The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 944: transaction

Under the hot envelope of Haotian Shengyan, the water spirit is finally no longer calm, his face becomes very dignified, his mouth is filled with words, and he begins to mourn the mysterious and unspeakable spell.


The surface of the Xuan Ming Shenzhu is bright, and then the white light is released, emitting a horrible coldness. A layer of white ice crystals appears on the surface of the mysterious **** beads, and a faint white rune appears on the surface.

These white runes are connected to each other, and they form a layer of rune light curtains, which barely stabilizes the heavenly flame.

Time passed a little bit, no matter how the flames of the heavenly flames hit, the layer of runes and light curtains did not move, let alone the mysterious gods inside.

Shimu's eyebrows were picked, and the sacred flames in the hands were scattered. The mouth said faintly: "It is an ancient monk, and the gods are vast. Even if there is only the soul, I can't help you."

"Hey, with this mysterious god, I have resisted your holy flame.... This Taoist friend really does not consider cooperating with me. Do you want to destroy the mysterious gods and fight for you?" Said Shen Sheng.

"You are an ancient monk, you have a wide range of knowledge. I naturally want to cooperate. But in this case, I can't help you, but how can I dare to cooperate with you? Naturally, it is better to have a bad aftertaste." Said.

As soon as he was indulged, his golden light flashed, and a large golden brilliance emerged, and the sky stick emerged.

Shui Lingzi saw the sky stick, his face flashed a trace of horror, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait, Dao, I understand, I can swear, never do anything harmful to you... Xuan Ming Shenzhu However, it is an ordinary Lingbao, can not resist your hit of this mysterious treasure."

Shi Mu ignored the words of Shui Lingzi, waved his hand to throw the Xuan Ming **** beads, and shouted a low voice, turning the sky into a golden shadow, and squatting on the **** of the mysterious god.


The layer of rune light curtain on the surface of Xuan Ming Shenzhu was broken, and a crack of inch length was revealed on the bead. The water body inside the body was shocked, and the face immediately showed a painful look.

"Well, now I am relieved, I can talk about cooperation." Shi Mu’s face showed a sense of satisfaction, and waved his hand and said.

The other party is an old monster who has not lived for many years. Only by personally confirming that the sky stick can indeed pose a threat to Xuan Ming Shenzhu, he can safely talk to the other party.

"You, you bastard!" Shui Lingzi looked at Shi Mu with great anger, and issued a series of curses in his mouth.

Shi Mu’s face was full of laughter, and he did not care about the roar of the water spirit.

The water spirit roared for a while and finally stopped slowly.

"You are slick? Can you talk about cooperation?" Shi Mu asked calmly.

The watery spirit's gloomy face, watching Shimu, silently speechless.

"Since you are not interested in cooperation, then forget it. Let's talk about it ten years later." Shi Mu said faintly, he turned his hand and wanted to put the Xuan Ming **** beads into the storage ring.

"Wait!" The water spirit eyes flashed and said.

Shi Mu’s face showed a smile and put down his palm.

"Okay, we can cooperate." The water spirit was silent and said.

"Well, you really are a happy person." Shi Mu cracked his mouth.

“How do you cooperate?” asked the water spirit.

"Nature is an equal exchange. You point me to some cultivation problems. I can do some things for you as far as I can," said Shi Mu.

"Good! I can point you to practice, but also teach you some ancient magical powers, but relative, I want you to find a person who is inherited from the blood of the innate water for me to possess." The water spirit eyes flashed A little excited, said.

"Innate water source blood!" Shi Mu heard a surprise.

This kind of blood force has only been seen in the classics. It is one of the top blood vessels of the world. It is the same as the blood of the Tianfeng of Zhong Xiu.

"Yes, but this kind of blood is extremely rare. I can only guarantee that I will try my best to find it. If I can find it, it will not be necessary." He indulged and nodded.

"You just have to try to find it. Time is not meaningful to me." Shui Lingzi said that the sound was a bit stunned.

"Okay, but you better not to use any brains. If you let me find out that you have any other intentions, you will immediately destroy the mysterious gods with the sky stick, let your soul fly away! Your cooperation is equal, but my cooperation. Sorry, on strength, I have the upper hand." Shi Mu's eyes flashed in the cold, slowly said.

"Ha ha ha, this I naturally understand, you can rest assured that my life is in your hands at the moment. Although I have survived for many years, but I have not lived enough, I don't want to die." The water spirit laughed haha.

The cold mans in Shimu’s eyes slowly disappeared, but the vigilance in the heart did not decrease.

"I have to ask you something. You just said that my sky-roller is Xuantian Lingbao. What does this mean?" Shi Mu suddenly remembered and asked.

"Xuantian Lingbao is actually a kind of Lingbao. It is the name of our ancient monk. I don't know how you are now called. But only the spiritual treasure with great magical power will be called this title. Tianlingbao power is earth-shattering, even in the ancient times, Xuantian Lingbao is very rare, I can't think of one in your hand." Shui Lingzi said, the tone is faintly envious.

Shi Mu is somewhat surprised to see the sky stick in his hand. It is no wonder that he always feels that this power of the sky is far superior to all Lingbao. It turned out to be a higher level of Xuantian Lingbao than Lingbao.

"Right, Xuan Ming Shenzhu is being cracked by you. You can't use so much blue water in this spring. It's better to give it to me, let me fix the crack of the mysterious god!" Looking at the Lingquan on the side, I said.

"Yes, but you just said that there is a way for me to quickly advance to the middle of the gods, tell me the method, I will give you half of the blue water." Shimu brows and picks.

"You also said, how much do you know about the middle of the gods?" Shui Lingzi looked at Shi Mu, nodded and asked.

"In the middle of the gods, it is to refine the body and raise the cost of life." Shi Mu said.

This is what Li Sheng told him at the beginning.

"Yes, as long as you raise the cost of life, you can reach the middle of the gods. Although the life of the gods will be different because each person's practice is different, but all the gods of the life can be attributed to the five elements. Column." said the water spirit.

Shi Mu nodded, this is a matter of course, the Five Elements is the foundation of this world.

"It is not easy to consolidate the life of the gods. First of all, it is necessary to upgrade the cultivation to the peak of the early days of the gods. It is necessary to have enough vitality to impact the realm. The second is to have a deep understanding of the law of a certain attribute. ...... These conditions, you have basically reached, I see that your main practice is biased towards the fire attribute, and also cultivates a lot of fire attribute secrets, so your condensed life **** should also be the fire attribute god. You are on fire The law of attributes has been deeply understood, so even without my guidance, you should be able to cultivate into the middle of the gods in the future, just for a long time." Shui Lingzi said.

Shi Mu heard this, and if he thought thoughtfully, he did not speak.

"Although I am not practicing the fire attribute method, I have occasionally got a method to consolidate the flame god, which can help you to greatly enhance the understanding of the fire attribute law in a short period of time." The water spirit waved a white light. There are countless small words tumbling inside.

Shi Muxin thought of a move, a glimpse of the gods wrapped around the white light, and immediately appeared in his mind a difficult and mysterious mouth.

He was slightly enlightened and suddenly overjoyed.

This slogan is extremely mysterious, but it is only a slight enlightenment. There is a surging trend in the body of the wilderness. Especially the power of many flames in the body is more violent.

Shi Mu took a deep breath and pressed the body's infuriating flow, and his mind turned.

With his understanding of the law of fire attributes, this method seems to have no problem.

"Thank you for your advice. According to the agreement, half of the blue water in the Lingquan here is for you, but you can't give it to you now, but you have to wait a while," he said.

The water spirit eyes flashed, and then said: "It doesn't matter, just give me the blue water, I can wait for this time."

"You can understand it. I will practice for a while. During this time, I will be wronged by the waterway friends and stay in the storage space." Shi Mu said with a smile on his face.

As he said, he turned his hand and put the Xuan Ming **** beads into the storage ring.

For the water spirit, he really did not dare to take it lightly. When he practiced, he stayed with him. Only when he received the storage ring, he could feel a little peace of mind.

Shi Mujing sat condensed, and after a long time, his state of mind was completely restored to calm.

He flipped his hand and took out a white jade bottle. The strong water property volatility emanated from the inside, it was the hot sea spring spirit.

Shi Mu single-handedly cited a strong water vapor from the net bottle and integrated into his body. He immediately ran the nine-turn Xuan Gong's eighth turn to absorb this moisture.

A little bit of time passed, and after a long period of time in the blink of an eye, a layer of crystal blue light gradually appeared on his body, as if the source of water.

On this day, Shi Mu suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a word in his mouth. A sacred flame of flames flew out and swung around the well of Lingquan.


The black stones of the well were suddenly burned and shattered, and the seal of Lingquan disappeared immediately. A large blue light emerged from Lingquan.

Shi Mu waved with one hand, and Blu-ray immediately rushed toward him and entered his body.

His body shook a little, breathing deeply, and immediately running the nine-turn Xuan Gong eighth turn to absorb the blue water.

The blue light on his body immediately turned brightly at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Time passed a little bit, and in the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

Everything in Baigu Valley is very quiet, and there has been no change in the past. The only place to change is the water pool. At this moment, the entire water pool emits a faint blue light, which is very beautiful.

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