The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 950: Divine

Shi Mu and Feng Li walked side by side. After hearing the messy footsteps behind them, they looked at each other and continued on.

A moment later, a blue stone door appeared in front of him. As before, there was also a monkey-shaped groove in the center of the threshold.

The impetuous Han Hanguang looked at the groove for a moment, hesitated a little, went forward, rolled his hand and took out a statue of a monkey, and put it into the groove.

It is also a sound of "咔".

In the blue stone door, the sound of the friction of "rumbling" sounded and opened to both sides.

After the stone door was opened, a large black-painted hole was exposed, as if a big mouth was about to swallow the people, and a very terrible breath was revealed from it.

With the experience of the previous level, the Jinluo people became more cautious. At this moment, when they looked at the door of the hole, no one would dare to go ahead.

After seeing the strength of Shi Mu, they naturally did not dare to take the stone to test the water. They had to stand on one side and watch carefully.

Shi Mu and Feng Li looked at each other and went straight in.

After entering, Shi Mu found that the space here is also very large, the wall in the distance is shimmering, and it seems to be engraved with any pattern, but it is not very real.

The impetuous seeing Shi Mu and the two went in, paused for a while, and then quickly followed the people to follow.

He was afraid of entering the early days and was afraid of going into the night. He was given a treasure by Shi Mu.

After the Jinxi people entered, the blue stone gate behind them reopened as before.

Although they were prepared for this, when the Shimen closed, the faces of the people still showed an uneasy color, for fear of any strange banned ban.

However, after a while, the surrounding area was quiet, there was no eccentric array of triggers, and no strange fluctuations came.

"There is no imprisonment, this time you can play all the strength." The impetuous big man secretly sighed and said to Chuta.

"No ban is not necessarily a good thing, I am afraid that this test will be even more difficult." Chuta listened, but his face did not have the slightest joy, Shen Sheng.

Just then, on the far side of the stone wall, suddenly a "beep" sound, the surface shines, and the surrounding is shining.

Everyone was shocked and they followed the sound.

Shimu brows slightly wrinkled, looking at the three humanoid reliefs carved on the stone wall in front.

"It seems that this is the next thing to deal with." Shi Mu said.

His voice just fell, the light on the wall was distorted, and the three human-shaped embossed eyes suddenly turned, and the six arms went out and the three men broke off from the wall at the same time.

After the three human figures were embossed into the body, they moved around each other and looked like they were adapting to the body. It looked a little strange.

The one on the left is wearing armor, and it is dark in the body. There are long traces of ink floating around the body. It looks like the same black and black, and it seems to be a bit of black inflammation.

The human figure in the middle is also wearing armor, but it is covered with a red-red robes.

A red hair that grows on top of its head is like a burning flame of the same group. The roots are erected and swayed from side to side.

On the right side of the human form, in addition to the position of the eyes, the body is wrapped in a set of golden armor, even in the light is not bright, still shining glare.

After the three figures were completed, the head turned and they turned their eyes to Shi Mu and others.

At the same time, the momentum of the three human forms suddenly erupted and suddenly swept over.

Shi Mu and Feng Li stand side by side and bear the brunt.

It only felt like a gust of wind blew past, blowing their clothes to hunter, but no other influence.

The Jinshao people not far behind them are discolored.

In addition to a few strong people such as impetuous, the rest of the people could not stand the pressure of this stock, and then stepped back and fell down on the ground.

"God...the gods are stunned!" a Jinxi people cried in horror.

"It's still three!"

"How do you fight this? Run away..." Another Kim, who climbed from the ground, shouted.

The impetuous face also became very unsightly, and his eyes looked at the front with dignity.

However, his gaze fell on Shi Mu and Feng Li, and the strength of the two men made him more and more worried.

"Shi brother, this black armor is quite appetizing to me, I will pick it first." Feng Li eyes fell on the black armor, said with a smile.

After all, he actually rushed out one step at a time and took the initiative to fight against the black armor.

I saw it leaping in the air, a boxing bombardment, a huge black boxing shadow turned to the black armor.

The black armor surrounded by the magical gas suddenly surging, and Feng Feng's black fist shadow was blocked.

Feng left the "嘿嘿" and smiled twice, and retreated toward one side.

The black armor turned in the direction, striding a span, and then chased the past toward Feng.

Shi Mu saw Feng Li lead the black armor, and his eyes fell on the body of the red armor.

"Okay, it's you." Shi Mu said with a smile, striding forward and striding, but also punched hard and smashed toward the red armor.

"Is these two people really just a holy step, how can you dare to face the gods alone?"

The remnants of the Jinlu family looked at the backs of Shi Mu and Feng Li, and the faces were full of surprises.

Chuta looked gloomy, his eyes glanced at the stone shepherd with some disappointment, and her heart had already begun to regret some of her previous practices.

At this moment, the golden armor also moved and rushed toward the Jinlu people.


A scream in the mouth of the impetuous Hankou, greeted the golden armor.

"Don't lie, go to the patriarch." Chuta fixed his mind and whispered.

After all, his body moved, followed the impetuous, and greeted the golden armor.

Others of the Jinyi people saw that the two monks had been taken away by Shi Mu and Feng Li. They only had to deal with this one gold armor, and they suddenly gave birth to a little courage, and they all rushed over.

After Shi Mu and the red armor smashed a few punches, the body volleyed and then flew back.

He found that although the red armor was not as good as the previous yellow towel, its eccentric power was far more than ten times more than the former.

In terms of strength alone, if Shi Mu is not incarcerated, he cannot take advantage of it.

However, there is no legal restriction around the moment, and Shi Mu naturally does not need to rely on flesh and blood to fight the red armor.

I saw Shimu’s right hand and looked forward. The red light flashed immediately on the arm. A long column of flames was like a dragon. He stalked his arm and covered his entire arm.

As soon as the flame came out, the temperature in the surrounding space began to rise rapidly.

Shi Mu stepped forward and the right fist clenched from the waist.

A "call" sounded.

A long flame, immediately rushed out of his arm and slammed toward the red armor.

Among the long flames, the flames are shining, and the red runes with the law of the atmosphere are shining.

Feng Li, who is fighting with the black armor, senses the breath in the flame of Shi Mu, and punches back with a punch. He suddenly twists his head and looks at Shi Mu, and his eyes are full of surprises.

I saw a sudden burst of light in the eyes of the red armor, as if two bright flames suddenly flashed.

The big hand went forward and the five fingers were separated. The red light flashed in the palm of the hand. A large piece of flame spewed out. It was like a fine flame net, shrouded the flame dragon of Shimu, and swallowed it in.

Looking at his own flame, blending into the flame of the red armor, Shimu slightly felt a little surprised, and the brows followed.

"This is..." Shi Mu secretly doubted.

There is already a scent of law in his flames. It is reasonable to say that it should not be engulfed by other flames, unless the flame of the other party also contains the power of the law.

"It's a bit interesting." Shimukou whispered in the middle of the mouth and rushed toward the red armor.

With one hand up, the law moved, and a red flame rushed out. It shook in the air, and it turned into three, becoming a three-faced 昊天玄玄幡.

I saw three sides of the Xuan Huo flying in the air, falling from the red armor, surrounded by three pillars.

The curse in Shi Mukou is silent, and the law is quickly shot.

It has one hand and points to the front void.

"Hula" sounded.

Three sturdy sacred flames erupted from the ancient scorpion, like three flamingos, tightly bound the red armor.

I saw the flame "Teng Teng" rise, violently burning, and soon drowned the red armor.

Through the blazing flame, Shi Mu saw that the body of the red armor was melted like a magma, and it flowed a little bit along the ground.

However, after a while, Shimu’s face suddenly changed slightly.

I saw the red magma flowing on the ground, and when it reached the foot of the foot, it suddenly burst up, and a melt was found from it, solidified rapidly in midair, turned into a red-red fist, straight to the stone. The door of the shepherd is coming.

Above the red fist, there is still a tumultuous flame, and the heat is no worse than the stone sacred flame.

After the fist, the arms and half body of the red armor were also condensed.

Shi Mu was in the shape of electricity and pulled back half a step. His eyes turned to the left chest of Akasaka.

I saw there slightly bulging, it seems that there is a hemispherical object that bulges outward, and there are some dark red complex patterns on the surface.

Shi Mu’s right hand was lifted up, “嗤”, and a blue light shone from his palm.

The blue light was like a flowing water, and it looked very warm, but in the moment of the red fist fist, it suddenly became very violent, and all of a sudden swallowed the whole red arm.

I only listened to the sound of "咝咝", and the white mist continued to rise.

The flame that entangled in the red fist was actually getting smaller and weaker.

At this moment, Shi Mu’s left hand was entwined with a red flame, and the fist was turned into a palm, suddenly slammed out, and accurately penetrated into the left chest of the red armor.

A bang was heard.

Shi Mu left his hand from the chest of the red armor, but there was a fist-sized red ball in his palm.

It is this thing that only bulges from its chest.

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