Chapter 9 - Eavesdropping Li Chen.

A girl who seems to be a university student clad in black denim and a black and white crop top hanging a side bag in her left shoulder was entering to a café. She was none other than Liu Lian. When Li Cheng confirmed he was right, he ordered to stop the car. Then Li Chen get off the car and entered to the café.

There were few people in the café. He looked around to find the girl he saw just now. Then he saw her sitting with a group of people. They look like collegeous. There was an empty table behind them. Li Chen take seat in the table facing back to them. He didn't understand the urge in his mind to listen to their conversation. But he did what his mind said. Then his bodyguard entered to the café. Li Chen signaled them not to come near to him. Then quietly listened to their chat.

"Are we really going New Zealand?" One of them asked excitedly.

"Of course. We have to go." Another one answered like matter of fact.

"What about our expenses?"

"University fund will take care about it." Liu Lian answered.


"Team leader please tell us more information." one of the boys asked.

"Our accommodation and meals will be cover up by university funding. And, university will give 5000 yuan for each team to cover up our study expenses. Also, we are not doing this project by ourselves. A student's group from one of New Zealand universities will be joining with us in this. We must team up with them. Our project criteria are business and economy development in New Zealand." Liu Lian briefly explained the details.

"You mean we are doing project with foreign students?"

"Yeah seems so." Liu Lian answered while laughing.

"That's great. When will be going then?"

"We have to leave within next week. University will book our tickets. We have one month to complete our project. After one month we should return."

"What if we completed our project before one month?"

"Wow. That's amazing."

"Okay then let's decide our boarding date."

"I'm okay with any date. Lian you're the busiest one. So, you decide."

"I still have some works to do. How about next Tuesday. By then I could finish my works." Liu Lian answered after thinking for a while. Everyone agreed with her. "Then l'll inform the university." After another brief discussion they went home.

Before they leave the café, Li Chen who was listening to them secretly, leave the café without getting noticed.

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