In this suburb, she didn't have to come here because she caught a golden tortoise-in-law to show off.

   Although the boyfriend of Lu Yanlu is indeed worthy of her showing off.

   But this time, Lu Yanlu took the initiative to come.

   In order to avoid Cheng Lianxun, she also proposed to go to other places, but Lu Yanlu refused.

   Now, she even suspects that Lu Yanlu insisted on coming here because of Cheng Lian.

   But why?

  Cheng Lianxun is not as good-looking as her, and her figure is not as good as her, what can Lu Yanlu like about her?

   "You don't think she's good?"

   Lu Yanlu smiled a little deeper.

   His smile made Cheng Lianzhuo think he had found a breakthrough.

   "That's right! She's not good in the first place! She has a short face and a big face, and her body is shrivelled and has no eyes to see. She doesn't look like she has grown up, and..."

  On the shortcomings of starting Cheng Lianxun, Cheng Lianzhi can talk about it non-stop for three hours.

   "Then what do you think is good for you?"

   Lu Yansuo interrupted her.

   With his years of experience in the midst of thousands of flowers, Cheng Lianxun's figure is definitely not shriveled.

   It is clear that the place that should be thin is thin, and the place that should have meat is not ambiguous at all.

   As for the fact that it didn't grow long, it's really a bit, but it's her face.

   is too immature and pure, looks like a minor.

   But she is only eighteen years old, and she has just grown up, and it is normal to have a little baby fat on her face.


  Cheng Lianzhi felt that his whole body was a virtue.

   But under Lu Yanlu's serious scrutiny, she didn't know what to say.

   "When you slander others in the future, first weigh your own weight."

   After saying these words without emotion, Lu Yanlu left her and left first.

  Cheng Liandi, who was left behind, stood in the same place with a broken heart.

   It's because of Cheng Lianxun again!

   On the night of her birthday, Lu Yanlu clearly said that she had been in love with her for several years and was waiting for her to become an adult.

   It's only been a few days, and I'm not enthusiastic about her at all.

   Instead, he speaks for Cheng Lianxun everywhere, and tries his best to approach Cheng Lianxun.

   "No, it can't go on like this. Third Master Zhuo has been hooked up by Cheng Lianxun, and the Lu Yan stove must not be lost again."

   She was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

   Never let Cheng Lianxun sabotage her plan to climb the dragon and the phoenix.

   When she was thinking about it, she saw three or four delivery workers coming in by the side door of the hotel.

  The hotel of the resort, there are delivery workers coming and going every day, the identity is unknown, and they come and go freely.

   Being reprimanded by Lu Yanluo and then being left behind, her rage value reached its peak at this time.

   Those sloppy workers aroused her crazy thoughts.

   After making up her mind, she walked towards the workers.

  This resort on the outskirts is the property of Li Datian's family.

   said it was camping, and he also arranged hotel rooms for all the students.

   It's afternoon.

  After eating and drinking, a large group of people carried tents and tools and headed to the back mountain.

   On the edge of a small lake.

  The tent was set up before dark, and the students set up a rack to prepare for a barbecue and hold a bonfire party.

  Cheng Lian chatted to them in the name of patrolling the mountains.

   "Cheng Lianxun, are you staying here tonight?"

   She walked to a tent and looked down at Cheng Lianxun, who was sitting at the door of the tent.

   "Where I love to live."

   If it wasn't for the position where she was standing just blocking the sunset, Cheng Lianxun wouldn't bother to pay attention to her.

   "This is a wilderness, and there are many mosquitoes at night that will bite you to death!"

  Cheng Lianchao looks in a good mood.

   "Cheng Liandiao, aren't you very busy? Don't go to accompany your big benefactor, is it interesting that you go to the wilderness to feed the mosquitoes?"

  Luo Ranran stuck his head out of the tent and went back for Cheng Lianxun.

   "Luo Ranran?" Cheng Liandi's face turned bad immediately, "Why are you here? Do you two live in the same tent?"

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