Shanghai Disneyland Park.

Fifteen minutes have passed. Mataya is still waiting for Ahmed to arrive at Shanghai Disneyland Park. Ahmed had previously contacted Mataya that he was stuck in traffic to be late at the venue.

The place that Mataya and Ahmed refer to and both frequent while in Shanghai is Shanghai Disneyland Park. The two of them often spend time together in this place.

But not with Biserka because Biserka doesn't like places like this and prefers to spend her time in a peaceful and quiet place. Mataya and Ahmed usually come to this place to play together like most people who visit this place or relieve their stress and anxiety.

Mataya decided to walk alone first while looking around and waiting for Ahmed to get there.

While walking, she saw a small child who was crying because her ice cream fell. She immediately approached the child and confirmed her condition.

"Hello, Sweet girl! Why are you crying?" Mataya said, confirming the reason why the little girl was crying.

"Sob… sob… sob… My ice cream fell because someone ran fast and hit me, so I fell, as well as the ice cream in my hand. Sob … sob … sob…" said the little girl while sobbing.

Mataya, before approaching the little girl, already knew that the child's ice cream had fallen. However, after looking at the little girl's wrist and kneecap, she was shocked beyond measure because the little girl was also injured.

"Sweetie, what is your name, and where are your parents?" Mataya asked the little girl.

"My name is Kei, and I'm not here with my parents but with my brother and his girlfriend," answered the little girl named Kei and was still sobbing because her ice cream fell and her wrist and kneecap was injured.

"Ah, okay. I will treat your wound first, okay? After that, I will buy you new ice cream and take you to your brother's place, how about it? Do you agree? Okay?" said Mataya, who replied with a nod of approval from Kei.

Mataya picked up Kei and took him to a nearby seat to treat her wound.

"Okay, fine. You sit here first, okay?"

"I will start treating your wound. This will hurt a little. Can you hold it, Kei?" Mataya looked at the little girl's face and asked him.

Kei just nodded her head without answering Mataya's question with a sad expression on her face.

Mataya smiled then immediately took out the antiseptic and medicine box that she always carried in her bag. She immediately applied an antiseptic to Kei's wrist and kneecap. While treating Kei, Mataya asked him another question.

"How old are you, Sweetie? Then why didn't your brother take you to buy ice cream, and you wandered around alone like this?" asked Mataya while tilting her head to look at Kei's face.

"Six years, Sis. My brother is busy with his girlfriend and ignores me. I've been whining to him for some ice cream, but he always says later and continues playing rides. Then I saw my bag, and I happened to have money in my bag. So I decided to buy it myself," replied Kei with a gloomy face.

Mataya, who heard those words, couldn't understand the thought of her brother Kei who was very irresponsible.

Mataya sighed, "Okay, you don't have to cry and be sad anymore, Sweet girl! The wound is finished, Sweetie. Let's buy the ice cream you want!" Mataya said enthusiastically and sincerely to Kei.

Kei smiled happily, hearing the invitation from Mataya, and she nodded in agreement to Mataya.


The residence of the Constanzo extended family. Milan, Italy.

"Grazie mille mia cara Mamma! Va bene, ora è il momento per me di salutare Papà e Mamma! E sì, devi prenderti cura l'uno dell'altro finché io e Benvolio non siamo qui, ok? (Thank you very much, My beloved Mama! And yes, you guys should take care of each other until Benvolio and I are here, okay)?" Callista said to Xavier and Ellen or her Papa and Mama.

"Va bene Tesoro, ricordati di aver chiamato Benvolio e di avergli obbedito. E non andare lontano senza riferirgli, okay? (Okay Honey, remember you have to call Benvolio and comply. And don't go far without telling him, okay)?" Xavier said to his daughter.

Callista snorted lazily at the words from her Papa, "Sì sì, anche se sono riluttante, lo farò comunque Papà. (Yes, yes, even though I am reluctant, I will still do it, Papa)."

"Devi prenderti cura di te stesso, Tesoro. E chiama Mamma e Papà quando arrivi e hai conosciuto Benvolio, ok? (You have to take care of yourself, Honey. And call Mama and Papa when you arrive, and also when you've met Benvolio, okay)?" Ellen said to her daughter and hugged Callista tightly.

"Va bene, Mamma Tesoro! Ci vediamo Papà Pamma! (Okay, My beloved Mama! See you Papa Mama)!" Callista said while kissing Xavier and Ellen, her Papa and Mama.

After the conversation and saying farewell to her parents, Callista immediately left the Constanzo residence and headed for the airport. She was escorted by the Constanzo family's private chauffeur, her family's private chauffeur.

"Ah, finally, I can try my other language skills, and for sure I can try my Indonesian as much as I like with my damn brother, Benvolio," said Callista while in her car on the way to the airport.

In the large residence, the Constanzo family used Italian more often than Indonesian. Xavier was not very fluent in Indonesian, so Constanzo's family decided to use Italian only to communicate.

However, Callista is very obsessed with Indonesian because, according to her, Indonesian is a unique language. She has always asked to be taught Indonesian with Ellen, her stepmother, since childhood.

Callista took her smartphone out of her bag and sent a message to her adoptive brother, Benvolio.

From: Callista (The person who will take over the Constanzo family company).

Benvolio paranoid master, I'll be flying to Shanghai in a few hours. Please prepare my residence there! Pick me up at Pudong-Shanghai Airport when I arrive! I'll call you back when I get there!

To: My paranoid brother, Benvolio.


Callista smiled mischievously after sending a message that would infuriate her brother. She likes to tease and trouble Benvolio.

"Okay, I'll mess your business there! Who dare you to compete with me! You see, I'm also qualified to own a family company!" Callista grumbled to herself and smiled slyly at the thought of what she would do to interfere with Benvolio, her brother's business there.


Shanghai Disneyland Park

Mataya and Kei were talking together while eating ice cream with their respective favorite flavors. Kei looks happy now and is no longer crying or gloomy.

"Kei! Oh my God, I have been looking for you for a long time. Where have you been alone? And why are you going alone like this?" asked a man to Kei, whose age didn't seem much different from Mataya.

Judging from his anxiety and his words to Kei, it seems that the man is Kei's older brother and the girl next to him is his lover.

Mataya, who was facing Kei's face, immediately turned her face towards the man who suddenly came and said that to Kei.

How surprised she was when she saw the man, "Putra?"

-to be continued-

Don't forget give this story power stone, grazie!

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