The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 965: Exhibition

Zhao Zhuming suddenly had a desperate look in his eyes, but he did not turn and fled. Instead, he screamed, his red fire was shining, and behind him there was a huge red phoenix, and the flames rolled.

"Go!" Zhao Zhuming gave a low voice, and pointed out that it was extremely fast.

The phoenix phoenix immediately flew out, giving a sharp phoenix, fiercely rushing to the fire.

A large phoenix phoenix, the mouth is actually full of Sensen teeth, a hot and incomparable, translucent red flame sprayed out, hit the fire.

At the same time, the phoenix phoenix shadow is also followed by a bite.

In the fire, the mouth was light and cold, and the hands were false.

"噗嗤", the palm of the hand emerged two golden flames, and quickly deformed, turned into a golden fire snake with two arms thick, the body twisted away from the translucent red flame, "嗖", did not enter the mouth of the fire and phoenix .

The action of the phoenix phoenix under the shadow suddenly stopped, and then the body suddenly expanded, and the sound of "嘭" burst into a red flame.

Zhao Zhuming’s face has changed greatly and he is going to do something.

At this moment, the golden light flashed in front of him, and the two golden fire snakes flew from the sky in the red flame, and a flash hole penetrated his body.

Zhao Zhuming's body was shot and flew out. There were two large black holes in the lower abdomen and chest. The blood in the mouth was mad and smashed on the ground.

The fire slammed coldly and turned to look at the golden robe woman who was besieged by the Tianfeng people. The body flew out, and under the flash, it appeared in the vicinity.

I did not see any movements. A large golden golden light emerged and condensed into a golden giant palm, which was shot above the fire.

The fire broke out and it was immediately divided.

Those sacred Tianfeng people had great physical shocks, and they squirted blood with a few mouths, and they fell to the ground with no sigh.

They are just the holy steps, even if the fire wave is the last wave of the strike, it is not that they can resist, the soul is directly shocked, and the body is on the spot.

"Thank you for the fire scent will save you!" The golden robe woman flew out of the fire, and some said awkwardly.

Bai Hong also flew out from the inside and thanked him in the mouth.

"You go to the secret entrance and open it at the fastest speed," Fire said.

"Yes!" Jinpao woman quickly promised, flew to the bottom of the pit, waved a dozen flags, beads, compasses and other magic weapons, quickly busy.

The fire was turned and looked at the air, and the cold eyes flashed.

The four people in midair saw the following situation and looked different.

"Oops!" Cai Er's eyes changed, and Shi Mu's body turned into an expression, and he could not see the change of expression.

Bai Hao and Zhao Wei’s face are a joy.

The fire was cold and slammed, and the body rose to the sky and rushed to the body of Shi Mu.

His hands flashed in the red light, and the red fan of the red folding fan.

"Death!" The fire was cold and a cold drink, a fan of a wave.

Hundreds of red fire blades flew out and drowned the body of Shi Mu.


The fire blade burst open, and a fierce burst of sound blew, and then a black-and-black body fell from the air. It was the body of Shi Mu, who fell on the ground and struggled twice, not moving.

The **** remnant sword fell to the side, obliquely inserted on the ground, emitting a faint blood awn, it seems to have been hurt by the burst of the spirit.

"The fire scented fairy will be immortal, admire!" Zhao Wei saw that he had been entangled with him for a long time, Shi Mu splitt was actually defeated by a blow, his eyes flashed a stunned, said in the mouth.

The fire painted a faint smile, did not answer, turned to look at the colorful children.

The color of the child was stiff, and a scream was made in the next moment. The white cockroaches were thrown away, and the wings were stretched out and flew away in the distance.

"Want to escape! Hugh!" The fire painted a loud bang, and the fan in the hand waved.

Puff puff!

Hundreds of fire blades flew out again and again, and swept away toward the colorful children. The speed was fast, and they caught up with the children in the blink of an eye.

The color of the child was dying, and the whole body screamed, and a large green flame emerged. The speed immediately increased by nearly double, and it was a little faster than the red fire blade behind him, which opened the distance between the two.

"Hey!" The fire slammed coldly, and the golden flame on his hand flourished, condensing into a golden flame and a big wave.


The void shattered, and the golden giant palm fell into the void.

The next moment, the front of the color child bursts open, and a giant palm that is condensed by a golden flame appears out of thin air. It is captured from it, and it is necessary to grasp it.

At this moment, a burst of roaring came from below!

Zhao Zhuming didn't know whether he was alive or not. The fire was bursting into a ruin. The big squad had stopped working at this moment, and the pit was restored to its former appearance.

The bottom of the pit suddenly appeared a large red light, condensed into a red light door, a figure of burly flying out from inside.

The face of the fire was changed, and the movement of the hand stopped, and the golden flame of the giant palm also paused a little.


In the eyes of Cai Er, he was overjoyed, his body twisted and turned into a green shadow. He escaped from the giant palm of the flame with no volatility, and flew away toward the shadow.

"Stone, you always figured it out, scared to death! Almost no life!" Cai Er plunged into Shi Mu’s arms and shouted.

"I am there, nothing." Shi Mu patted the color, then put it on his shoulders, raised his head, and flashed a trace of cold in his eyes.

The woman in the golden robe near the bottom of the pit was shocked and her body turned back. She left Shimu and left to explore the entrance to the secret.

Shi Mu did not pay attention to the woman in the golden robe. Looking around, the situation outside was immediately covered, and the face suddenly sank, stepping out in one step, and the body disappeared from the place.

In the next moment, his body shape spanned more than a hundred feet, appearing beside the body outside the body.

At this time, in the middle of the air, a red silhouette flew down, it was the fire.

He did not go after the stone shepherd, but went straight to the red light door at the bottom of the pit, his face full of joy.

However, his body just flew down, and the red light door flashed, shattered and disappeared.

The face of the fire changed and the body suddenly stopped. This did not hit the wall of the pit like before.

On the other hand, Zhao Wei stared at Shi Mu, and his face was a bit ugly.

Shi Mu gave him the feeling, and it was different from before. He was so condensed and solid, and the whole person seemed to be reborn, and there was even a feeling of being comparable to fire.

Is he gaining again in the mysterious world of Tianfeng, and his strength is improving again?

"Damn!" Zhao said in his heart.

Shi Mu ignored the people around him, waved a red light, lifted the body outside, and frowned.

The body avatar almost collapsed at this moment. Fortunately, the soul of the body was not damaged. If there is a suitable material, it can be repaired.

"Stone, the avatar was broken by the guy in the red suit. He also injured Zhao Zhuming. Zhao Zhuming is now very hurt. It is estimated that he will die soon after he can't save." Cai Er pointed a fire on his wings and complained. Said in general.

Shi Mu heard the words, waved his body and turned it away, and looked at Zhao Zhuming.

Zhao Zhuming broke two large holes in his body. The whole body was blood, but there was still breath, but the breath was weakening.

"Oh, still not dead, oh!" The fire painted at this moment and flew out from the bottom of the pit. His face was very ugly. When he heard the color, he suddenly snorted. With one hand and one wave, the fan in the hand was red and strong.


More than a hundred red fire blades flew out like a blast of wind and rain, and went towards Zhao Zhuming. The speed was extremely fast, and almost a flash came to him.

Although the red fire blade is fast, some people are faster.

Zhao Zhuming flashed in front of him, and Shi Mu’s figure appeared out of thin air.


Shi Mu's eyes are bright and bright, and the red flame is strong, and then it expands rapidly. In a flash, a red flame field of more than a dozen feet is formed, and Zhao Zhuming is shrouded in it.

The flame field is a lot bigger than before, and it looks a lot more complete.

The field has just opened, and those red fire blades are flying.


More than a hundred fireblades smashed over the red field, and then burst into bursts, making an earth-shattering loud noise, and the bursting flame drowned the stone grazing.

"Get rid of it!" Bai Hong saw this scene, shouting excitedly.

However, he soon discovered that the person present was not alone, but no one spoke.

"I didn't expect that, in such a fast time, I will be able to advance again!" The fire painted face was ugly, and he whispered.

Originally, he was still inaccurate about the cultivation of Shimu. Now he has opened a field and the realm is suddenly exposed.

Zhao Wei’s five senses were somewhat distorted, staring at Shi Mu’s death, his heart was numb, and his teeth creaked.

The strength of Shi Mu’s progress is far beyond his imagination.

The white and white hunts are also pale, and Shi Mu is now cultivating again, and how they compete with them for the giants.

There was a hint of gloom in the eyes of Bai Yan. He turned everything away and turned to heaven. Are these all wrong?

The rolling flame quickly dissipated, revealing the image of Shimu.

The red field in his body was not damaged, and he burst into red light.

In the field, Shi Mu waved with both hands, and a green and blue light flew out of his hands and merged into Zhao Zhuming's body, which is the power of nine turns of Xuan Gongmu.

Zhao Zhuming's muscles crawl near the wound, and quickly grow new granules to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two big holes actually healed in almost breathing, and Zhao Zhuming shuddered and slowly opened his eyes.

He looked around and quickly understood the situation at the moment.

"Thank you for the help of the stone husband and the lord." Zhao Zhuming stood up and walked toward Shi Muzhen.

"It’s just a matter of raising your hand, and Zhao’s elders are welcome.” Shi Mu said.

Zhao Zhuming looked at Shimu with a gaze, and was about to ask about the situation in the secret. At this moment, the two men suddenly appeared a large golden flame, and a figure in the flame emerged. It was a fire.


The fire screamed and waved with both hands.

Numerous golden flames gathered in one place and condensed into a golden sun of a certain size. With the gesture of fire, they slammed into the field of stone grazing.

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