The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 967: Zhu Xian

"Space secret!"

The fire painted face was ugly, but fortunately, the three-legged Jin Wu was still next to him, so that his face looked good.

"You don't deserve to be a heavenly fairy, but it's a good eye! Yes, this is my 12th day, the sky is full of fire, and it will be out of the fire." The sound of Shi Mu sounded, I don't know. Where did it come from?

The fire painted the name of the 'Twelve Capitals of Heaven and Earth,' and I felt that I heard about this formation.

Before he did anything, the flames around him rushed into a myriad of huge flame arrows.

The face of the fire is slightly changed.

Breaking the air!

Countless flame arrows shook a little, then flew out as many as possible, making a sharp sound, and shooting like a rain.

The fire painted his eyes flashing, his body shape shook, and he flew directly into the three-legged Jinwu body.

The golden flames of the three-legged golden body were suddenly brightened, and countless red arrows flew in and shot on the three-legged Jinwu.

However, when these flame arrows touched the golden flame around them, they did not penetrate much, and they broke apart, and they could not penetrate the body of the three-legged Jinwu.

Only the flames in the flame space are endless, and the flame arrows are constantly being generated, and they continue to shoot toward the three-legged Jinwu, as if in the next endless arrow rain.

The three-legged Jinwu double-winged exhibition, turned around with a turn, just like the endless arrow rain, flew forward.

Its wings are wide open, and the speed is amazing. It is just that no matter how it flies, it is surrounded by a sea of ​​fire. It seems to be endless.

Not only that, the flames of the surrounding arrows are constantly moving, and the arrows are getting bigger and bigger. At this moment, there are more than a dozen feet long, as if they were a giant spear, and they pierced into the golden flame of the three-legged Jinwu. .

The golden flame trembled, although it was still able to burn those thick arrows, but it was much more difficult than before.

The three-legged Jinwu double-winged exhibition, the huge figure stopped, and the eyes looked toward the surrounding, the eyes were clear, and the sharp eyes that were faintly revealed were exactly the fire.

"There was such a large space, or... this is a reversed orientation of the array. I have been spinning in the same place..." The three-legged golden wolf is a golden sea of ​​fire, standing in a golden flame, muttering language.

He immediately snorted and waved with one hand and made a law decision.

A three-legged Jinwu big mouth, spewing a thick golden fire column.

The pillar of fire flashed into a golden giant sword, and it screamed out and spurred into the depths of the flame space.

The golden giant sword is very powerful, and the red flame around it makes a stinging sound, and I don’t know how much it is opened.

However, the golden giant sword was also consumed a lot of power, and the light became much bleak.

At this moment, the space in front flashed, and a giant flame of the palm sticking out from the inside, grabbed the golden sword.


A hundred-foot-high flame giant emerged from the space, grasping the golden giant sword with both hands and slamming hard.

"咔嚓", the golden giant sword broke open and turned into a large golden flame. He wanted to fly toward the fire, but was blocked by the surrounding fire, and was quickly integrated into the sea of ​​fire.

The fire painted to see the giant of the flame, his face sank, knowing that the twelve days of the sky Xuanhuo burst into this, it really began to reveal the power.

Compared with the present, everything in front can only be regarded as a small fight.


After the fire was painted, the sky flashed, and a giant of fire emerged.

Everything is not over yet, the void is flashing, and the flame giants appear one after another. There are twelve in total, and the three-legged Jinwu is in the middle.

Every flame giant exudes a huge pressure, and the twelve pressures are united, almost suffocating everything.

Although the three-legged Jinwu is the existence of the flame illusion, the instinctive feels a moment of fear at this moment.

In the three-legged Jinwu body, the face of the fire changed.

Twelve great pressures were like twelve weight hammers, gathered together and slammed into his chest.

The fire snorted and was shocked by the pressure of the gods. The body stepped back and a blood flowed out of the corner of the mouth.

The next moment, the twelve flame giants had a big mouth, and the twelve bright yellow fire pillars flew out of their mouths. It was the sacred flame.

It’s just that the flames of the day and the peacetime are quite different. They show a kind of crystal color. There are countless red runes flying in the air, and the power is much bigger than usual.

The twelve fire pillars changed for a while, turning into twelve bright yellow fire blades, staggered toward the three-legged Jinwu.

The face of the fire changed greatly, and both hands waved, and the spell was quickly mourned in the mouth.

The golden flame of the three-legged Jinwu suddenly rises and condenses into a golden shield.

It’s just that the fire has just been hurt, and the movement is slow.

The golden shield has just formed a shallow layer, and the twelve bright yellow fire blades have already blasted, and the golden shield has been split, and then the twelve giants squatted on the three-legged Jinwu.

The three-legged Jinwu made a cry, and the huge body was directly separated into pieces, broken and opened, and then turned into a large golden flame.

The fire painted figure came out, and his face was very blue.

The twelve flame giants did not stop at all, and the big mouth was again, and the bright yellow flame spewed again, but this time there was no fire blade. The twelve fire pillars merged together to form a bright yellow sea of ​​fire, and the fire was drowned in it.


The surrounding space made a huge muffled sound, and a powerful and incomparably space force swept over and pressed from all directions to the fire and prevented it from fleeing.

The fire screamed and screamed, and wanted to fly and dodge, but the power of the surrounding space was too large, even if he could not resist it, the whole person seemed to fall into the deepest part of the bottomless mud pool, and it was very difficult to move the body.

At this point, he couldn't help but feel a trace of despair, but he was immediately expelled, shouted, and his predecessor was so bright that he opened the flame field and resisted the surrounding flames.

Twelve flames continue to spurt a sacred flame, and the bright yellow sea is getting brighter and brighter. It spins up quickly and condenses into a huge fire sword, fireball, etc., and it is bombarded in the field of fire.

If it is the ordinary sacred flame, it is naturally impossible to threaten the field of fire coating, but here is the 12th Heaven and the Xuanhuo squad, the power of the sacred flame is greatly increased, and the flame field of the fire is constantly trembled.

The face of the fire is getting more and more ugly, but he is also involuntarily.

The power of the 12th Heaven and the Xuan Huo was too powerful, and the attacks in all directions flooded.

If it is only a pure flame attack, he can resist one or two, and there is a strange heat infiltration around him, evaporating the blood in his body, and the field can not completely isolate this heat.

The fire-painted force control area resisted, and a heart gradually sank.

A little bit of time passed, and the area of ​​the fire was slowly shrunk under the overwhelming attack.

From the beginning of thirty feet, reduced to twenty feet, fifteen feet, ten feet, eight feet...

The fire is red as blood and the skin is dry. It seems that the blood in the body is drained, leaving only an empty skin.

He gasped for a breath, and the desperate color in his eyes grew stronger.

At this moment, a flash of people in the vicinity of the sky, a young man emerged, it is Shi Mu, eyes looked at the fire with some pity.

He grabbed it with one hand, and spewed a dazzling golden light in his hand, and the sky stick appeared out of thin air.

"You are both a heavenly fairy, a town of Weizhen. If you are so refining and dying, it will make people sigh. I will finally send you a ride." Shi Mu said lightly.

Said, his hands in the sky, the golden light, and instantly became ten times bigger, turned into a golden giant rod, a circle of golden rule ripples from the sky sticks.


Turning the sky into a huge golden stick, carrying endless power, hit the field of fire.

The golden field of the fire-painted body trembled fiercely, and a crack appeared, but it did not break immediately.

Shi Mu brows a wrinkle, shouted, the body slid a spin, and once again waved the stick in his hand.


A few large golden sticks slammed into the field, and the golden field touched it and shattered.

The golden light dissipated, and a white egg-shaped light ball with a height of one person was displayed. It was the nine-day Xuanyuan cover of the fire.

The fire was painted in the moment, looking at the stone grazing, although the flesh was dry, but the face was sneer at the moment.

"Ha ha! I understand, Shi Mu, you are not really angry now, can not support this large array of operations continue to run, so I am so anxious to kill me, but you can't think of it!" Fire sneer again and again, mouthful of words, together Daobaiguang flew out of his hands and blended into the white ball of light.

The nine-day Xuan Zang hood became more and more stable, and it burst into white light.

Shi Mu’s face sank.

As the fire painted, his infuriating body has already bottomed out at this moment, and he cannot continue to support the large-scale operation.


Shi Mu raised his head, and the golden light flashed in his eyes.

His body immediately whitened, and the glare of the light drowned his body, and a low humming sound came from inside.

Among the white light, his body swelled and swollen, and his body grew white hair. A huge piece of strong muscles emerged. In a blink of an eye, the Panwu Python was transformed into a white giant python.

It’s just that the giant python at the moment is very different from the previous one. There is a red head and a thick arm.

The giant scorpion surface shows a silver rune several times more than before, faintly formed into a huge scale, exudes a shuddering pressure, like the body of the devil.

At this moment, the sky-roller has also become a giant rod, and a vast wave of golden light spreads out. There are countless golden runes in the golden light.

In the nine-day Xuan Zang hood, the fire painted his eyes and saw the scene, his eyes flashed a faint color, his hands slammed on the shield, and the innocent gas in the body swarmed out.

The white shield immediately thickened by as much as half.

The white python snorted and waved down in the hands of the scorpion, hitting the nine-day Xuanzang hood on the fire.

Under the wave of the sky, a huge scratch that was not seen in the head was drawn in the fire.


The sturdy and almost indestructible celestial secrets, first of all, there are countless cracks, and then the cracks are broken.

The sky sticks all the time, and Jin Guang drowned the body of the fire.

When the stick is not there, the horrible temper will smash the body that has already been bruised and bruised. The sound of "砰" bursts open, and the soul does not escape, turning into the smallest particles.

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