The President is Too Fierce: Sweet Wife, Be Nice!

Chapter 190: kill your little lover

   When Zhuo Dingding received the message, he was preparing to take a private jet back to China.

   At first glance, I saw the upper body photo of the little guy wearing only underwear, his feet stopped, and his eyes were as cold as a demon who just got up from hell.

   Qin Tu, who was walking behind him, stopped abruptly before his mind could react, and the body that first received the dangerous information.

   He stared at the tall and straight back of his grandfather, and his heart was beating.

   Something happened again?

   And intuition told him, it is definitely a big deal!

   Zhuo Dingding checked every corner of the photo with the fastest speed.

   Her eyes were tightly closed, revealing a pale little face that seemed to be in a coma.

   Take a closer look, there is blood all over the hands of the Lu Yan Furnace.

   She is hurt!

   It's still the head that hurts.

   He immediately called Lu Yanlu.

   At this time, the Lu Yan Furnace was carrying Cheng Lianxun through the forest.

   He is as fast as walking on the ground, and his legs are like a lawn mower madly crushing the bushes.

   When you hear the phone ringing, you don't have to guess who called it.

   He continued to walk forward, not in a hurry to pick up.

   The bell rang and broke, broke and rang again.

   It wasn't until Zhuo Dingding's third call that he picked up slowly.

   "Lu Yan Furnace! I'm in the M country, believe it or not, I'll take your nest right now!"

   The wind on the tarmac was so strong that Zhuo Ding's clothes were blown over, like a tiger roaring out of the mountain.

  Ly Yan Furnace's arm is strong, holding Cheng Lianxun with one hand, still walking with ease.

   "You are in country M?" But no matter how easy he walked, Zhuo Dingding's words made his heart tremble, and he stopped immediately, "What are you doing in country M when you have nothing to do?"

   "What are you doing with my woman when you have nothing to do!"

   The little guy was injured, and he was injured in the hands of his enemy, Zhuo Dingding couldn't be in a hurry.

   But after the **** storm, he will never lose his mind no matter how anxious he is.

  The far water cannot save the near fire, so it is the top priority and the top priority to control the fire furnace.

  Otherwise he would fly back at the fastest speed, and it would be too late to save her.

   "Zhuo Dingding, what you said is not very kind. Although, I have some thoughts about your little lover, but I really didn't want to hug her tonight."

   Lu Yan stove leaned against the tree trunk, Cheng Lianxun in his arms was bleeding.

  Heavy bleeding.

  Cheng Lianxun looks for this small body, and it is estimated that there is not much blood to flow.

   He was in a hurry at first, but once Zhuo Dingding got angry at him and threatened him, he was not in a hurry at all.

  Looking at his memory, he almost forgot that this is Zhuo Dingding's woman.

   It seems better if he doesn't save him.

   Zhuo Dingding understands the law furnace too well.

   Upon hearing his words and tone, he knew that things were not as simple as he saw.

   He turned and instructed Qin Tu to let Ronglie hurry to find the little guy.

  In the woods at least two kilometers away from the tent, Lu Yanlu couldn't wait for Zhuo Dingding's answer.

   "Zhuo Dingding, your little lover is in my hands now, so you have nothing to say to me?"

   "I have located your location. The distance from me to your base is closer than the distance from you to send her to the hospital."

   Zhuo Dingding has a mobile phone in his left hand and a mobile phone in his right hand.

   A mobile phone is talking, and a mobile phone is checking information.

   His tone was unwavering, terrifyingly calm.

   The back of the Lu Yan stove straightened immediately.

   "Aren't you afraid that I will kill your little lover?"

The    law burner put away the stubbornness, and his face was extremely calm.

   Threatening him once was fine, but he repeatedly emphasized that he threatened him a second time.

   Zhuo Dingding thinks he has no temper?

   "You must be afraid that I will sweep your base."

  The two have been secretly fighting for so many years, how could Zhuo Dingding not know what the weakness of Lu Yanluo is.

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