The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 937: Regret later

Pilu was in a hurry, but under the entanglement of Lu Yuzhong, there was no way to get out of it for a while.

"Do not……"

At this moment, a desperate long-distance call from Nangongjing in the distance came, and Shimu’s sky-roller finally fell.

The thousands of mountains with the ice crystal giants couldn’t stop it, and split the two halves from the center.

Just listening to the sound of "砰", the stone stick in the hands of Shi Mu fell on the top of Nangongjing.


A burst of cracked ice and gravel sounds, Nan Gongjing body body body smashed and smashed, the whole person burst into dozens of pieces in the light of the sky, and under the cover of an invisible pressure, Burst again.

Under the attack of Shi Mu, which contains the power of the law, his soul has not escaped.

Nangongjing was killed on the spot by a single blow. The entire battlefield was silent for a moment, and almost everyone stopped.

Pilu’s eyes became bloody, and apparently angered to the extreme.

Zhao Wei and others are very happy.

The trio of the entire battlefield saw this scene, and even more cheering.

The situation on the side of the heavens is completely different, and each face is ugly.

In their eyes, as if the gods existed in the gods, they were killed by the other party, which was too much of a blow to their morale.

Ximen Snow looked at the direction of the passage from afar, and it was full of shocking colors. It could not be calmed for a long time.

The strength shown by Shi Mu at this moment has completely exceeded her estimate.

Zhao Wei’s face is even more incomparable, and he looks at Shi Mu incomparably.

After Shi Mu killed the Nangong scenery, he was also suspended for a long while in the same place. His body swayed slightly and the whole person fell directly toward the ground.

At this moment, his body is almost exhausted, and the whole person is like a collapse.

"Stone!" Cai Er exclaimed, Zhang mouth spurted a group of dark green demon fire, held the body of Shi Mu, put it on the ground.

Shi Mu nodded to Cai Er, and after taking a few medicinal herbs, he looked good.

"Cai Er, you are going to collect all the things on the man's body, and don't miss it." He suddenly remembered something and said to Cai.

Nangong is a fairy, and the body is sure to be covered.

"No problem, the bag is on the body." Cai Er promised, fluttering and flew out.

Shi Mu was relieved and he glanced at the battlefield in the sky.

He can do everything he can, and then he can see the strength of the Tianfeng tribe.

He waved and took a piece of Xianpin Lingshi to hold it, sat down on his knees, and closed his eyes to restore the infuriating.

In the middle of the air, Pilu had already angered to the extreme, but did not lose his mind. His eyes swept over the battlefield. He saw that in addition to the already-present Nangong scene, two other gods in the heavens would be killed, and those who followed The battle that will come down will be resisted by the three tribes. It is also a lot of death and injury.

Of course, the loss of the tri-family alliance is far greater than that of the heavenly court. It is only the strongest of the gods that has fallen to four, and the rest of the people in the divine situation are dead and wounded.

Even so, the number of people of the three tribes is still far more than the heavenly army, and at this moment, there are still people of the three tribes coming from afar and joining the battlefield.

Pilu looked up and looked at the hole in the Xuanwu Panyun burst, and there was a roar of buzzing sounds outside, seemingly in the middle of the battle.

Although I don't know what happened outside, but at this moment, there is still no heavenly battle to fly.

His brows were twisted into shackles, and almost all of his eyes could be sprayed with fire, and his fists were tight, and the sound of "giggle" was constantly heard.

"Retreat!" Pilu was finally full of unwilling anger.

When the voice came out, the heavenly battles on the battlefield looked at each other, and then they separated from the battle and flew toward the breach of the Xuanwu Panyun.

In the current situation, people with a discerning eye can see at a glance that heaven is basically unable to see the hope of winning, and retreating is exactly what they want.

"Where to run!"


The tri-family alliance has gradually gained an advantage at this moment, and naturally it is unwilling to let the heavenly army retreat safely.

However, even if the retreat of the Tianting army was neat and well-arranged, even if the tri-family coalition was desperately entangled, it still could not drag the heavenly army.

Less than a meal, the Tianting army withdrew most of it.

Ximen Xue, Zhao Wei and other gods will not immediately retreat, but stay behind, cover the heavens and the army will leave, they will finally fly into the channel one by one.

On the other side of the passage, the war between the four sides of Pilu and Lu Yuzhong continued.

Pilu Lianfan's secret technique, coupled with the innocence of the war, finally faded, but no matter how the four men of Lu Yuzhong attacked, they could not be completely defeated.

As everyone knows, Lu Yuzhong and the four people are also more and more shocked, a series of attacks, secret techniques like the rain drowning the body of Lu.

If they change positions, the four of them face these attacks, and the body may have been sifted into sieves, but Pilu has suffered if nothing has happened, and there is power to fight back, deadlocked with the four.

"How is this person so powerful?"

Di Yan roared and communicated with other people. The blue flag in his hand was shining, and a long, long blue spear shot from above, full of blue runes, lightning-like into the body of Pilu. .

There was a large black gas in the body of Pilu, and there was a burst of muffled sound inside, and I didn’t know what happened.

His body shook abruptly, and a blood spurted out of his mouth, but he quickly recovered the original, and continued to kill if nothing happened.

"It is like this!" Di Yan screamed.

Not only Di Yan, Lu Yanzhong's three faces are also very ugly, but they can't figure out why, they can only make a more violent attack.

When Pilu’s eyes were swept away, the people in the heavens had almost retreated. He shouted, and the whole body flashed, and the magic under his body surged. The whole person also rose up under the arrogance of the magic.

"Today, your three tribes are lucky, but this war is not over yet!" He snorted and turned into a dark cloud, ejecting toward the space channel.

"The thief took a break!" Di Yan shouted, his body shape, and chased him up.

A cold voice came from the black cloud, and a group of dark magic shots quickly. The "嘭" was squatting on the front of Di Yan, and it was beaten back.

Lu Yuzhong and others still want to chase, but they listened to Zhao Wei and shouted: "Don't chase, this person's exercises are different, we may not be able to get a good job, the most urgent task, or repair the big array first."

The three men of Lu Yuzhong were injured at the moment, and they were somewhat afraid of the ambiguity of Pilu. When they heard Zhao Wei say so, they all stopped.

Above the ground, Shi Mu opened his eyes, and the infuriating only recovered a small half.

The situation is tense at this moment, and he is not allowed to recover slowly.

He looked up and looked up into the sky. At the moment, only the people of the tri-family alliance at the moment of the sky did not see the heavenly army and looked awkward.

"Stone, the people in the heavens retreat!" Cai Er stood aside at the moment, in the protection of the stone, and seeed Shimu wake up, and explained.

Shi Mu nodded and did not reveal the color of the accident.

"Not good! The elders are still outside!" His face changed suddenly, and he suddenly remembered something, and his body skyrocketed and flew toward the space channel.

Cai Er was also shocked. He quickly swung up and fell on the shoulders of Shi Mu.

At the moment near the passage, there were a lot of people from the three tribes. They just saw the battle between Shi Mu and Nan Gongjing. They all recognized Shi Mu, and quickly let the road open.

Shi Mu is shaped into a streamer and directly into the space channel.

"The one who was just the stone herd that was seen in the Tianfeng Grand Ceremony before?" Not far from the passage, Lu Yanzhong looked at the back of Shi Muyuan, and asked.

Zhao Wei’s face is not good-looking. He didn’t speak, but his heart was already wavering.

At that time, he didn't look at his eyes. He didn't have the heart of the Terran kid. Now he has such a terrible strength that he can match the Heavenly Emperor and even kill the Fairy. This is what he did not expect.

He regretted in his heart that he knew that Shimu had such achievements. He did not make those means at the beginning!

The gods of other ethnic groups existed, and they looked at Zhao Yu intentionally or unintentionally. Their eyes were a little different, and there was a hint of ridicule.

At the beginning of the day, the phoenix priest and Shi Mu’s things were not small. Everyone in the field knew almost everything. Now it seems that the Tianfeng people have driven out a very powerful son-in-law.

Zhao Wei felt the eyes of other people and his face was even more ugly.

"It is him, I really didn't expect it. In just a few years, his strength has already risen to such a degree." Zhao Zhuming did not seem to notice Zhao Wei's face, with a smile on his face.

Di Yan's brow tipped slightly, and looked at Zhao Wei, and saw that he did not speak, and there was no sound.

Shi Mu chased Wuyanxing, and saw a lot of battleship fragments floating in the outer sky, and a huge battleship remnant, it seems to be heavenly.

At that moment, the Tianting army gathered to the side, and the remaining intact warships were arranged in an orderly manner. The Tianting army had also gathered together and slowly retreated toward the depths of the stars.

Shi Muguang's eyes swept toward the surroundings, and the people of the Alliance of Heaven did not even see one, and his face suddenly changed.

Was the Alliance of the Heavens already being destroyed by the heavenly army?

This is not impossible. There are only a few thousand people in the Alliance, and it is the opponent of the Heavenly Army.

"The stone is in a hurry, the elders are fine, they are hiding in the nearby nebula at the moment." The sound of the stone rang in the heart of Shimu.

Shi Mu heard this and quickly followed the eyes of Cai Er to look at a nearby nebula.

The nebula is full of light, and it is extremely thick, and his eyesight is also invisible.

However, Cai Er said that it was true, he was relieved in his heart, and turned to look at the heavenly army, his eyes suddenly moved.

I saw that Ximen Snow was standing at the end of a warship at this moment, and a pair of beautiful eyes were looking towards him. The look looked complicated.

On another battleship, there is a familiar figure, which is also looking at this side.

This person is Zhao Wei, but his expression is not so good, the original elegant face floating on a gloomy atmosphere, full of resentment.

Shi Mu did not pay much attention to Zhao Wei, and his eyes and Ximen Xuewei handed over, and they moved away from sight.

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