Her eyes were wide open, and the emotions that fell from the heights to the bottom made her mind blank for a while.

After    reacted, she immediately grabbed her mobile phone.

  The photo of Cheng Lianxun stayed on the screen.

   The exposed scene of the other party being devastated made her very happy.

   Exited the picture and looked at the chat log. She flipped her fingers and replied to a message as quickly as possible.

【is her. 】

   "I'm asking you, why are you arresting her?"

   The patience of the Lu Yan Furnace is running out.


  Cheng Liandih hid the phone under the pillow and decided to deny it to the end.

What if    was caught by Lu Yanlu, she was lying to the end, and he shouldn't be able to do anything with her.

   Time delay, destroy Cheng Lianxun first.

   Her appearance of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water completely annoyed Lu Yanlu.

   grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away. He took her phone and got up and got out of bed.

"What do you want to do?"

  Cheng Liandiao never thought that he would stop for Cheng Lianxun while they were having sex.

   Lu Yanlu ignored her and sent a WeChat message.

  【Send to locate. 】

   "General Law."

   Looking at his tall and strong back, Cheng Lian became anxious.

  What does he wear clothes for?

  Want to rescue Cheng Lianxun?

   She doesn't allow it!

   "Mr. Law, I didn't do anything to Cheng Lianxun, I just wanted to teach her a lesson, she will be fine."

   She quickly got out of bed and hugged him from behind.

   hugged tightly, trying to stall for time.

   "Let go!"

  Lu Yanlu put on his pants, but he couldn't wear a shirt while she was holding him.

   "Don't let it go!" Cheng Lianzhuo can hold off for a minute or a minute now, "Mr. Law, I love you, I really love you, I..."

   Facing her confession, Lu Yanlu grabbed her wrist and pulled it apart.

   The first time he heard a woman say she loved him, it made him feel sick.


   He was so hard that he wanted to grab her wrist bone, and the pain caused her to let go immediately.

  Ly Yan put on his clothes by the fire and walked out.

   "General Law!"

  Cheng Lian chased after him.

   chased to the door and found that he was not wearing anything, so he hurried back to get dressed.

   "Boss Law, I was wrong! Listen to my explanation! Wait for me!"

  Cheng Liandiao was completely anxious at this time.

   Lu Yanlu really left her and went to rescue Cheng Lianxun.

  What is his relationship with Cheng Lianxun?

  Why does he care so much about Cheng Lianxun!

   He went to look for Cheng Lianxun in a fiery fire in Luyan, maybe he was the only one who knew if he could save her.

  Lao Liu's side, because he asked for the location, got into a tangle again.

   "The woman wants to locate, what does she want to do? Do you want to come over to watch?"

   Lao Liu has lived for decades. Although he is greedy for money, he is still a little wary.

   "If she wants you, send it to her. Rich people have unique tastes. She may just like to see enemies being spoiled by men. I also like to see women being spoiled. The more she struggles, the more excited she gets."

   "Then I posted it?"

   Lao Liu felt that there was some truth in what his companion said.

"Send it."

   So, Lao Liu sent Cheng Lianchao a position.

  Cheng Liandi's cell phone was in the hands of Lu Yan Furnace, and he rushed over at the fastest speed.

  Lao Liu said before that the medicine was not very effective, and he was worried that Cheng Lianxun would wake up.

   When the three of them started to take off her shirt, she opened her eyes in a daze.

   It was pitch black, and there were shadows flickering.

   The key is that both arms are caught, and there seems to be something crawling on him.

   I was confused for a while, until my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I could see the scene in front of me a little with the sparse moonlight.

   It was only when she realized that she was in danger.

   "Ah! What are you doing?"

   These people actually want to undress her!

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