Chapter 30 - I'm not that delicate.

After moving to the villa, he called Chen Zhu. Chen Zhu was one of his most trusted subordinates. He was good at investigating and digging out people's information. Li Chen brought him even though there wasn't any use of him. Now he was thankful that he brought him.

"Boss is there any instructions for me?"

"You have to find the owner of the villa number 8 in here." Yesterday he noticed that car which Liu Lian was seated entered through the gate number 8.

Li Chen didn't explain the reason and Chen Zhu didn't asked either. Because he knew that his boss never explain reason to others. His boss is the type of silent, cold and distant.

Last few days when he saw that their boss was trying to covet a girl, he even doubted that this wasn't his boss and someone that was disguised as him.

Back in Hu Tian's villa Liu Lian was lying in the bed while making a call.

Liu Lian: "Xiao Ling I fall sick."

Xiao Ling: "What? You fall sick? How are you now?"

Liu Lian: "I'm fine now. Don't worry."

Xiao Ling: "That's good. Then are you in your room?"

Liu Lian: "No. I'm staying in my brother's place."

Xiao Ling: "Oh."

Liu Lian: "I wouldn't be able to join with you for next few days. They don't let me to work. Please say that to others and continue the project. If there any problem, give me a call."

Xiao Ling: "okay. When will you come back?"

Liu Lian: "May be in 3 days."

Xiao Ling: "Okay. Don't worry. Rest well."

Liu Lian: "Okay. Bye bye."

Then she tossed handed her for to Hu Tian who was looking at her like a guard.

"Can't I even use my phone Tian gege."

"No. Phone is a disturbance for your rest." He slapped giving her no space for negotiation.

Hu Tian restricted her from even getting out of bed. He said, "You didn't take good care of yourself. You're over exhausted and need a good bed rest. You have to stay in bed for next three days and rest."

But Liu Lian isn't ready for compromise. She looked at her phone silently thinking "Even if I can't get

out of bed, I still can use my phone." She was smiling cunningly looking at her phone.

When Hu Tian saw it, he understood her cunning plan. "Also, you're not allow to use your phone. Call your friends and inform them and hand your phone to me."

Liu Lian was frustrated from their attitude.

"I'm not that delicate Tian gege." She said while looking at her phone in Hu Tian's arm.

Hu Tian only smiled at her. "Be good. Lie down and take a rest." He stroked her hair until Liu Lian fall asleep.

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