The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 948: Yellow towel

The impetuous look at the groove on the blue door, the eyes are full of joy, turned to Feng away: "Feng brother, please come here."

"it is good"

Feng departed and then flew into the pit.

He glanced at the door and glanced, his wrist turned over, and there was a red monkey statue in his palm. It looked like a monkey with both hands blinking.

Shi Mu’s heart jumped. This monkey-shaped statue and his patriarch’s token are similar in shape and shape, but the monkey’s movements are different.

He immediately thought of the 昊天玄玄, one of the 昊天玄幡 is a pair of monkeys with hands and eyes, exactly the same as the monkey statue in Feng’s hands.

Feng Li took the monkey-shaped statue and placed it in the groove. With a light press, the statue snapped into the groove.

Just listening to the sound of "咔", the cyan stone door suddenly lit up a circle of spiritual lines, emitting a soft glow.


The earth shook violently, and under the ground, there was a sound of friction, and the stone door slowly began to open.

When everyone saw this, they immediately burst into cheers.

The cyan stone door slowly opened, revealing a dark lacquered cave.

Although the door was opened, no one immediately went in, and looked carefully inside, but it was dark and nothing could be seen.

Shi Muxin thought about it, and the gods spread out and explored inside.

However, the knowledge of God has just spread into the door, and it is immediately blocked by an invisible force. It is impossible to enter the division. Obviously there is a clever prohibition.

Everyone looked at each other and no one spoke for a moment.

"Hey, this Taoist friend of the Terran, you are called Shi Mu? Is it trouble for you to explore the road first? If there is any treasure in it, it will not be impossible to give you one or two pieces afterwards." Waving, the people of the Jin Dai people surrounded Shi Mu in the middle, and his face showed a kind of unintentional look and said.

For Feng Li, he has no respect at the moment.

Shimuzui's corner was biased, smiled and jumped into the pit. He looked at Feng from the first place and walked toward the inside.

The impetuous seeing Shimu jumped so refreshed, and felt some accidents, could not help but stunned God.

Feng Li, who stood on the side, showed a hint of ridicule on his face, waving with one hand.

The monkey statue on the stone gate flashed red, and broke away from the stone door groove and flew back into his hand.

Feng turned his hand and put the statue away, and walked toward it.

The two figures quickly fell into the darkness, only footsteps faintly.

"Go, we will keep up." After seeing the stone priests, there was no abnormality, so I shouted.

Other people around have long been itch, here is the ancient secret, do not know how many treasures, hear the impetuous order, and immediately walked inside.


Everyone went in, and the blue stone door made a "rumbling" rubbing sound, and it suddenly turned off automatically.

At the same time, there was a red glow around the crowd, and the snapshots brightened everything.

After the gate, it was a huge circular space, like an underground cave, with a size of forty or fifty feet.

Numerous red runes are portrayed on the surrounding walls, faintly forming a large array.

In addition to these patterns of runes, there are some blue-gray humanoid reliefs on the walls. It is a warrior wearing armor. It is as vivid as a warrior.

Shi Mu and Feng Li, at the moment on the other side of the space, stand side by side.

"How did the door suddenly close!" The Jinxi people were shocked by each other.

A few people even ran to the door immediately, trying to push the stone door hard, but let them use their power, even the spirit of the spirit, Shimen still does not move.

Others immediately helped, and even impetuous people joined in, but unfortunately everything was in vain.

Shi Mu did not pay attention to the people behind him, looking through the red light toward the circular wall around him.

Feng Li also looked at the situation around him.

The impetuous and others tried for a while, and they were always vain, so they had to give up.

"In any case, let's move on. After finding the treasure, it is not too late to find a way to leave." The impetuous said.

Only then, the others agreed, and this began to look at the situation.

However, at this moment, a whistling sound of "嗡" suddenly appeared in this space, and the rune of the array on the surrounding walls was brightened together.

A strange wave of volatility emerged and swept from all sides, covering the entire space.

"No, there is a ban!" Some Jinxi people shouted.

Shi Mu and Feng Li's face are also slightly changed, and Shi Mu's hand is awkward, and he wants to display magical powers.

However, this test, he found that his infuriating body, even unconsciously was banned, completely unable to move.

In this way, his supernatural powers will not be able to play out.

"How can this be? My infuriating can't be used."

"me too……"

The Jinlu people around them also discovered this and cried in fright.

At this moment, the red light above the surrounding circular wall suddenly became loud, and the human figure carved on it was blurred, and then one after another stood out from the wall and separated.

Shi Mu was slightly over and found that there were as many as eighteen statues that had been separated.

What surprised him even more was that the moment the statues were separated from the wall, the color of the body turned from green to bronze, and the eyes became black and dark, which seemed to be really flesh and blood.

Wearing a yellow scarf and wearing a sleeveless armor, it reveals a solid muscle on both arms. It looks like a yellow towel and looks like a human body.

These eighteen yellow towels, the Luxist face, came out from the four sides with no expression.

Under the face of the Jinxi people, they had to continually retreat and be trapped in the middle.

"Don't panic! Even if you can't use the infuriating, just by the flesh and blood, can our Jinxi people be afraid of these dead things? All of them are given to me." The patriarch of the patriarch was very confused and quickly ordered.

When the Jinxi people heard the words of the leader, they calmed down. After all, the body of the Jinlu people, in terms of strength, was also ranked in the Tianhe Yaozu.

Under the impetuous order, the cold eyes were swept away from Shi Mu and Feng Li, and the sorrowful color on his face was undoubtedly revealed.

Under this passive situation, the literate and thin human race is absolutely only a dead end. For him, it also saves trouble.

Shi Mu and Feng Yi retired together, and kept a little distance from the Jinlu people. Their eyes swept through the yellow towel and they looked calm and not eager to shoot.

Eighteen yellow towel Lux did not say a word to force the crowd to the middle, the blue veins above the arms, and they waved their fists to the Jinlu people.

"court death!"

One of the Jin Dai people screamed in a purple robe, and the light in his hand lit up. He took out a nine-eye knife and smashed it toward a yellow towel.

I saw it leaping in the air, the flash of the big knife in the hand flashed, and then went down the head of the yellow towel.

This type of knife, although not using the infuriating, but the use is also a magic weapon, its sharp gas and the power of the mountain, can not be underestimated.

The yellow towel Lux seemed to be completely unaware of the general. He raised his fist and smashed it over the blade.

Just listen to the sound of "锵".

The big knife in the hands of the purple robe is broken.

Then a boxing wind rang, and the yellow towel Luxe smashed another fist, and the speed was amazing.


The purple robe and the big man screamed in a scream, and they all got out in the future. They were punched straight into the chest. The whole person flew like a sack, and the flesh and blood burst and died.

Everyone saw a sudden shock, and his face showed a sense of fear. The few people who had rushed up immediately retreated.

"These yellow towels are extremely powerful, and the body seems to be very strong." Feng Limei brows slightly, said to Shi Mu.

"Single with the flesh and blood, it is really difficult to deal with." Shi Mukou said in this way, but there is still no worry in the eyes.


Just then, a loud roar rang.

The golden light of the floating scorpion flashed, and the thick golden hair suddenly flourished, and the muscles of the body quickly expanded, and soon became an enormous giant with a golden hair.

Shimu’s eyes flashed. Although the ban was banned, the blood was not affected, but it could be applied.

This impetuous golden python looks quite similar to the giant python, but Shi Mu can perceive the essential difference.

Regardless of the flesh and blood power or the breath of its own, this golden cymbal is worse than the genius of the genius.

The impetuous hustle and bustle of the golden giant, the arms slammed into the chest, and the feet rushed out of the ground, slamming forward a punch, "squeaky", will be the nearest yellow towel Lux Got it and go back.

When the Jinyi people saw each other, their spirits rose, and the golden light shimmered, they all turned into a monkey form, and the yellow towel Lux, which was approaching in all directions, rushed over.

For a time, the roar of the space rose!

The gold scorpion incarnation of the golden giants, regardless of strength or physical strength, almost all increased several times in a short period of time, but the yellow towel sergeants are still in a disadvantage.

Almost for a moment, the golden cymbals of the heavenly level have been killed by the Yellow Turban.

The rest of the Saint-class people, except for a few others can cope, the rest are also defeated.

At the beginning of the battle, Shi Mu and Feng were separated from each other and escaped the attack of two yellow towel Lux, avoiding the side.

"These yellow towel Lux should be awkward, the ancient cockroaches are very powerful, comparable to the holy order of cultivation." Shi Mu said faintly.

Feng Li was amazed at the calming of Shi Mu. At this moment, his body was imprisoned. Although he was a god, the power at this moment was not as strong as those of the yellow towel.

Actually, is it not affected by the ban here?

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