The Portal of Wonderland

Chapter 986: Exclusion

Shi Mu is about to breathe a sigh of relief, at this moment, the change is reborn.

In the sky without clouds, a dazzling golden glow suddenly emerged, swirling around, condensing into a golden cloud, and then rolling over to Shimu.

"What is this again?" Shi Mu stunned, and his vigilance increased.

Because he clearly felt that Jin Yunzhong exudes a strong metallic fluctuation.

His mind turned down, still did not move, standing in the same place, watching it change.

It’s weird everywhere, in case it’s tampering, it’s just a trick, and it’s irritating, but it’s not good.


Jin Yun rolled for a while, and countless golden bee-like monsters flew out from the inside, and swooped over to Shimu.

Each of these golden bee monsters is one person in size, and the whole body is covered with glittering nails. The surface of the wings also exudes a metallic luster. The tail hook behind it is more like a sharp gold sword with a silk scarf. The sigh of breath.

"It’s endless!" Shi Mu snorted and punched.

The vast force came out and defeated a golden bee.

These golden bees, like those of the sand people, are not very powerful, but they are inexhaustible and make them more troublesome.

Shi Mu’s big hand caught, and the force of the wood lingered in his hand. In the sound of “嗤嗤”, a group of green claws flew out, killing the golden bees that attacked within a dozen feet.

His brow wrinkled, and it was difficult to kill the golden bee with the power of wood. After all, in the five elements, Jin Kemu.

One thought of this, he put away the power of the wood, a large red flame appeared on hand, condensed into a red giant palm, shot in the Golden Bee army.

Fire grams of gold!

The strength of Shimu’s flame is so powerful. When it passes, these golden bees are easily melted and turned into a piece of golden mist.

In a moment, the golden bee around him was killed by him, and the golden cloud in the air was also shattered by his wave.

At this moment, the residual golden clouds in the air disappeared, the surrounding water was very strong, and a large blue water emerged. The rapid condensed into a blue water polo, water arrows and other attacks, the blue thunder flashed, overwhelming Falling towards Shimu.

On the ground, a large stream of water rushed out of the air. A head-water attribute monster condensed out from the inside, and the four feet rushed and rushed toward Shimu.


Numerous water attribute attacks hit the flame of Shi Mu's body, and the force of the flame was dissipated a lot.

"The attack of water properties..." Shi Mu brows.

What is going on in this space? How come so many five elements of monster attack from the air?

There seems to be a connection between them, but for a while, he has no thoughts.

Shi Mu is about to take some measures to deal with these water properties.

"Wait, Shi Xiaozi, I understand, you will converge all the power of the flames, and the infuriating body will not work at all, and don't sacrifice the magic weapon!" At this moment, the sound of the water spirit suddenly sounded.

Shi Mu heard a word, but out of trust in the water spirit, he still converges all the power of the flame according to what he said, and the body is full of suffocation.

He relied on the strength of the flesh, a little under his feet, and his body slid over a distance of twenty feet and landed on a nearby high ground.

Innumerable mines in the air, the water arrow seems to have lost the target at once, the water property monster on the ground is also a bit stunned, looking around for a while, and then all the attacks are dissipated.

The spiritual power of the surrounding water is slowly receding and blending into the surrounding void.

"Water Spirit, what is going on?" Shi Mu saw this scene and asked quickly.

"Hey, can't understand? You have to rely on this adult to explain to you." Water Spirit proudly smiled.

"Don't sell off, let's talk." Shi Mu frowned and said with a sigh.

"You should have discovered that this place doesn't seem to be anything special, but in fact the five elements are very rich and scattered throughout the space. Once gathered, it is an extremely powerful force. Although I don't know how it would be. A place, but from this point of view, this is not an ordinary secret." The water spirit did not continue to be proud, explained.

Shi Mu heard the words and nodded slightly.

"The five elements of spiritual power here are not only rich, but also self-contained. I can feel that the secrets of this place have almost produced some rules, and will exclude you from the external force. The principle of the phase, automatically attack the outsiders." Shui Lingzi continued.

Shi Mu’s heart was shocked, and he recalled the series of attacks he had just encountered.

"It's like here is a huge field, and the name of the five-line magic cave is so apt." The water spirit laughed.

"It turns out that, so as long as I converge on all the infuriating things in the body, this space can't feel it, and I will stop attacking me any more." Shi Mu nodded.

"This is exactly the case, this is also the rule that was born here is not complete, otherwise you will not be able to converge on the infuriating, after all, it is a foreign object in this world, or will be attacked." Shui Lingzi said.

Shimu sighed, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

It’s so magical here, it seems that the white ancestors let him come here, and it really makes sense.

I just don’t know what the chances of the nine-turn Dacheng that Bai’s ancestors said?

"Shi Xiaozi, I have lived from the ancient times to the present, and I have never encountered such a mysterious space in the long life. Here the five elements of spiritual power are so rich, and the depths of the secret world will definitely give birth to the five elements of the spirit." Excited to say.

"The origin of the pulse? What is that?" asked Shimu.

"The so-called original spirituality is essentially a spiritual pulse, but it is a hundred times more magical than the ordinary spirit. As long as you can find it there, your cultivation of the door will bring together the magical exercises of the yin and yang five elements." .

Shi Mu’s heart is also a big move, and his heart is dark. Is it the origin of the ancestors of Bai Yu’s ancestors?

"Good!" he said immediately.

Between the conversations, he immediately set off and plunged forward.

Even if you don't use the infuriating air, you can't fly. With the power of the flesh, the speed of Shimu is not slow. The whole person turns into a black line, and it quickly goes to the depths of the secret.

Do not use the infuriating, the five elements of spiritual power in the secret did not continue to attack Shi Mu.

"The space here is too large, I am afraid that it is no less than a planet. For a while, I am afraid it is not easy to find the five elements of the spirit." Shi Mu’s knowledge spread out and walked for a long time, still nothing.

"No problem, I can cast a spell to explore the spiritual situation of the secret here, you go to the depths of the secret."

"Then please, please." Shi Mu became more and more aware that there is a spirit of the ancient spirits around him. Many times it is very convenient, and the impression of the water spirit is getting better and better.

The sound of the water spirit sinks, apparently to go to the secret.

Shi Mu looked around and walked in one direction. He quickly went out of the desert and came to a grassland.

Going deeper into the depths of the five elements, the five elements of the surrounding spirit will become more intense.

He clearly felt that the five elements of spiritual power here were more sensitive than before. He was slightly negligent, and there was a wave of infuriating volatility in his body. The surrounding spiritual power would immediately fluctuate, as if he were a soldier.

Shi Mu had to try to hide the infuriating body, and did not dare to have the slightest care.

Although with his current strength, he is not afraid of these five elements of spiritual attack, but the trouble can save provinces.

And Zhao Wei has been separated, he must find the mystery of the five elements of the magic cave faster than it, otherwise it is very likely to give up.

At this moment, Shi Mu brows and looks in one direction.

A powerful earthy property quickly approached, the ground rumbling, a raging dust coming from the ground, and the ground trembled.

"This feeling... is not like the five-line monster, but it is like a monster. Is there a monster in the five magical caves?" Shimu stopped and walked toward the sand, and the heart was dark.


A few breaths of the raging dust came to the front of the stone priest, and a roar broke out from the dust.

This voice is dull and weird, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling, as if invisible and powerful bombardment on the chest.

The snoring sounded with a sonic attack!

A giant claw emerged from the dust and caught lightning in the stone tomb.

Shi Mu's body shape changed, the body disappeared from the original place, and the next moment appeared in dozens of feet.

The dust was scattered, and a huge behemoth of a house appeared.

This animal is shaped like a tortoise, but there is no turtle shell on the back, but a huge piece of earthy yellow scales. There are three long whip tails behind it. It is also covered with scales. The four feet are dragon claws. The fangs are protruding and look extremely embarrassing.

"What is this? Wicked beast? No, this is the beast!" Shi Mu looked at the tortoise monster in front of him, recalling the sacred flame lizard that was killed in the current tide.

This turtle monster is obviously the same, the powerful beast born in the pure earth attribute spiritual power.

Although the tortoise monster is strong, it is also the extent of the peak of the Holy Order.

"People...class...dead!" The turtle monster is not so low-spirited, and can use human language.

The tortoise monster has a large mouth, and it has spewed out a large number of earthy thunder **** of size, which exudes powerful spiritual fluctuations and strikes like Shimu.

At the same time, the three scales behind him danced wildly, bringing a burst of wind, heavy shadows, forming a giant net, facing the stone pasture.

Shi Mu snorted and did not dodge, and the punch was swiftly blasted.


A powerful wave of air suddenly spread from him, and the surrounding air exploded with a cannon and made a thunderous sound.

A raging and powerful air wall rushed toward the front with Shi Mu’s fist.

Numerous earthy thunderballs were blown up on the raging wall, and a flash of light was swallowed up by the turbulent airflow, which did not play its part.

The big net formed by the three giant tails also slammed on the airflow, but was bounced off.

The other arm of Shi Mu lightninged and grabbed a tail of the turtle monster.

He snorted and grabbed the giant tail and slammed it.

The huge body of the tortoise monster was picked up by Shimudan, and then broke into the ground, making a loud noise.

Numerous soots fluttered and the ground was hit by a large pit, and the gravel splashed out.

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