Chapter 37 - Did you propose

In Li Chen's side he was having a hard time pacifying his mother. After knowing that her son wooing a girl from her husband, she immediately called her son.

Li Chen: "Hello mom. Why are calling me in this time. I'm going to bed now."

Mrs. Li: "How about your girl? Did she accept your proposal?"

Li Chen: "Mom!! How do you know that I'm wooing a girl?"

Mrs. Li: "Ahh.. That.. That does not matter here. The thing matters here is whether she accepted you or not. Isn't it?"

Li Chen: "Seriously mom? Don't act like a gossiping grandma."

Mrs. Li: "How can I be a gossiping grandma? Even if I'm being nosy that's because you didn't find me a daughter-in-law."

Li Chen: "Fine. Fine. I don't have energy to fight with you."

Mrs. Li: "Hey don't hang up. My dear son say me did she accepted you?"

Li Chen: "I didn't even propose her yet you're already asking about the result. Seriously mom?"

Mrs. Li: "Seriously son?? You didn't propose her yet?? Are you a sail or what aaa???"

Li Chen: "Mom she is still young and inexperienced. And I want a stable ever-lasting relationship. I don't want to scare her away. So please be patient."

Mrs. Li: "Fine but still be quick. Don't let others to snatch away my amazing future daughter-in-low."

Li Chen: "You didn't even saw her so how you could know that she is amazing. Although she is."

Mrs. Li: "She is very famous in business circle."

Li Chen: "Yeah. My baby girl always represents Liu Co-operation in business conferences."

Li Chen's tone sounded undoubtedly proud.

Mrs. Li: "Hehe. Okay then I will call you again tomorrow. You need to update me daily dear son."

Li Chen: "Mom… Please give me some privacy okay. I'll call you once I got her approval. Until then please be patient. Good bye. Good night."

Then ended the call not waiting for his mother's response.

'Phew that was sooo annoying.'

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