The two of them were in a mess, but they were still together.

"With me here, you can do whatever you want, and no one can stop you!"

Chen Hao smiled, his tone was gentle and calm, but full of dominance.


Du Xueqing lay on his chest like a kitten, feeling happy and at ease.

After venting her sadness and anger, she was warmed by Chen Hao's caring words and actions, and it had already disappeared.

"Wife, your mother probably doesn't know about the investment project you found. How did she sabotage it?"

"I didn't tell her, but she taught me all my skills. As the saying goes, no one knows a daughter better than her mother. She knows my thoughts and the investment fields I am good at very well. As long as she uses some connections and asks around in the industry, she will know."

Du Xueqing sighed.

"Then if I invest in other fields, she won't know about it?"

Chen Hao asked.

"I am not familiar with other fields, so how dare I invest."

Du Xueqing smiled bitterly, "Starting a business is very risky. Only one in ten can really succeed. It's like a general's success is the result of thousands of sacrifices. We often only see a few successful examples, but ignore that the majority are losers."

Chen Hao smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, wife, I will give you a product, I guarantee that your mother will not find it, and the success rate is very high."

"What product?"

Du Xueqing was surprised.

Chen Hao didn't say anything. With a wave of his hand, a mirror on the dressing table automatically flew over and landed in his hand.

"Honey, look..."

He pointed the mirror at Du Xueqing and was about to speak.

Suddenly, Du Xueqing screamed, hurriedly got out of his arms, and walked to the dressing table to sit down.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Hao was stunned.

"My eyes are swollen from crying. It's so ugly, but you didn't remind me."

Du Xueqing complained while taking out the eye cream and applying it.

"Isn't it normal to have swollen eyes after crying? I don't think it's ugly."

Chen Hao said inexplicably.

"You don't understand. A girl's face is the most important. You must always pay attention to maintenance. There can't be any flaws."

Du Xueqing was dressing up in front of the mirror.

Chen Hao shrugged his shoulders, got up and walked to the kitchen. He took out a few Chinese herbs from the cupboard, took a little of each, put them in a bowl, added water and stirred.

After a while, the Chinese herbs in the bowl turned into a paste.

Back in the living room, Du Xueqing had already applied the eye cream and sat on a chair with her head tilted back and eyes closed.

"How long will it take to reduce the swelling?"

Chen Hao walked over and asked.

"I use imported skin essence eye cream, which will take effect in five minutes."

"Why does it take so long?"

"It's already very fast. If it's ordinary eye cream, it will take at least ten minutes. If it's edema, it may not be reduced in half an hour."

Chen Hao shook his head, picked up the makeup remover cotton, and wiped off Du Xueqing's eye cream.

"What are you doing?"

Du Xueqing was surprised.

"Try this."

Chen Hao applied the ointment in the bowl to Du Xueqing's eye skin.

"What is this?"

Du Xueqing asked curiously.

This ointment is black and looks inconspicuous, but when applied to the skin, it has a cool and moisturizing feeling, which is very comfortable, and there is also a faint herbal fragrance, which is very pleasant.

"Close your eyes and count to thirty, and you will know."

Chen Hao smiled mysteriously.

Du Xueqing naturally did not doubt him and did as he said.

Half a minute later, she opened her eyes.

At this time, the ointment had dried and solidified, and it would fall off automatically with a light touch.

Chen Hao smiled and picked up the mirror to face her.

Du Xueqing was shocked at the first glance.

I saw a pair of beautiful eyes that were bright and full of brilliance, without any redness or swelling.

And the skin around the eyes was white and translucent, tight and delicate, like the best jade, without any flaws.

"It's amazing!"

Du Xueqing's mouth opened into an O shape, surprised and happy.

"How is it better than the eye cream you use?"

Chen Hao smiled slightly.

"It's more than ten times stronger. What kind of eye cream is this? Why is it so effective?"

Du Xueqing asked in shock.

"This is not an eye cream, but a beauty ointment I made. It has many functions such as whitening skin, moisturizing, reducing swelling and removing spots, and eliminating wrinkles."

Chen Hao said.

This ointment was prepared by him based on the recipe of a beauty pill in Tianchenzi's memory. Although it is only a low-profile simplified version and uses ordinary Chinese herbal medicine, it still has a powerful effect on ordinary people.

"So powerful."

Du Xueqing exclaimed

"They must be very precious Chinese medicinal materials, right?"

"They are the most common Chinese medicinal materials such as licorice, angelica dahurica, and monk fruit, which only cost a few dozen yuan at most."

Chen Hao laughed.

"Too cheap!"

Du Xueqing took a breath, "The imported eye cream I used just now is far less effective than beauty ointment, and a bottle costs at least a thousand yuan."

"So, wife, if you invest in this kind of beauty ointment, what do you think of the market prospects?"

Chen Hao said.

Du Xueqing's beautiful eyes lit up.

"It's unimaginable!"

She said excitedly, "This kind of amazing product doesn't need much effort to promote. As long as a small batch is sold first, it will cause an explosive sensation. At that time, even if it relies on word-of-mouth effect, it will be popular in China and even the whole world in the shortest time."

"Since you have confidence, then do it. I'll give you the formula."

Chen Hao smiled, "Although your funds are frozen, I still have tens of millions in my bank card, which is enough for your initial operation. After recovering the profits, build a factory to increase production."

Du Xueqing didn't say anything, staring at him infatuatedly.

"What's wrong, Xueqing?"

Chen Hao was stunned.

"Chen Hao, you are... so good to me!"

Du Xueqing's beautiful eyes were crystal clear, and she couldn't help throwing herself into his arms and crying again.

But this time, it was tears of excitement and joy.

"Silly girl, isn't it my duty to be good to you?"

Chen Hao smiled.

"I'll go write the project plan right now. Even if I don't sleep tonight, I have to finish it!"

Du Xueqing wiped her tears and said with full energy.

"Don't be so anxious. It will be the same if you do it tomorrow."

Chen Hao was both amused and confused.

"This is the career you gave me. I'm so happy and can't wait to do it."

Du Xueqing turned around and ran upstairs.

Chen Hao smiled and looked at her back, feeling satisfied.

The greatest happiness is to make the people you love happy.

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