The Possessed Cheater

2 Still In Love

"No, thank you."

No way I'd go back to those days. We were the same age, but he had messed with so many girls.

He looks hurt, but all he says is: "Ah."

We remained silent until entering school, we greet each other and go to our classes.

At the first break, I go out and see Oliver with many girls around him.

I knew he wasn't going to change but wow, he just asked me out this morning, what the hell?

Tch, I'll just go somewhere else.

Leaving, I suddenly hear: "Emma, wait,"

I recognize the voice.

It's Oliver's.

"What?" I ask him, with an annoyed look.

He really has some guts. What did he leave all of them for? Heh, trying to play with me? We'll see.

He looks hurt again, but he asks me: "Can we sit down and talk?"

We sit on the first bench we see, and he speaks: "Look, I know I did you wrong in the past, but, I'm just asking for another chance. I've change, I've really become a better person. I really love you. Please?"

He looks so sad and serious, I don't know of he means what he's saying, but, I can't deny I still love him.

"Oliver, I know this is fun for you and all, but you really are shameless. Unlike you, I have no time to play. I don't even know how many times we've been through this, yet you never change."

I despise him even more. How can he be like this? I don't even know what I like about him.

To be honest, if not for the cheating, he'd be a good boyfriend. I just don't get what happens when he cheats, it's like he doesn't even know me. He looks at me with his despisful amber eyes and says all kinds of mean things.

I really don't get him.

The bell rings, so I leave him and go in.

There, some of the girls from the group he left look at me angrily. Even though they say nothing, their eyes are speaking.

"B*tch" "Seducing him and then acting all innocent?" "trying to steal him from us?"

I honestly don't care about all this. They can't say anything to my face anyway, so screw them.

After school, I see Oliver waiting at the gate.

I unintentionally feel jealous, but don't show it on my face. Walking past him, he suddenly grabs my hand.

"What?" I say, angrily looking at him

He looks at me strangely.


"I was waiting for you." smiling, he speaks: "How about we just go somewhere today? On a date."

A date? But he never goes on dates with girls.

I just can't help but feel happy and give in:

"3 pm, don't be late," I say, walking to my house.

He runs towards me and we go home together.

After arriving at my house, he smiles at me, and goes.

I quickly eat lunch, do my homework, and prepare for the date.

Wearing a brown, pleated skirt and a black portrait necked shirt, I let my hair down.

I wait outside, until I see him.

He's wearing the same trousers from before, but changed his shirt to a white dress shirt.

He looks good, as always.

"It's not too far away, but taking the car should be better. Don't you want to know where we're going?" he says, looking at his driver.

He's waiting in his black aurion.

He knows how to drive, but he'd rather not.

"No. I'd like it to be a surprise," I respond distantly, entering the car.

After maybe half an hour, we finally arrive.

I think saying I'm surprised is the least I could say to describe my feelings.

It's the museum I've been dying to see since little. I couldn't come because it's prohibited for kids under 15, but they say it's awesome. It has the best historical things.

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