Chapter 5 - Wine and the Beauty Angel

Liu Lian not only the owner of the famous gaming company Liu coporation but also the CEO of the New Era coporation . New Era coporation is the top construction company in Asia. Even though she is only 21 she is very capable to manage those two big companies.

On the other side early in the morning Li Cheng went back to China for take care about his political matters. Li Cheng's father is the former president in China. His mother is a renowned chef. Li Cheng is the only child in the family. So after his father's retirement he has take the position of the president. So nowadays he is learning about the political matters from his father.

After working for entire morning Liu Lian took the flight back to China. When she landed it almost 7.30 in the night. Mu Gong was waiting for her in the entrance of VIP section.

"You're here" She said while giving him a warm hug.

"Hmm. How was the flight?"

"Not bad."

"let's go. Others are waiting for us."


Mu Gong was driving his favourite red color bugatti sports car. Liu Lian was looking out of the window. "Also this red wine and the beauty angel teaches that how sweat the world can be." Remebering Li Cheng's words in the party Liu Lian laughted.

Noticing her smile Mu Gong inquired. "What's so funny to laugh like that?"

"Who? Did he able to stole your heart.?" he asked curiously

"No way. Steal my heart ? Impossible."

"Let's see. I bet one day someone will definitely steal your heart."

"Are you sure?"


"Anyway who that someone you mentioned?"

"Looks like you're curious. Hehe. It's Li Cheng."

"Li Cheng? Which Li Cheng???? Oh wait. You said our next president? No way!!!" Mu Gong was bevildered.

"Yeah it's him"

"Nothing much. He was in the party. We just had a toast and small talk." Then she said their encounter to Mu Gong. Mu Gong was surprised.

"Looks like you widened the way him look at the world. Not bad."

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