The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 982: Qinglan ruins

Above a thick cloud that stretches for miles, the clouds are tumbling, like a slap in the face, rolling up layers of clouds.

At the end of Yuntao’s surging, it is a golden palace with a height of more than 100 feet.

The bottom of the golden palace is nestled in the slowly rolling sea of ​​clouds, as if it were rooted on it, and closely connected with the sea of ​​clouds.

Inside the palace, a large golden stone pillar stands, but it seems that there is not a little furnishings, it seems very empty.

In the middle of the main hall, a tall, handsome and handsome young man stood there with awe-inspiring face.

In front of him, there is a human figure of about ten feet high, standing opposite to it, and the whole body is shrouded in solid golden light.

Although this person is just standing there, he has his own majesty.

"It seems that this is called Shi Mu's kid is really capable, but don't care too much. As long as you can make a nine-turn, he is your best nourishment." The virtual sound sounded, echoing in the empty hall in.

"Yes!" Zhao Wei bowed his head and said it.

"The sacred sacred rituals are almost ready. The next time, you must be well prepared, and you must succeed in one fell swoop."

"Respect, when this is the case, when the disciples reach a nine-turn, they can no longer inhale the power of these people's mysterious powers." Zhao Wei heard the words, hesitated after repeated, still said.

"This is the end of the matter. How much time do you still expect to give you this seat? There are too few fascinating generations like the white cockroaches. Although you have the capital of the sky, you are still worse than him. "The emperor's virtual shadow is so heavy, so said, full of unquestionable majesty."

Zhao Yiwen said that his head immediately hangs down, but his teeth are bitten together, and he is very unwilling.

"Respect, before the disciples, there are still some things to deal with. I wonder if they can use Gao Mingxian to use them?" Zhao said, bowing and saying.

Emperor Weng heard the words, looking down at Zhao Wei, after reading it for a long while, he said: "Well, since you really are unwilling, this time let Gao Ming accompany you to take a trip, this magic weapon you accept Or it can help you."

After all, the shadow of the wrist waved, the palm of his hand swayed in a circle of undulations, a ray of light traversed from this lap, and fell into the hands of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan heard the news and suddenly became shocked. He did not say what he was going to do with Gao Mingxian, but obviously the Emperor already knew it.

After listening to the emperor, Zhao Wei suddenly said: "Thank you for your respect."


The north of the Miyang star field, an unknown planet.

This planet is not big, looking at it, the yellow sand is full of sky, the wind is roaring, picking up a huge tornado column, wandering around, straight into the sky, it is extremely desolate.

The thick dust condenses into a layer of yellow clouds, enveloping the entire planet, and almost blending with the nebula around the planet. From the outside, it is almost impossible to find the planet, as if it was forgotten by this star field.

However, this place has been forgotten by the heavens and the earth, but today it has been broken.

Two dawns flew from a distance, and instantly came to the vicinity. Two flashes appeared, one is the smoke and the stone.

"If there is no map guide, I really can't find that there is such a hidden planet here." Shi Mu looked at the nebula in front of him, and there was a golden glow in his eyes.

"It is to hide the five elements of the magic cave and not be discovered. After all, it is not a person who cultivates Xuan Gong, but also wants to find that place." Yan Luo said.

"I hope we have not found the wrong place." Shi Mu nodded.

The two followed the guidance of the five-line territory map and came to the Miyang Star Field from the Tianhe Star Field. It took several months to come here.

"Let's go." Shi Mu was so white that he flew into the nebula.

Yan Luo looked at the back of Shi Mu and glanced up.

The two penetrated the thick yellow cloud covering the planet and quickly landed on the planet.

On the planet, the raging winds and sands, like spirituality, rolled from all sides and swept toward the two.

Shi Mu waved with one hand, and his body flashed, opening a shield, covering him and the smoke, and separating the sand from the outside.

Yan Luo looked at Shi Mu, but immediately removed his gaze.

"The place is found, but where are the clues of the five elements of the cave? It is too ridiculous here." Shi Mu looked around, while the knowledge spread and spread on the planet.

Although the planet is not big, but the current knowledge of Shi Mu, it is impossible to cover it all.

"I will come." Yan Luo said a faint sentence, the eyebrows flashed, a huge incomparable power of knowledge spread out, it is a few times that of Shi Mu, and the whole planet will be shrouded.

Shimu’s eyes flashed a horror, and the power of the gods in the late stage of the gods was so huge.

Yan Luo probed for a moment, and his eyes flashed.

"Is it found?" Shi Mu asked quickly.

"It should be here, come with me." Yan Luo said, flew in one direction.

Shi Mu heard the words and hurriedly kept up.

After a while, the two came to a huge underground canyon.

In the depths of the canyon is a broken square stone platform, shaped like an altar, but covered with dust and sand, apparently no one has been here for a long time.

Around the five corners of the altar, each towered a statue of a tripod, showing five colors of red, golden, blue and green.

If you look at it from a height, you can see that the five statues are arranged in a five-pointed star, exactly the same as the Xiaoding pattern on the five-line map.

Shi Mu and two fell from the sky and landed on the altar.

“ palely here. Field” Shi Mu’s eyes fell on the five tripod statues around the altar, and his face showed a hint of joy.

His gods explored nearby, and his eyes quickly fell on the top of the altar.

At the top of the altar, a rune was burned, which faintly formed a huge array.

"This is ... transmission array?" Shi Mu slightly looked at it, faintly thought of something, said.

"Well, and it is quite old, but it is still complete, it can still work." Yan Luo waved a silver light, shrouded the altar, and probed it.

"Is this transmission matrix, can you connect the legendary five-line magic cave?" asked Shi Mu.

"I don't know this. But since the clue is here, we can only try to inspire this squad, and act on the plane." Yan Luo said.

Shi Mu nodded.

Both of them have been involved in the law, and there is a water spirit in Shi Mu, who knows everything and is more proficient in the ancient formation.

The two were busy, and soon some of the broken formations were repaired, and the stone in the eye of the five statues was replaced.

Shi Mu and Yan Luo stood side by side in front of the front of the circle of law, took a deep breath, recited words in the mouth, and waved a law.


The arrays on the altar were brightened, and the five tripod-shaped statues around it were even more radiant. Five beams of different colors appeared in the sky.

The five beams of light slammed into one and gathered on the altar.

Bang! The array of light on the altar was suddenly bright and fast, and the five-color brilliance emerged from the array, and Shi Mu and the smoke were shrouded in it.

The two figures disappeared and disappeared.


Shi Mu shook his head and the faintness in his mind eased a few points.

It was no different to see the smoke standing next to him. He was relieved and his eyes swept away.

From this point of view, he gave a slight glimpse.

I saw that they were in a green space at the moment.

At first glance, this seems to be a mystery, but it seems to have experienced a lot of twists and turns, and now it looks very broken.

The surrounding ground is visible, and the huge gaps are criss-crossed. Some of them are deep and bottomless. From the voids on all sides, there are also spatial cracks of different sizes.

There is nothing in this. What really makes Shimu the difference is that even if it is on the verge of collapse, the aura of the heavens and the earth filled with space is still very rich, and all kinds of exotic woods and even Linghua Lingcao grow on the ground. Very strong.

Even in the distance, you can see a huge towering blue-green tree standing out, emitting a blue-eyed glow of the naked eye, which makes people feel refreshed.

Obviously, this ancient tree is a rare thing to see.

"Where is it here? It doesn't seem like a five-way magic cave." Shi Mu muttered to himself.

Yan Luo did not speak, but the color of doubt appeared in his eyes.

"This tree seems to be somewhat familiar, as if I have seen it before... Right, this is not the holy tree of Qinglan!" Shimu looked down on the huge blue-green tree and looked at it for a moment. His face changed and he was shocked. Exhaling the road.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yes, it is the holy tree of Qinglan!" Shi Mu flew to the side of the old blue tree and looked carefully. It was confirmed.

This blue-green tree is a symbol of the holy land of Qinglan, the holy tree of Qinglan!

Just, how can the Qinglan Holy Tree appear here?

"Here... is it in the holy land of Qinglan?" Shi Mu thought of a possibility, and some were afraid to say it.

"It is possible that the feeling of space here is somewhat similar to the space of the Qinglan Holy Land that you have been waiting for, but it is more intense than the heaven and earth in the Xuanjie space." Yan Luo slightly indulged, said.

Although she had been in the holy land of Qinglan for a while, although her time was not long, her cultivation practice was related to space, so she was extremely sensitive to the atmosphere.

"Listen to you saying that we really have returned to the ruins of Qinglan. Is it the original geodetic space, or the heavenly space?" Shimu’s knowledge spread out and explored everything around him.

The Qinglan Holy Land was destroyed by the dust sects that had been instructed by the heavens in the past, and the loss has not been completely destroyed.

"No matter what, since the transmission array sent us here, it should be related to the five elements of the magic cave, and you take out the five-line map to see if there is any reaction to this?" Yan Luo said.

Shi Mu nodded and turned his hand to take out the five-dimensional map.

As soon as this picture appeared, it immediately flew away and the surface was tight.

Shi Mu snorted, but did not stop.

Seeing only the surface of the paper, the five small tripods automatically shine, making a squeaking sound, shooting five beams of light, projecting into the void in front.

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