The President is Too Fierce: Sweet Wife, Be Nice!

Chapter 207: It's not the first time, what's so shy

   "No, no! No way!"

   The little guy was so anxious that he stuttered, so embarrassed, so embarrassing.

   Zhuo Dingding ignored her and went straight to the door.

   "You, you, you! I choose you, Brother Zhuo, help me wash."

   The little guy had no choice and finally gave in.

Older gingers are more spicy.

   Zhuo Dingding's lips were slightly raised, and he turned around to see the unlovable look on her face.

   "You're an old husband and wife, why are you so shy?"

   bullied her, and he was very happy to bully her.

   "Who's old? I'm only eighteen years old, and I'm just an adult. You're old."

   The little guy is so angry.

  Brother Zhuo is too bad, he obviously got cheap and sold well.

"I am old?"

   The man bent down in front of her again, his black eyes narrowed in a dangerous arc.

   "You, you just said you were old."

   It was clearly the old man he said, but when he stared at her, she was spineless again.

   "I said yes, you said no."

  The third master warned her sternly.

   "You only allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps."

   The little guy protested.



   is too unscrupulous!

   "Go, I'll help you take a bath."

   Bullying was enough, Zhuo Dingding pulled her up.

   "Brother Zhuo, I can really wash it myself."

   The little guy moved with him reluctantly.

   "Why don't you let me wash it for you?"

   There was a negotiating tone on his lips, but Zhuo Dingding firmly pushed open the bathroom door.

   "I, I'm afraid..." It wasn't that he was afraid of messing around.

   "What are you afraid of?" Zhuo Dingding turned around and poked his little nose with his finger, "Afraid that I would do something to you, this and that?"

  "..." Since he knew herself so well, she wasn't afraid to say, "You have a criminal record, and there are a lot of previous records. I'm worried that it is also based on facts."

   Zhuo Dingding laughed angrily.

   "Am I the kind of person who messes around regardless of the occasion and the moment?"

   also has a lot of previous convictions, it is clear that she is too good at seduction at a young age, and she knows how to seduce him all day long.


   She panicked when she thought about the times when he was in the office, and the times when he was almost exposed when he was at home and was seen by his assistant.

   "For the sake of your injury, I just wanted to simply take a bath for you. Since you think so, I'm too sorry for myself if I don't do anything."

   Zhuo Dingding turned on the water tap and turned to approach her.

   "What do you want to do?" She put her hands around her chest subconsciously, "I'm a patient, you can't mess around! The doctor said that I can only walk slowly and not do strenuous exercise."

   "Did I say that I need to do strenuous exercise?" Zhuo Dingding deliberately emphasized the word strenuous exercise, his eyes sank and he deliberately said fiercely, "Take off your clothes."

   "Don't!" His dark tide, full of emotions in his eyes, made her want to run away, "I can get away by myself."

   It is better to take it off by yourself than to be taken off by him.

   "Then you should take off quickly."

   Zhuo Dingding frowned slightly, waiting to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

   Knowing that he could not escape, the little guy pouted and slowly unbuttoned his clothes.

   "You know how to bully me."

   The puffy little cheeks were flushed, and he didn't know if he was angry or ashamed.

   Seeing how pitiful she is, Zhuo Dingding sighed and walked over to hug her.

   "What's wrong with letting you take a bath."

   "No grievance, just too embarrassing."

   Actively wrapped his arms around his sturdy waist and rubbed gently on him.

   It's good to hold him, I don't want to take a shower.

   "It's not the first time to wash, so what's so shy."

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