The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 984: expose

Today, two chapters are together at night!


"Baohua fairy, although some of you are cheap, but please continue to stay here." Gao Ming smiled, both hands in front of him.

The next moment, the palm of his hand, a pair of silver eyes, suddenly white light, numerous white runes from which they came out, intertwined behind them, condensed a pair of huge white giant phantom.

Those colorful filaments are extremely fast. At this time, they have already stabbed a few feet in front of Gaoming. They have to wear their bodies when they see them, but there is no fear in Gaoming’s face.

He snorted and his hands flashed silver.

The two white giant pythons behind him also flashed abruptly, and a strange white ripple appeared in the pupil, instantly smouldering, and it sent out all the attacks.

Under the white ripples, the smoke and all the attacks she made were slowly slowed down, and the speed of the flying rays of the colorful light slowed several times.

Gao Ming's figure flew toward the side, easily escaping all the attacks of the smoke.

His body moved, and a pair of white giant pythons behind him also moved, and the strange white ripples that disappeared suddenly disappeared, and the body of the smoke immediately returned to normal.

"The rule of time! Your eye-catching magic has been repaired to this point!"

"Just a little understanding of the fur of a little time rule, but also ask the treasure fairy to give more advice." Gao Ming figure stopped in front of the smoke, the tone said plainly.

The smoky eyes flashed and suddenly screamed, and the seven treasures of the trees shimmered, and a colorful field emerged, facing the Gaoming hood.

Gao Ming’s expression instantly became dignified, and there was a word in his mouth.

A pair of white giant pythons flashed behind, and again shot large white ripples, colliding with the colorful fields of the smoke.


The sounds of the distant smoke and the Gaoming war, as well as the huge power fluctuations rumbled, but Shi Mu and Zhao Wei did not pay attention.

"I didn't say it last time, Zhao Lingxiu is in the hands of our heavens. Do you think that I will come here this time, will you be prepared? Hey! Now your woman's life and death is between me, as long as I crush this video. Ball, my men will immediately kill Zhao Lingxiu!" Zhao Wei holding a white ball of light, laughing in the mouth.

Shi Muguang looked at the white light ball, his face changed, and finally bite his teeth, it seems to compromise.

"What do you want?" he said slowly.

"Reassured, I will not ask for a lot. You have opened the passage of the Five Elements Devil Cave. I just want to go in with you. When we get inside, we will compete fairly and see who can first understand the ultimate mystery of the nine-turn Dacheng." Zhao Yan flashed a smug look in his eyes, and immediately said.

Having said that, he holds a white ball, which is equivalent to holding the stone card of Shi Mu, what is fair.

"Okay, I promise you." Shi Mu's face was extremely ugly, but he nodded slowly and said a word.

Zhao Yu’s face is more prosperous.

"You stand there and don't move, I will enter the space channel first!" He snorted coldly at Shimu, and raised the white ball in his hand.

Shi Mu’s face was blue, but he had to stand in the same place.

Zhao Yan’s body flew out and flew over the body of Shi Mu, and fell in front of the space passage. His face flashed and he was about to fly into it.

At this moment, he screamed behind him.

Zhao Yu was shocked and suddenly turned back and his face changed.

Ishigaki figure does not know when it appears behind him, his eyes are extremely cold.

His hands are full of gold and light, carrying endless power, and heading down to Zhao.

A huge incomparable pressure broke out from the sky, and the space of hundreds of feet was solidified into a solid body. Zhao’s body sank, as if he had been pressed by a giant peak, he could not move.

"You..." He screamed and raised the white ball in his hand.

However, Shi Mu did not pay any attention to it, turning the sky into a golden lightning, and hitting Zhao Wei, he would have to break Zhao’s head.

At this moment, a white ripple quickly flew from a distance, covering the body of Shi Mu.

Shi Mu’s movements were ten times slower, and the speed of the falling sticks suddenly slowed down.

In the distance, Gao Ming’s face was white, and a blood was spit out in his mouth. The two white giant pythons trembled and there were two scarlet cracks.

Zhao Yu was overjoyed, his body shape shook, and the fish flew out from the sky stick, and a flash disappeared into the space channel.

The white ripples dissipated, and the stone animal body returned to normal, and his face was extremely ugly.

He turned his head and looked at Gaoming. He saw that he was shrouded in a colorful field at the moment. Naturally, he had just distracted himself from Shimu, and he was caught by the smoke. At this moment, he seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Shi Mu regained his gaze, slammed his feet, and the body flew out and flew into the space channel.

It only felt a flash of white light in front of him, and briefly disappeared for a while, and the body fell into a void.

After a moment, his feet fell back to the real place, and the figure appeared in a vast and innocent desert.

A bang was heard.

Not far from Shimu, Zhao’s figure appeared out of thin air.

The two looked at each other and gave off a strong killing.

"How dare you... Zhao Lingxiu's little life is holding my hand at this moment. Don't you want her to live? I dare to shoot at me!" Zhao said.

"The same trick, do you think I will be in the second time? Don't act again, Xiuer is not in your hands." Shi Mu snorted and said.

Zhao Yan’s eyes were stagnation, but he immediately recovered.

Although it was only a flash of change, but it was captured by Shi Mu, a smile appeared in the corner of Shimu.

"You used to be in my hands at Suzaku, and if the show is really in your hands, you should have revealed the matter long ago, let me vote for it. This is the same, if the communication image in your hand is true. You must be lurking all the way." Shi Mu sneered.

Zhao Yan’s face was solidified and covered with dark clouds. He no longer said anything. He turned his hand and closed the white ball.

Although the two were killing the sky, no one was eager to do it, but they were confronting each other, releasing their knowledge and exploring them.

Shi Mu soon discovered that it is no different from the desert that the outside world sees. It is not a fantasy space.

There is a round of blazing sun in the desert sky, and the rolling heat waves transmitted from it are incomparably real. Shimu can even feel the dryness around.

However, what surprised him was that there were no living creatures in the range of dozens of miles around, and no obvious danger was found.

The sound of "Call" sounded, and a sudden white light appeared on the top of Shimu.

A thick water dragon roared down from the white light, opened a huge mouth, and bite away from the head of Shimu.

Shi Mu slammed into the body and avoided it.

A bang was heard.

The water dragon broke into the yellow sand, scattered a large amount of crystal water, and then disappeared into the sand.

Shi Mu eyes condensed and looked at Zhao Wei.

"The environment here is not bad, it is suitable to be your burial place." Zhao Wei held a silver shackle in one hand, and the other hand did not know when there was a crystal white tower, watching Shimu sneer.

Shimu didn't answer, and the hand was clenched in the sky. The body suddenly became "squeaky" and disappeared into the air. The next moment, it appeared in the air in front of Zhao Wei, and the long stick in his hand crashed down.

Zhao Yu’s hand was long-handed, and he was about to fight. Suddenly his eyes twitched and his body suddenly turned and jumped toward the other side.

Shi Mu was also suddenly stagnate, and then jumped back to the other side.

The two of them stared at each other and looked into the sand between the two.

I saw that the brown sand on the sand suddenly shook and suddenly bulged a big bag in the shape of a hill.

Then, the big bag suddenly broke from the top, and a dark brown strange hand came out from it.

Shi Mu brows slightly wrinkled, and his heart flashed a trace of doubts. Only then did he use his knowledge to detect it. He did not find any living things. How did he suddenly find a hand from the desert at this time?

Before he was surprised, on the sand under his body, the sand began to "beep" and shake.

The hand that had just been explored had already supported the sand and pulled the whole body out of the ground.

Shi Mu found that the "people" who came out of the ground, the whole body was dark brown, and the face was blurred. The position of the eyes could only see the pits where the two depressions entered. It was clearly not a real person, but it was built of sand. Sand people."

As soon as the Sha people appeared, the head turned abruptly, and Zhao Wei, who was closer to him, rushed over.

Zhao Yan's brows were slightly stunned, and his face was stunned with a blank expression. He slammed through the body of the sand.

However, the sand man was worn by the long-haired, but he did not feel at all. He continued to scream at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei’s hand swayed and swept out.

A bang was heard.

The sand people broke down and sprinkled in the desert.

Shi Mu face looked at this scene with no expression, his wrist turned over, and he took the long stick to his body, and then he smashed another sand man who had a half of his foot.

The powder of the sand people broke into the sand and became like ordinary sand. No more strange things were seen.

Shi Mu was amazed, but after careful consideration, he quickly understood that the sand man was integrated into the whole desert. He could only feel the breath of the desert, but he could not feel the breath of these sand people.

Between the thoughts, the entire desert suddenly violently swayed, and the same bulging bag was swelled in the sand.

As the sound of snoring came from the surrounding, the dark brown sand people continued to break through the drums and climbed out of the desert.

In the blink of an eye, there are thousands of sand people, who are like a group of ants, appearing around Shi Mu and Zhao Yu, and surrounded the two.

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