The Powerful Dragon Witch

Chapter 13:Enhancing My Witch Power

Winona's POV

"You have to concentrate, and I know you can do it, Winona. I will not allow you to eat breakfast and lunch if you can't change your scales' golden color to red or whatever color you can produce. The most important thing is you can shift your color, but you need to master it by having the same color every time you show your dragon form." Lizardo said, and when I try to summon my witch magic, I find it hard to alter my original color. We have been on the training ground for almost three hours, and I can feel my stomach is rumbling.

I want to tell my mentor I can't concentrate because I didn't eat breakfast, but I hate showing weakness. That is why even though I felt like fainting, I am still on the ground.

"Winona, you can do it, and please think about the color you want and call your inner magic, and you have to believe in yourself." I can hear Tac on my head, and I smiled, and when I can feel heat traveled my entire frame, I know I utilize my power, and then Lizardo's eyes widened.

"Congratulations, Winona, at least you were able to change the color of your wings. However, the rest of your body is still golden color, and it means you still need to practice and enhance your power because if you want to join the tournament in the Dracousia Kingdom, you must change the color of your entire body." Lizardo said, and I felt triumphant because I was able to change my wings. At least my effort was not useless.

"Okay, you must take a break and eat your lunch, and then you need to get back here to train. You only have one month to practice. If you can't master changing your color, then it would be hard on your part to infiltrate the Dracousia Kingdom, and I am just hoping King Alexandrix will not use your mother to force you to come out. We do not know what is on his mind, Winona. That is why you have to be careful and try to focus." Lizardo said, and he gets out of the cave.

I devour my lunch hurriedly because I got so disappointed that I couldn't change the colors of my entire frame when I turned into my dragon shape. I need to do it because entering into this tournament is the only way to enter the Dracousia Kingdom safely. But it would be more complicated than I thought because I need to materialize my witch power. I don't know how to do it, but I need to call my inner strength and do my best to shift my color because I can't risk going there in the Palace unprepared. My mom taught me strong spells that I only need to recite in my head, and I can use my witch magic efficiently.

"Do you think I can change into a red dragon, Tac?" I asked my cat as I handed her some meat.

"Of course, I know you can. Please don't give up, Winona, I know it wouldn't be easy to transform yourself, and in fact, you made a significant improvement by changing your wings. It was a vivid red, and if you can continue to cover your entire body with that color, I am sure the whole kingdom will be surprised by the variety of your color, so I think it would be vital if you will make it a regular red hue like the usual colores of the red dragons in the Dracousia kingdom." Tac said.

"Once we get inside the Dracousia Kingdom, you should maintain a low profile, Winona; it would be risky if the attention of the crowd will focus on you because you could be in danger. I know Lizardo wants you to be on the top, but I think it could only endanger your life, so you must be careful." Tac added, and I know she has a point.

"I understand what you mean, Tac, but it would be hard on my part if I will become the weakest link because I can't afford to leave the Kingdom without my mother. I am still alive because of that purpose alone, and I need to save my mother because King Julius has already forsaken her." I replied.

"I need to save my mom, Tac, she has been imprisoned by King Alexandrix for seven years, and I don't know what damage the king could have done to my mom." I added.

"I know King Julius wants to save your mother, but he knew he couldn't defeat the Dragon King because dragons are powerful. That is why he always follows what the Dragon King wants, and I hate to think many mages are working as slaves in the dragon realm nowadays." Tac responded.

"I know, but if the mage kingdom only uses their resources, they can defeat the dragons, and I hope a time will come when King Julius will defend the citizens of Dracousia and stop the dragon king from abusing the Thesirean citizens." I said.

"Well, it only happens when you will side with him. I am sure the Mage Kingdom will win." Tac responded, and her words took me off guard.

"What you mean, I will side with him?" I asked.

"You know you can ask King Julius to support you in your quest of saving your mother." She replied.

"Really? Do you think King Julius will not use me? Come on, Tac, I will never ask his help. He turned blind to what happened to my mom, and my mother has been one of his loyal followers. My mother served him with all her life in the palace, but he never even attempted to save her. And you know, even the King of Thesirea wants to have me because of that ridiculous prophecy. How could someone eat my heart? That vision was stupid." I replied, and I can't stop myself from feeling this way towards King Julius.

"I know you hate the king, but how about the Crown Prince of Thesirea? He was your best friend." She said, and I suddenly felt sad remembering Prince Julian; we were inseparable growing up. Even though he was a prince, he never considered me as a commoner. He said I will always be his best friend whatever happens. When I first arrived in this cave, I always think about him, but as time goes by, I tried my best to forget him because he was the Crown Prince of Thesirea. He will follow what his father wants, and I don't want to show myself to Julian because I don't want to know his reactions by the time he learned I was the Dragon Witch. I like Prince Julian to remember me as his witch best friend, not the Dragon Witch.

I know before I was even born, the rulers of both Dracousia and the Thesirea Kingdom aimed to have my heart. Still, King Julius didn't show it to his citizens that he was also crazy about the prophecy, but I can tell beneath his calm and approachable demeanor he was hiding his true colors.

"Tac, I know Prince Julian has a clean heart, and I am sure he turned into a fine young mage, but no matter how much I miss him, I don't want to see him again. I can only complicate his life, so it is better this way. The mages are living in harmony, and I know they are called magicians and spell casters, and I was one of them, and I belong to Prince Julian's world once, but right now I know I am an outcast, I don't belong to any kingdom." I said, and I can't stop myself from feeling so sad thinking about my current situation. I don't have a family, not even a kingdom.

"Hey, don't say that, Winona, don't forget that you are the rightful heir of the Dragon realm. The Dracousia Kingdom is yours to govern and lead. There are still many dragons waiting for your return, so there is nothing you can do, but follow your destiny, don't run from it, and stop feeling sorry for yourself and make sure you have some improvement during your training this afternoon." Tac declared, and before I can answer her, I saw Lizardo gets inside the dining hall.

"Are you ready, Winona?" He asked me, and I nodded. I want to ask him where he went, but I am afraid to even speak to him right now because I feel so useless that I couldn't even change my scales with the red color.

"Yes! Lizardo, I am ready." I answered softly.

"Good!" He said and signaled me to follow him. He stopped in front of our training ground and faced me.

"You need to be in your position now, Winona." Lizardo said, and I can tell he is back to being the strict trainer. I get myself ready as I prepare to shift, and I am just glad I am a witch, so every time I return to my human form, I can quickly get my clothes back. I am frustrated because no matter how I tried to release my magic, my golden color remains the same.

"Try harder, Winona." Lizardo yelled, and I can feel my heavy sweat starting to fall on my face, and I am thinking about Kai's handsome face. I can feel the sadness enveloped my heart, and it makes me feel suddenly strong, and I can feel my entire body is on fire, and I suddenly floated into the air even though I didn't use my wings to fly. And before I realized what is going on, I can see the amazement of my mentor, and I can tell he looks so proud of me, and I can't stop my tears from falling on my face when I realized I made it, my entire body is now red, including my wings.

"You make me so proud of you, and you are indeed the mighty Dragon Witch, Princess Winona." Lizardo said as he kneeled before me, and he bowed down his head. And I soared above him and flipped in the air, and I can hear his laughter reverberated the entire cave, and I felt so proud that I did it, and I can now go out and meet Kai.

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