The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 961: Tianfeng Nirvana

"Stone, that red dress is too powerful, you don't want to let him deal with him, there are a few lives is not enough!" Cai children patted their chests with their wings, some of them said undecided.

At the moment, Shi Mu’s pain in his mind has eased, and the figure has shook open and opened the distance from the fire.

"Zhao Wei! How could he be here?" Cai Er looked at Zhao Wei, surprised.

Shi Mu’s eyes flashed and he glanced at Bai Hong in the distance. He said: “I’m afraid it’s a special trip to kill me.”

Because of the fate of the nine-turn Xuan Gong, he and Zhao Wei are destined to have only one person to live to the end.

When he left Wuyan Star on the same day, he was not too careful. He should have been seen by Bai Hong and told him about his whereabouts.

Shi Mu's face is not good-looking, a fire-painted, he has some carelessness, plus a Zhao Hao, it is even more difficult to deal with.

"Shimu, you are right! If you continue to hide in Wuyanxing, it is really bad for you to start, but it is really helping me, you actually left Wuyanxing. I have waited for this day. Too long, hahaha!" Zhao Yu flew over, and the fire painted each other into a corner, surrounded by Shi Mu, laughing in the mouth, a flash of excitement in his eyes.

Shi Muguang blinked, and his thoughts turned sharply.

Since Zhong Xiu is not here, he actually has no need to stay here, and a fairy will die, but once he leaves, the situation of the Tianfeng family is worrying.

At this moment, a twilight flew from a distance, and a flash fell in the vicinity. A golden robe woman was present, holding a silver compass magic weapon in her hand.

"Qi 禀 涂 涂 仙 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Not good! Stone Alliance Lord, go quickly." Zhao Zhuming heard the words, his face changed, shouted loudly.

After all, it should fly first and fly in the direction of Fengming Valley.

Cai Er heard the words, the reaction was the fastest, immediately agitated the wings, chased the past, the remaining Tianfeng people also flashed, and followed.

Shi Mu saw it and also withdrew from the front, followed by Zhao Zhuming.

"Hugh off!" Zhao Wei saw it, shouted, and the blue steel vine spear shook in his hand. A large three-color flame rushed out and turned into a hot hurricane.

Shi Mu's eyes flashed in the golden light, and the hands of the gods slammed into a sweep, and then turned into a heavy stick and greeted them.

When the hot hurricane and the stick shadow came into contact, it suddenly turned into a hot air and offset each other.

Zhao Wei still has to chase again, but there is a sound of fire on the side: "Let them go."

Zhao Yiyi, some incomprehensible look to the fire, but the action still stopped.


"The stone lord, the Nirvana phoenix in my family involves a great deal, and must not fall into the hands of heaven. I have a ruthless request, I wonder if the stone lord can promise?" Zhao Zhuming hesitated and repeated, while flying, while transmitting Said to Shimu.

"Elder Zhu Ming said nothing." Shi Mu replied.

"Nirvana Fengyan is in a secret place connected to the Tiankeng of Fengming Valley. There is a large array of guarding the secrets. If you can bring the fire to it, you may be able to remove it." Zhao Zhuming Said the sound.

"Oh, what does Elder Zhu Ming need me to do?" Shi Mu listened, and frowned.

"The big array is at the entrance of the secret. I need the Tianfeng people to start with mystery. I hope that the Shimeng master can use the secrets as a bait to lure the fire into the tiankeng. At that time, I will close the secret and turn to the big array. It was killed in the tiankeng." Zhao Zhuming said.

"The bait?" Shi Mu heard the words, a slight glimpse.

"If the Stone League Lord feels wrong, he will not be forced to do it under it." Zhao Zhuming saw this and said quickly.

"What are the risks of this move? Please ask Zhu Mingchang to make an old statement in advance." Shi Mu browed and said.

He knew in his heart that the only one who can compete with the fire paint at the moment is only him, so the other party will propose to use it as a bait, which is also forced by the situation.

"If the stone alliance master can't enter the secret environment before the fire paints into the tiankeng, I will open the prohibition, and you will be trapped in the big battle together with the fire paint. This is one of the dangers. In addition, the fire in the big battle Before painting, I can't reopen the mystery, otherwise the fire will take the opportunity to enter the secret, so the Shimeng master can only stay in the secret before that, this is the second danger." Zhao Zhuming said.

"In the secret, what is the danger?" Shi Mu was surprised, and continued to ask.

"The stone alliance master must not try to contact Nirvana Flame, otherwise it is difficult to ensure that the body will become the end of the gray god." Zhao Zhuming said, the tone is very solemn.

"Elder Zhu Ming, this Nirvana Fengyan, what is it in the end?" Shi Mu asked.

"It doesn't matter, this Nirvana phoenix flame is the highest flame that is related to the inheritance of my Tianfeng people. It is said that it is the reincarnation of the true spirit and the phoenix. It contains the most mysterious flame law between the heavens and the earth, and it has been born. Spiritual knowledge, the end of the gods are extraordinary, so it will be provoked by the fire to paint such awkward ... but if the patriarch or the sacred woman is not close, it will be countered." Zhao Zhuming explained.

"Well, I promise you." Shi Mu listened, his heart moved, he pondered for a long time, or nodded.

"Thank you for the greatness of the stone alliance, the Tianfeng people will be remembered in the heart..." Zhao Zhuming heard the words and said with excitement.

"Not good, the fire is catching up!" Shi Mu said, interrupting Zhao Zhuming's speech, his eyes dignified.

The voice just fell, and the "call" sounded.

A hundred-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thirty

"Elder Zhu Ming, let's go first. I am trying to block him from this, and then I will arrive." Shi Mufei said quickly, his body shape stopped.

When Zhao Zhuming saw it, his teeth were bitten and he continued to fly with everyone.

"Stone." Caier paused for a moment, and after a round of screaming, he flew in the direction of Fengming Valley.

Shi Mu hangs in the air, and his hands are flying fast.

The three sides of the ancient scorpion fluttered out, showing the distribution of the zen, the light shining red.

I saw a fire shining up, and a fierce giant scorpion rushed out of the ancient scorpion and rushed to the fire dragon.

A loud bang of "Boom."

The huge fist of the fire slammed into the top of the faucet.

In the midair, the fire of the big group burst and burst, but the arm of the fire was broken, and it was scattered like a fire.

The golden dragon faucet leaned back, and after a few seconds of retreat, it rushed up again, and the fire of the broken arm was torn apart.

Shi Mu’s hands swayed, and Xuan Huo slammed on the fire and flashed again. There was a huge flame of tigers rushing out and rushing toward the golden dragon.

Then, his body turned and continued to fly in the direction of Fengming Valley.

However, he just turned around and heard a sound behind him.

Looking back, I found that both the giant flames and the fierce tigers have been cut into pieces by several huge fireblades and dissipated.

The red-colored folding fan in the hands of the fire was gently shaken, and it was chased from the rear and not slow.

Shi Mu's brow wrinkled, his palms waved again and again, and the nine-faced broken ancient scorpion also danced out, surrounded by the three sides of Xuan Huo, and formed a new circle.

As soon as this array of law emerged, the hot gas that was released from the ancient scorpion became stronger and stronger. Although there was no flame, the burning heat had already transpiration of the surrounding water vapor.


Shimukou snorted and changed his hand.

I saw the radiance of the twelve-faced ancient scorpion, the body of the body continued to flow, the burning fire on the three sides of the sacred fire, and successively flowed into the nine-faced deputy, making the original deputy scorpion look like a complete .

On the top of the nine-faced scorpion, the fire flashed, and a circular wave of spiritual power appeared on it. A long flame of the head looked out from a little.

After a while, the nine long-lived flame dragons danced from the nine-faced deputy, and flew to the fire.

These nine fire dragons and the former Shi Mu, the appearance seen in the secret trials are almost exactly the same, but the power is inferior.


Nine-way fire dragons and huge mouths, nine strong red flames burst out from the mouth, turned into a blazing fire, surging with a fire of ten feet high, shot to the fire.

Shi Mu did not look at it. He waved his hand and took back the twelve faces, and turned and flew away.

All the way to the road, Shimu through the valley, went straight to the deepest part of the valley, Zhao Zhuming and others have already waited there.

"Stone!" Cai Er saw the stone shepherd flying, shouted with joy.

"Elder Zhu Ming, how is it prepared?" Shi Mu fell down and asked immediately.

"It is ready, Shi Guizhu you see." Zhao Zhuming pointed to the Tiankeng in front of him.

Shi Mu looked down at the other side and saw that the bottom of the tiankeng had already been filled with rocks. There was no such thing as an entrance.

However, as soon as his gaze turned, he found that on the inner wall of the tiankeng, many places were engraved with some strange flame patterns.

"Kid, I thought I wanted to stop me with the Kowloon Fire Array?" At this moment, a voice rang in the air.

Shi Mu brow could not help but wrinkle. He knew that the fire dragon could not stop the fire, but he did not expect that he would be broken and chased up so quickly.

Zhao Zhuming’s look has also become extremely tense.

"It is now." Zhao Zhuming gave a voice to Shi Mu.

Shi Mu nodded slightly.

"The stone alliance master, this Nirvana Fengyan will be handed over to you, in any case, can not let it fall into the hands of heaven." Zhao Zhuming suddenly shouted.

After all, his hand was stunned, and his mouth secretly slammed the curse. He pointed out that the flames flew out and went straight into the crater.

I saw that the flames were put into the flame pattern, and the flame pattern on the inner wall immediately burned up, and a layer of flame light was lit in the tiankeng.

When the fire was painted, the light curtain appeared, and the face immediately showed a fiery color. When the figure was moving, it fell to the bottom.

Shi Mu looked up at the fire and leaped, and he first fell into the light curtain.

Before it fell into the light curtain, the body suddenly burst out of a black light and rushed up against the fire.

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