The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 935: Epiphany

At the beginning of the millennium, Shi Mu’s eyes were round and round, and all the flames in the body swarmed out.

In an instant, the heavenly flame, the power of the nine-turn Xuan Gong fire, the fire of the mixed yuan, the flame of the sun, etc., all integrated into the sea of ​​fire, full support.

"Death!" Nangong Jing's eyes suddenly burst into white light, and the eyes almost turned into pure white.

There was a flash of shadow behind him, and a white figure appeared vaguely. The facial features were blurred, but the faint feeling could exude an extremely sinful breath.

Shi Mu saw this, and the pupils shrank slightly.

Nangongjing waved around with both hands, and several white lights flew out. The blurred figure behind him also did the same movement. Several white lights flew out and merged into the glacier field.

The white glaciers suddenly flourished, and the range suddenly expanded by three points. The white light shone, as if a huge mouth slowly opened, and it seemed to swallow Shimu and the sea of ​​fire.

Shi Mu only felt that a chill that had frozen everything swept across, his face was shocked, and the red sea of ​​fire finally could not hold on and began to collapse.


At this moment, a whisper came.

A flash of color appeared in the vicinity of Shimu.

"Cai Er!" Shi Muyi.

"Hey to help you!" The color of the child flashed, and the body suddenly became a few feet in size. The mouth spouted a thick green flame. It was the scorpion demon fire, which was integrated into the red sea of ​​fire.

Thanks to the help of the children, the red fire and the collapse of the sea suddenly eased, and there is a tendency to reunite.

"What!" Nan Gongjing's face changed.

The anti-Japanese reinforcements he expected did not appear. Instead, Shi Mu came to help, is there really something out there?

As soon as the 妖元妖火 entered the sea of ​​fire, he soon contacted the sacred flames of the heavens, and once again merged with each other and turned into a group of half-gray and half-white flames.

But this time the gray flame is much lighter than before.

Shi Mu’s heart was shocked, and a mysterious idea suddenly came into his heart from the gray flame.

He will be one and the whole person, the whole person will stay in an instant, this mysterious idea is a mysterious fire.

Although he did not know what was going on, but ecstasy, the subconsciously absorbed these flames, and the mastery of the law of fire quickly increased.

At this moment, a layer of sand in his heart suddenly disappeared.

"Haha! It turns out that this is the field!" Shi Mu suddenly made a long laugh and waved his hands.

The palms fly out of countless red runes, expand and condense into a red area of ​​a certain size, which can see countless flames inside, which is a flame field.

It’s just that this flame field is very weak, and it’s a little weaker than the glacial field of Nangongjing. It’s like the gap between a newborn baby and an adult big man.


Shi Mu's eyes flashed, and he sighed low and waved with both hands.

The red sea of ​​fire that had begun to collapse was suddenly shocked, and then all the flames and power poured into the field of nascent life.

The flame field is expanding rapidly and expanding. In the blink of an eye, it has reached the size of the glacier field. There are countless volcanoes in the faint volcano. The red magma river everywhere is full of burning flames. It is a world of flames.

Shi Mu’s face showed excitement. At this moment, all the pressures disappeared, and his flame field slowly turned, completely blocking the glacial field.

Nangong Jing’s eyes saw this scene, and his face suddenly showed an unbelievable look.

Shi Mu actually realized the flame field at this juncture and was able to stand up against him!

Nangongjing’s face was blue, but there was nothing to panic about.

"Hey! Even if you condense out of the field? My glacier field is just restraining your flame field in the property! Let's die!" He screamed, pointing a little eyebrow, and his eyes were white again.

The glacier field suddenly lit up, as if a huge glacier behemoth suddenly rushed.

Shi Mu did not fear, standing in the field of flames, as if the ancient gods born in the flames, issued a law in the hands.

There is no fear in the field of flames, and it is on the verge of colliding with the glacier field.

The two fields are so dead and glued together, there is no separation, as if they are two-horned behemoths.

The surrounding voids collapsed, and everything within the square was turned into the tiniest powder. The various elements were mixed together and violent.

A two-color airflow erupted from here, cutting and smashing the void farther away.

The battle between Shi Mu and Nan Gong Jing has long been seen by others, and the outside Tiantian army has not seen the Wuyan Star through the passage for a long time and is seen by everyone nearby.

The people in the heavens were shocked and anxious, and they realized what had happened outside.

Pi Luxian is even more ugly in this moment, and the black sea is rolling more and more, and Lu Yuzhong, who is trapped inside, will have to get out of trouble.

"Damn, who is that person, can actually display the field of flames!" Piluxian will look at Shimu, roaring in his heart.

If it were not for that person, then Wuyan Star has already fallen into the hands of Tianting.

Ximen Xue looked at Shimu far away, his face was calm, but the beauty was even in the same color.


On the other hand, Zhao Yuzheng slowly extracted the Qinggang rattan spear from the chest of a Divine elder of the Dilong family, full of anger and anger.

At the same time, there are still some fears.

"How come? How can his strength reach this level, and he will be able to compete with the 12th Immortal!" Zhao Xin screamed in his heart.

For a long time, although he did not really have a good fight with Shi Mu, the Tianfeng ceremony, although they have played against each other, but because of fear of revealing his identity, he did not exert his full strength.

In Zhao Xin’s heart, I have never put Shimu in my eyes, thinking that I can definitely defeat each other, but Shi Mu’s strength at this moment has reached a realm that he can’t match.

"Shimu! It seems that you are the biggest enemy on my way, but you are destined to become a pedal for me!" Zhao said in his heart.

In contrast, the Tianfeng tribe army saw this scene, but it was shocking and happy, and the momentum was flourishing.

The flame field and the glacier field collide each other, but the power is amazing, but it is also very expensive.

The two fields of power consumed each other and soon began to become dim.

Both Shi Mu and Nan Gong Jing’s faces began to show signs of exhaustion.

After all, Shi Mu is actually not as good as the other side, plus just trained in the field, the control is unfamiliar, the gas consumption is faster, the flame field is dimmed at a faster speed, and the flame volcanoes in the field are almost faint. The shadow.

"Oh, stone, the situation is not good!" Cai Er stood on the shoulder of Shi Mu at this moment, whispered.

Shi Mu sighed slightly, his expression was dignified, but he had no other way at the moment.

The field is very fast to consume the infuriating gas, and it is also a drop in the bucket to supplement the spiritual power with Xianpin Lingshi.

"Hey! Just because you have just cultivated the field, you want to fight with me, it is really not self-reliant!" Nangong Jing face slightly slower, but at this moment there is no previous calm and calm, his face sneer.

With a wave of his hands, the glacier field shines brightly. There are countless runes flashing in it, turning into two huge white ice dragons, one big mouth, biting in the flame field of Shimu, struggling to tear.

Shi Mu's face changed, and the flame field made a cracking sound, and then collapsed.

An unstoppable plentiful force swept across him, and his body was shaken out straight, and a blood spurted out of his mouth.

The field was broken, and the three-faced 昊天玄玄幡 also emerged, and a flash flew back to the stone grazing body.

"Death!" In the eyes of Nangong Jing, the killing flashed, waving with one hand.

The glacier field suddenly cracked into a gap, and a large piece of white ice flame spouted from the inside, instantly turning into a white ice dragon, which was crystal clear like jade, emitting a huge cold atmosphere, a pair of longan spirits, like a real ice dragon.

The breath of the ice dragon is comparable to the power of the middle of the gods.

As soon as the ice dragon appeared, his eyes immediately stared at Shi Mu, and the body fluttered out of the body. In a flash, he caught up with Shi Mu, and the speed was terrible.

The huge dragon claws are caught, and the dragon claws are covered with layers of white light.

Although the field is powerful, the shortcoming is that it cannot move freely and cannot be used to chase the moving enemy.

Shi Mu snorted and turned his hand to the sky and swept out.

A golden torrent emerged again, rumbling to the ice dragon.

The white ice dragon spurted a white dragon's breath, extremely cold, and it resisted the golden torrent. The huge dragon claw continued to move toward Shimu.

In the heart of Shi Mu, this ice dragon turned out to be so powerful.

Behind him, the black light flashed, and the black and white wings were sacrificed. The figure flew out, and the danger escaped the ice dragon's blow.

The ice dragon made an angry dragon, and the huge body swayed and chased away toward Shimu.

When Nangongjing saw the ice dragon, he couldn’t clean up the stone shepherd. The brow wrinkled and was about to do something.

At this moment, his forehead suddenly appeared a large white light, his face was twisted, and the pain was in his eyes.

The blurred white phantom behind the Nangong scene suddenly flew out and stuck on him, faintly into the body.

There was a bit of sorrow in the mouth, and the body suddenly arched down. Both hands trembled and swayed, and a white light appeared on the right hand, condensing into a fuzzy white palm, and a flash of light into his eyebrows seemed to hold What did you live in, then pulled out.

The glaciers in his body trembled violently, and then burst open.

The ice dragon that chased Shimu also stopped, and an unwilling low-pitched voice was heard in his mouth. The body shattered and shattered into countless white light.

"Ah!" Nangong Jingyu fell in the air, the palms of the blue veins burst, the palm of the hand made a strenuous effort to pull, the mouth of the beast-like embarrassment.

His white eyebrows flashed, and a white ball was extremely unwilling, but he slowly flew out from it.

After the Nangong scene, the shadow of the shadow has been mostly integrated into his body, and suddenly a loud scream of resentment and resentment, but still dissipated.

At the moment, the ball grows like a white root-like thing, which seems to have just penetrated into his mind.

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