Chapter 13 - You Hurt His Pride!

Finally, after 9 hours flight they landed in New Zealand. It's time to separate.

But will Li Chen will allow her to be separate from him. No way.

In the hotel while Liu Lian and her friends collecting their room cards Liu Lian's phone rang. Then she took out her phone, singled her friends to continue and went to the lobby and answered the call.

"Hey, my dear little princess did you landed safely?" there was a sweet voice in the other side.

Liu Lian: "hmm. I'm now in the hotel."

Mu Gong: "Ahh. Then that's great."

Liu Lian: "Is there anything you need bro?"

Mu Gong: "Uhhh. Can you do me a favor darling?"

Mu Gong: "It's really not a big deal. Can you please talk to Ah Qiang behalf on me?"

Liu Lian: "Talk to bro Qiang? What happened?"

Mu Gong: "Well we had a small encounter in the afternoon. Since then he seems to be angry with me. It's re…."

Before even he could finish his words, Liu Lian interrupted him.

Liu Lian: "Don't say me that you two argued again."

Mu Gong: "We really didn't argue. I just only said few words to him. Then he got angry and left me." Mu Gong tried his best to deny that they argued in front of Liu Lian.

Liu Lian: "My dear bro can you say me that what did you say to him please." She shook her head helplessly.

Mu Gong:" It's like this. Did you remember the last race we had in villa?"

Liu Lian: "Yeah. What has it to do with this?"

Liu Lian: "F*ck you Ah Gong. Are you mad?" Liu Lian scolded him.

Mu Gong: "Why? What had I done wrong?"

Liu Lian: "You my brainless brother. You damaged his pride! Pride!!! okay??? Pride!!!!"

Mu Gong:" How could that be? It was only a joke. I didn't hurt his pride."

Liu Lian: "Bro please understand. If I said something like that to you what would you do? Please think logically okay."

Mu Gong: "What should I do now? My darling little princess help me please. Please."

Liu Lian: "There is only one way. You call him and say sorry."

Mu Gong: "Is there any other way?"

Liu Lian: "No you should call him. Immediately." Liu Lian rolled her eyes dramatically.

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