The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 952: Natural fire god

"Oh, this is!" The water spirit gave a scorn.

"Why, do you know what the impetuous did?" asked Shi Mu.

"It seems that this person is the soul that blends with his own body, refining himself into flesh and blood, forcibly breaking through to the realm." The water spirit is slightly sinking, so to speak.

"This is the case?" Shi Mu was shocked.

"Hey, all kinds of magical mysteries in the ancient times, there are many exercises, far better than you are in this age, what is impossible." The water spirit is somewhat proud to boast, obviously deeper than the ancient people proud.

Shi Mu did not pay attention to the boasting of the water spirit, and his thoughts rolled over and he was shocked.

I did not expect that there would be such a means of advanced deity, that is to say, if there is enough guilty heart, can it not create a great army of the gods?

"...Advancing the gods in this way, like other so-called shortcuts, has great hidden dangers, and basically has the possibility of continuing to progress...that is, this person can only stay in the early days of the gods, In ancient times, only some people with insufficient potential would use this method to advance the state of God.” Shui Lingzi continued to say that the means of this trick is very disdainful.

Shi Mu’s eyes flashed, and he did not know what he was thinking about without responding to the water.

"Ha ha ha! My impetuousness finally entered the realm today! From today, I am also a divine power!" The sound of laughter came from the golden light, the golden light slowly converges, and the impetuous figure appeared. .

Strong temperament spread from him from time to time, causing the surrounding void to tremble.

This is an expression of the inability to control the power of the gods.

Shi Mu faintly looked at the impetuous, and then looked away.

He was shocked earlier because of this strange method of impetuous advanced state, not because of impetuousness.

Although the impetuousness at the moment has the cultivation of the level of the gods, it is only the lowest level of the gods, even the power can not be controlled, how can it enter his eyes?

Moreover, this person has just killed his own ethnic group in order to resist the embarrassing attack. Such a despicable act is more disgusting.

Shi Mu looked at Feng, and his brow was slightly wrinkled.

Feng was still fighting the black scorpion at this moment, but he did not exert his strength at all, and constantly teased the black cockroach, not knowing what to do.

The impetuous operation method, slowly abruptly agitating the power of the gods in the body, turned to look at Shimu, and the arrogant look appeared in the eyes.

"Kid, take out all the things you just got and your body, and then self-destruct, I can consider giving you a life." The floating scorpion stepped toward Shimu step by step, looking proud and proud. .

Advance to the realm of God, let his confidence grow infinitely.

Although the strength of Shi Mu’s previous display has clearly indicated that he is not an ordinary holy order, but impetuous at this moment has great confidence in his own strength.

This kind of mastery of power, the feeling of manipulating life and death is wonderful, as long as you continue to advance, the treasure of this place will be in the bag, his strength will certainly be able to advance again.

In the returning family, the status of the Jinlu family can also increase again, and it is not impossible to reach the level of the Eight Great Wilds.

Thinking of this, the impetuous can't help but laugh again.

Shi Mu turned his head and looked up and down, showing a trace of surprise.

There was a trace of abnormal frenzy in the eyes of the impetuous at this moment, but he himself did not notice.

"It seems that the secret technique that this person has obtained is not perfect. Although it is repaired to reach the realm of the gods, the soul of the soul is affected by the heart of the blasphemy... Hey, it is really self-defeating." The water spirit scorned the martyrdom.

There was also a trace of mercy in Shimu’s eyes.

"Kid, is it smashed? You didn't hear the words of this uncle, hand over everything on your body, and then kneel down!" The impetuous saw that Shimu had no reaction to his words, and suddenly became furious.

Shi Mu still has no reaction.

"Since you are looking for death yourself, then you can't blame me!" The impetuous screamed, as if the electric fly flew to the front of Shi Mu, a punch hit.


As the mountain's golden light emerged from its fists, it condensed into a golden fist of a house size, and slammed into the stone shepherd.

The golden fists have not yet arrived, and a fierce and incomparable boxing style has swept through, and a mountain can almost blow, and the void has rippled.

Shi Mu shook his head, his eyes flashed coldly, his left hand slammed out, and countless bright yellow flames swarmed out, it was the sacred flame.

The sacred flame of the sky tumbling, condensed into a giant palm of the size of a golden fist, and slammed it out, colliding with the golden fist.

There are countless red runes in the giant palm of the flame, which emits horrible heat. The golden fist is like a wax, and it melts away in an instant.

The giant palm of the flame did not stop at all, and continued to grab the impetuous.

"No! How is it possible!"

At this moment, the impetuous eyes appeared in the horror of the eyes, and the mind was completely awake, yelling, and screaming at the golden wheel magic weapon, blocking it in front of him.

Ten fingers linked, lightning dozens of dozens of law, flying into the magic of the Golden Wheel.

A large piece of golden light emerged from the gold wheel and condensed into a golden giant shield.

Between life and death, the potential of impetuousness is maximized, and a series of spells are completed in the blink of an eye.


The golden giant shield was just formed, and the giant palm of the flame was shot on it, making a loud noise.

The Golden Wheel magic weapon is also a spiritual treasure, the power is quite large, and the giant palm of the heavenly flame is actually blocked.

"Hey!" Shi Mu snorted and thundered several laws.

In the giant palm of the flame, countless red runes jumped, and the giant palm suddenly expanded, turning into a rugged flame space. It was the flame field, and the golden giant shield was covered with the golden magic weapon and the impetuous. .

Without being integrated into the three-faced 昊天玄玄幡, the stone field of Shimu is very incomplete, and it is completely rudimentary.

But even if it is a prototype, it is also a field.

"What is this?" The impetuous body immediately seemed to be crushed by the giant peaks.

Not only that, but his infuriating body was also imprisoned by an invisible force, and he could not move at all.

The surrounding flames are entangled like spirituality.

The impetuous face showed a terrified look. Zhang mouth wanted to ask for mercy, but no sound could be heard, and the body was quickly overwhelmed by the flames in the field.

Shi Mu waved a spell, and the flame field shook slightly, then dissipated, revealing a golden magic weapon, a golden ball, and a storage ring.

The whole body of Buddhism completely disappeared, but these three things are not damaged.

Within the field, Shi Mu’s control is absolute. As long as he thinks, even throwing a piece of paper into the flame field will not ignite.

He waved and sucked three things, swept the golden wheel magic weapon, and then took it up, took the golden heart and carefully looked at it.

Although it has just been immersed in the body, the metallic law in the heart of the heart has not weakened.

Shi Mu’s face showed a smile. His understanding of the power of the metal law has not yet begun. This heart is just a gift in the snow. Perhaps by understanding this heart, you can find an opportunity.

He turned his hand and put away his heart, and finally took the impetuous storage ring, and the gods explored it.

The value of a holy step is not seen in stone, but there is something he must look at.

He picked up his brow and added a red statue in his hand. It was the monkey statue with both hands pouting.

Shi Mu Shen knows into the statue and quickly explores it.

After a while, his face was a joy.

As expected, there is also a white granule at the center of the statue. Although the gilt family got the statue, it did not seem to find the secret inside the statue.

He is a little god, releasing a glimpse of the gods and touching the white particles.


Countless white texts emerge from the granule species, which is also the gods, entering the stone pastoral mind.

His **** knows the text and browses the words. His eyes are wide and his face is full of ecstasy.

The content of this essay is a body-building method, called "Tianhuo Shenti".

Different from the "Great Wilderness Wu Sheng Sheng Gong" taught by Bai Hao's ancestors, this "Tian Huo Shen Sheng Gong" is a perfect body repair method, and even there is the blood sea cultivation method that Shi Mu is most eager for, and a little No shortage.

Shi Mu greedily read this piece of "Tian Huo Shen Ji Gong", the blood of the body faintly fluctuated.

But the current situation is not the time to practice.

He read it quickly and remembered everything, and he sighed and turned his hand to put away the statue of the monkey.

Just at this time, Bang! A loud noise came from the side.

Shi Mu turned to look at the past, the black cockroach has been turned into two by Feng Li.

At the moment, Feng Li, who is bending over, takes out a black heart from the black skull.

He put the object in his hand and played it. His face showed a hint of joy. Then he folded his hand and closed it. He seemed to recognize what the heart was, but it made Shimu slightly strange.

Shi Mu looked at Feng Li, his eyes fell on the storage ring of Feng's hand, his eyes flashed and he walked over.

"Sorry, I have been entangled with this for a while, and delayed the time of Shi Xiong." Feng Li apologized to Shi Mu.

"No problem." Shi Mu put his hand.

Feng Lichao glanced at the incomplete body of the Jinlu people and said nothing.

Although he was fighting, but the actions of the Jinsong family, he also looked in his eyes. He did not care about Shimu’s killing of impetuousness.

"This pass has also passed, it seems that the test here is not difficult." Feng Li smiled.

Shi Mu nodded and heard some accidents.

The test so far is not too difficult for him and Feng Li, and it can even be said that it is too simple.

"Hey! That's your luck. It has gone through countless years of attack. The power of the yellow towel, the power of the dragon has been greatly reduced. If it is in the period of victory, just three of them, each has a comparable The strength of the medium term." The voice of the water spirit sounded in the heart of Shi Mu.

"Oh, it turns out." Shi Mu heard the words and nodded.

However, it is easy to pass the test, and the heart is naturally so happy.

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