian will be solemn in his face, and his black light will flash in his body. The nine dead reincarnations have been applied to the extreme, and they are condensed into a huge disc virtual shadow behind them. There are nine dark portals on the disc, and each dark portal is sprayed together. Thick and black.

Each of the nine magical spirits is different. Some are light and foggy, some are dignified like water, and there are countless ghosts in the magical gas that flash like a cry.

Every magical power is enormous, exuding the horrible power of swallowing the earth, and everything that passes through it is vanity.

However, Lu Yizhong and Di Yan did not show weakness.

Lu Yizhong has already revealed some of the characteristics of the Yaozuo at this moment. The whole body is covered with a piece of khaki scales, and the thick yellow awns are blooming. The pressure of the peak of the middle of the gods is completely spread out, and the landslides are scattered. The great power of the sea can.

Di Yan has also become the body of the demon, and the body has grown numerous innumerable blue bone spurs, which looks very incomparable.

In his hand, the blue flag of Lingbao Lingguang blooms, and there are countless blue flowers appearing next to it, and the sound of the rumble waves is heard.

The two men joined forces to take all the attacks of the Pilu Xian, and although there was a slight downturn, they did not see any signs.

On the other side, the situation is similar. Zhao Wei and Jin Feng's mother-in-law teamed up, and the Red Gold Flame and Xuan Zang Jin Yan united to form a rather strange Weihai Shentong, and fight with Nangongjing.

At this moment, a rumbling bang suddenly came from the direction of the passage.

Six people in the air looked around and saw a huge fire cloud blocking the passage, and they were all a glimpse.

"What's the matter?" Pilu Xian and Nan Gongjing face instantly ugly, this is the strategy of the Tianfeng tribe, they even buried the ambush.

Zhao Wei and others look very different, and their faces are full of joy.

Although I don’t know who the Huoyun Shentong is, it’s definitely a party to the tribal alliance.

It’s just that this fire cloud power is very powerful. Even if they are a few people, they may not have such a powerful power. Who is it?

"Nangong, here I am coping with you, you go down and see who is the stalk!" Pilu Xian will scream.

Nangong Jingwen’s expression changed slightly, but he nodded immediately, waved a hail of light, blocked a flame attack from Zhao Wei, and turned to fly down.

"Have off!"

Zhao Wei screamed, and the phoenix fire fan fan glowed in the hand. A large piece of red gold flame flew out and condensed into a fifteen-foot fire and phoenix shadow, which flew out and flashed into the void.

At the next moment, the front of the Nangong scene broke open a space gap, and the shadow of the fire and the phoenix flew out from it, blocking it in front of the Nangong scene and stopping it.

"Hurricane!" Lu Yuzhong and Di Yan are also angry, and at the same time strengthen the offensive.

Pilu Xian will scream and scream, and squirting a large black rune.

The shadow of the disc behind him flew out at the same time, and quickly rose several times, turning into a size of twenty or thirty feet.

The black runes in the air are suddenly falling like rain and blending into the shadow of the disc.


The shadow of the disc suddenly expanded and turned into a three-dimensional area of ​​a black disc shape, which fell lightningly and would be covered in the place.

When Lu Yuzhong and others were shrouded in black areas, they immediately felt the inexplicable force on the body, making it difficult for them to move their bodies. At the same time, the infuriating body did not work well.

"This is a near-complete is it possible!" Lu Yuzhong and Di Yan, who are the tribes of the Tianhe Stars, are all well-informed and immediately recognize this black area.

"Go!" Pilu Xian will turn his head and sigh at the Nangong scene. His expression is extremely dignified. His hands are smashing in the way, and his arms are faint and trembling.

Obviously, playing this field is also very difficult for him.

Although Nangongjing was in the field, but did not receive the suppression of the power of the field, nodded, the body flew out and headed toward the entrance of the passage.


The incarnation of the demon soul of Pilu was swallowed up by the fire clouds, and a flower appeared in front of a red space.


In the red space, there is a large bright yellow sacred flame. The whole space is instantly turned into a bright yellow sea, and countless flames rush toward the demon soul.

"This is the ancient supernatural powers, the sacred flames of the heavens!" Pilu's demon soul was shocked, but he was not panicked, and he had words in his mouth and waved his hands.

Numerous black gas emerged from his body, forming a giant black ball of several tens of feet in size, covering his body.

The black ball has just been formed, and the surrounding flames of the sky are flying, and the black ball is constantly being emitted.


The black gas is the magical gas. When you touch the pure yang flame of the sacred flame, it melts and melts away. In a blink of an eye, the whole black ball becomes riddled with holes and shrinks rapidly.

However, as the black ball shrinks, the more it goes inside, the more intense the black gas is, and the power of the sacred flame can no longer evaporate as easily as before.

When the black ball is reduced to a third of the size, the black gas is already rich in ink, no matter how the impact of the holy flame, it does not move.

At this moment, the figure of a flower, Shi Mu's figure appeared in the red space, seeing this scene, first surprised, mouth whispered to himself: "I don't want to practice the demon embodiment of the nine dead reincarnation magic!"

He cultivated his own body incarnation, and naturally he saw the foot of the demon soul.

However, by this means alone, I want to fight against the mysterious fire, and it is too tender.

Shi Mu waved with both hands, and there was a word in his mouth. The sacred fire of the entire Xuanhuo space rolled and rushed, and all went together in one place. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a dozens of long yellow monsters, emitting a huge and horrible hot breath. .

As soon as the fire was formed, a huge front paw suddenly slammed down and grabbed the black ball in the claw and slammed it.


A crack appeared on the black sphere, and then burst open, turning into a large black gas floating.

The body of the demon avatar emerged and was caught in the claws by the fire.

The demon avatar made a scream of horror, struggling, and the black knife in his hand screamed at the giant claws.

The sound of the giant cicada slammed, and there were countless red runes on the surface. The black knife slammed into a bullet and opened without a slight effect.

"Death!" Shi Mu's eyes flashed in a stern, waving a hand to play a law.

The fire took a deep breath and squirted a pure yellow flame to the mouth, drowning the demon soul.

A scream of screaming came out of the flame, but it disappeared immediately.

The flame began to dissipate, and Shimu vaguely saw that there was something left in the fire claws, and immediately stood alert, ready to give the Thunder a second blow.

The next moment, Shi Mu was a glimpse, and his expression relaxed and he took up his guard.

I saw that after the flames were exhausted, a pure black skeleton was caught in the fire claws, which was full of black runes, emitting a strong magical power, but there was no consciousness, and the spirit inside was in the flame attack. Has completely dissipated.

"This is..." Shi Mu looked at the black skeleton, and the red tears of the original sacred bones appeared in his mind. This is obviously the same in front of the eyes. It is the will of a certain demon statue, which will be obtained by the outside fairy. Become an incarnation of the body.

At this moment, his black light flashed, his body turned out, and his eyes stared at the black skeleton.

In the heart of Shi Mu’s heart, the incarnation of the body has reached the peak of the holy step in the ancient wells of the moon, but unfortunately there is no opportunity to break through the realm. Perhaps this is an opportunity.

He waved a slap in the face, and the red fire smashed into a myriad of flames, and the black skeleton flew past the body.

The body avatar made a cheer, the body was shining, the body and the black skeleton were closely attached, and then slowly merged together.

The scent of the body avatar suddenly swelled, and there was a fading trend of breaking through the realm, and the breath was still soaring.

Shi Mu is overjoyed, but at this moment, the situation outside the crisis, can not slowly wait for the body to break through.

He waved his body and the black skeleton together with a black skeleton to gain a body bag, and he flew away from the Xuanhuo space.

From the incarnation of the demon soul into the Xuanhuo space, to kill it, the process seems complicated, but in fact, it is only a dozen times of breathing time.

Shi Mu flew out of the Xuanhuo space, and was about to look at the surrounding battles. A horrible white light descended from the sky, and it came directly from it. It was a cold and cold light.

The figure of Nangongjing rushed down from the air.

"It's you!" Nan Gongjing looked at Qing Shimu's appearance and was suddenly shocked.

"Nan Gong Xian will, don't come innocent!" Shi Mu haha ​​laughed with a long hand, a wave of one hand, a bright yellow flame flew out from the palm of his hand, turned into a bright yellow flame Changhong, and the ice **** collided with each other.


A loud noise, where the two ancient gods collided, the void completely shattered and turned into the smallest particles.

The two supernatural powers flashed each other and both dissipated.

Nan Gongjing was shocked and stopped his body.

He and Shi Mu had just handed in their hands not long ago. Although the strength of the other party was strong, it did not make him jealous.

The reason why he retired on the day was because there was only one person who could not fight against each other.

However, Shi Mu at the moment gave him an inscrutable feeling, and even waved his crush of a hail.

"I haven't seen you for a while, I didn't expect your strength to advance, admire!" Nangongjing slowly opened.

"Nan Gongxian will win the prize!" Shi Mu laughed, and the eyes were looking around.

The Tianting army near the passage has been chaotic at this moment. It has been forced to retreat by the people of the three tribes led by Zhao Zhuming and others. The control of the passage will soon fall into the hands of the three tribes.

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