The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 946: Willow

"Shi brother, how do you suddenly want to ask this?" Anwar was a little surprised.

"It’s not the opposite. The images of the three ancient monkeys are exactly the same as the patriarchs of the celestial family. I think there may be some special connections between them. I left Wuyanxing to go to Suzaku, and I’m going through the middle. You are a tiger, so I want to take a look at the secret place." Shi Mu explained.

"It turns out that. The ancient ruins were discovered by my family in a dead star near the tiger king. Later, I took people to explore several times and found nothing. Until the last time I met a goddess senior. It was because he opened the secrets in the ruins that I was able to enter, and then I got the three faces from the ruins," Anwar said.

"God predecessors? What kind of predecessors?" asked Shimu.

"The predecessor looked ordinary, medium-sized, and couldn't see any speciality... After he opened the secret, he went in and took care of himself. He didn't have any communication with me... I saw that he didn't stop me, too. I took it with me. After I got the three faces, I wanted to continue to go deep into the secret, but when I saw the predecessor of the gods out of the secret, I quickly followed it back." Anwar thought about it and said.

"And then?" Shimu browed and asked.

"After coming out, the predecessors disappeared, and I also brought people back to the family." Anwar said

"I don't know where the ancient ruins are in the dead star? How do you get to the dead star from the tiger king?" Shi Mu pondered for a moment, looking to Anwar, asked.

"The star of the dead star is faint, it is not difficult to find. Out of the tiger king, you can see it in the sea of ​​stars. The location of the ancient remains is in a dark valley on the dead star, the specific situation. I have recorded it on this jade slip. However, as for the secret door of how the predecessors of the gods opened, I am not sure." Anwar said.

After all, he turned his wrist and took out a white jade slip and handed it to Shi Mu.

"Thank you." Shi Mu took over Yu Jian, said with joy.

"Shi brother, although there is this jade guide, but the position of the ruins of the starry sky is still not easy to find, I will accompany you to go out with you this time?" Anwar said.

"An brother is kind to my heart, and the strong tigers on the wuyan star still need your command, you still stay here. I am secretly traveling, it is easy to hide, but also relatively easy to hide. It’s safer.” Shi Mu heard it, but his heart was quite touched.

"Well, that stone brother, you should be more careful." Anwar heard this, and he understood it, so he said.

After Anwar left, Shi Mu converges on the breath, suppressing the breath to the late stage of the Holy Order, galloping all the way to Beiwu City.

There is also a transmission array in Beiwu City, which is able to leave Wuyan Star and travel to other nearby planets.

After half a month.

In the dense forest of Huzhou, a tall man in a brown cloak, looking up at the clouds in the sky, stood on his shoulders with a fat colorful parrot.

"Cai Er, the situation to go in a while is not very clear, afraid that there will be danger, you still stay in the spirit beast bag." Shi Mu said over the head to the color child.

"Oh, now it is already a god, you can not be underestimated." Cai Er said with some dissatisfaction.

"Well, then you can stand firm." Shi Mu said with a smile.

After all, the light behind it flashed, two huge black and white wings stretched out, and the whole person rushed into the sky.

In the air, the fire on the stone animal suddenly appeared, and the speed of the rushed up again several times, like a rocket, rushed into the clouds on the tiger star.

The tiger king is a huge spiritual star, with a heavy nebula and extremely strong gravitation.

Although Shi Muxiu has been stunned by the gods, he still feels tremendous pressure when he rushes out of the tiger king in the flesh.

Cai Er stood on the shoulder of Shi Mu, and was crushed by this huge force. His heart regretted it. He knew that he had just been hard and stubborn and hid in the spirit beast.

In the fiercely tumbling clouds and waves, about half a quarter of an hour, Shi Mu finally rushed out of the scope of the tiger.

It only felt that the whole body was suddenly loose, all the pressure was empty, and the body was suspended in the starry sky.

"Hey, it can be counted out. Stone, and then next time, I am still in the spirit of the beast bag." Cai Er stretched the neck for a long time, muttering in the mouth.

Shi Mu smiled and ignored it. Instead, he turned his eyes and searched for the dead star in Anhua’s mouth in the sky.

Soon, he discovered that a distant planet was floating in the distant starry sky in front of his side.

"Found, let's go."

After all, Shi Mu’s black and white wings suddenly spurred and accelerated toward the depths of the stars.

After less than three hours of flight, Shimu took the colorful children and landed on the Death Star. In accordance with the instructions on Anhua Yujian, he came to the valley.

Although Shi Mu had long known that this is a dead star, when they fell on the planet, they were surprised by the desolate appearance.

Above the Death Star, you can see all the blue-brown rocks, even the slightest dirt, not to mention the vegetation creatures, which are covered with large and small craters, which look like a huge wound. ,shocking.

The valley where they are at this time is actually a crater, but because it is too narrow, it looks like a valley.

"Stone, what is the ancient ruins of this broken place?" Cai Er's eyes swept from the valley to the other end, disappointed.

"Anwar gave me the jade to record this place, there will be no mistakes. Perhaps there is any prohibition hidden, we look for it again." Shi Mu brows slightly, said.

After all, he took a look at the valley with a lot of color.

However, they have been playing back and forth in a valley that is not very large, and there is still no discovery.

"It’s strange, here is not to say the atmosphere, even the spiritual fluctuations are not a little bit, can not find the relics that Anwar said." Shi Mu returned to the original place, brows slightly, sinking.

"I don't think it would be Anwar to fool you?" said Cai.

"No, I think there should be other reasons." Shi Mu shook his head and said.

"But it's really nothing here!" Cai Er yawned.

"Forget it, it was just a matter of deliberation. If we can't find it, we will continue to go to the Suzaku Star." Shi Mu thought for a moment and said.

At this moment, his heart suddenly moved and suddenly found the patriarch's token in the storage ring, it seems a bit moving.

Shi Mu immediately turned his wrist and took out the "Do not listen to the monkey" statue.

As soon as the statue came out, it was as spiritual as it was, and it swayed and flew away, and it shone in one direction.

Shi Mu looked at the direction of the statue and saw it at the end of his vision. There was a blue planet shining with a light blue light.

In his heart, he thought of some possibility, and there was a hint of joy on his face. He quickly took the statue up and flew toward the sky with a colorful child.


After a little half a day.

On the azure planet, over a vegetated forest with dense vegetation, a ray of light crossed and fell deep into the jungle.

The light is falling, but it is the stone shepherd and the colorful children wearing a gray cloak.

Shi Mu’s hands are holding the monkey statue, and the statue is shining.

"Stone, are you sure here?" Cai Er looked at the surrounding towering trees and thick shrub plants, some doubts.

Shi Mu smiled and didn't speak. The detective dialed the tall grass in front of him.

The place where the grass was plucked revealed a dark red brick and stone road that was ten feet wide and extended all the way to the distance.

Moss is spread over the old brick and stone roads, and the remains are everywhere. Many damaged places have grown knee-length weeds, which look very old and desolate.

Looking inward along the wide masonry road, you can see that there is a huge dark red architectural ruins outside of hundreds of feet.

The old masonry road leads from Zhengxi to Zhengdong, crossing a long bridge over the moat, and directly leads to a tall arched stone gate.

Shi Mu took the colorful children through the arched stone gate and continued to walk inward along the brick and stone road. It was found that there were green grasses on both sides of the ancient road, but it seems that because of the unmanned care, the original vegetation and miscellaneous The grass is mixed together and grows very lush.

Behind the grass is a tall stone building.

The entire building has three floors, a pyramid structure and one floor above the first floor.

On the highest level, there are three pagodas standing in a glyph. The top of each pagoda has a stone monkey statue.

Shimu eyes flashed, these three stone monkeys, it is exactly the appearance of three monkeys.

The distance between the three pagodas is very wide and they are connected by a veranda.

In addition, on the periphery of the building, each floor is surrounded by a cloister, and there are three very steep steps under the cloister.

Each of these steps is up to three feet high. If measured by normal human height, you need to use your hands and feet to climb up.

"Stone, it seems that this is the ancient ruins that Anwar said, but how is it different from what he said?" Cai Er stood on the shoulder of Shi Mu, looking up at the stone monkey statue on the top of the building. Said the opening.

"I think it may be because this ancient ruins, not fixed somewhere, its position has been constantly changing." Shi Mu guessed.

"This ruin is so magical, there must be a baby inside, let's go in." Cai Er heard the words, his eyes flashed, excited and shouted.

"Don't worry, even if you have a baby, you won't be in the ruins. Anwar is not saying it. There is still a secret in this ruin. I think the treasure should be in the secret." Shi Mu said.

"Then we will go to the secrets." Cai Er still screamed in an impatient and excited manner.

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