\"Mister Pearson, how are you doing? I heard that you protected my daughter, and I'm really thankful for that.

Here I brought some extra soup and bread for you to eat and recover faster.\" Jaana said while placing the soup bowl with a piece of a bread top of it.

\"It's nothing at all, I just did my part, and she's part of our camp.\" Mister Pearson said while starting to eat the steaming hot soup.

\"It is still something as you really did save our daughter from a situation that could have been certain death for her or even worse,\" Levin said, and after that, he continued.

\"So thank you again for saving mine and my wife's only child, and even when you were injured, you carried her to the camp.

Not that many would or could do that.\"

\"No, no, it was nothing at all, mister Edwin I just got slightly injured, nothing major.

So it didn't take that much to carry your daughter back here. As without her, we both would probably be dead .\" Before mister Pearson could continue, Levin asked.

\"What do you mean you both would be dead what did my daughter do?\"

\"Oh, she was trying to shoot with the crossbow the first time, and she missed her target, but it did hit one of the bandits that the cried from the pain and started to curse blowing up their cover mister Edwin.

So I should be thankful to your daughter for saving my life as, without her, the bandits could have ambushed us and the camp.\" Pearson said and smiled towards Edwin.

\"Thank you for telling this I will let you finish your food and rest more to recover.

I think the leader will come and also ask about the situation later when he's done dealing with the captured bandits.\" Edwin said and left Pearson to eat the rest of his soup and bread and started to walk towards Elvire.

\"You rascal, do you know how worried me and your mother was when we saw you bleeding and that the bandits were behind you.\" Levin immediately said while getting to the bed where Elvire was sitting now.

\"I'm sorry, father, it wasn't intentional.\" Elvire sheepishly said and smiled towards Levin, who just hugged Elvire.

\"Don't make us worry like that again and remember to watch out for the trees when you are running.

I'm just glad that they are only small scratches and nothing else.\" Levin said while Elvire hugged Levin back and said.

\"Yes, father, I will try to be more careful next time.\"

\"Here, my child's mother brought you some soup and bread; you should eat it while it is still hot.

But we need to leave the infirmary for now as there is some injured amongst the guards.\" Jaana said and gave the bowl of soup with the bread to Elvire, who was already standing up and started to follow her parents while eating.

At the same time, the caravan leader was talking to the captured bandits.

\"I understand that you are single peasants that don't have anywhere to go now and that you are hungry and deprived.

But that doesn't allow you to rob or kill people as those guards also had their families and mouths to feed.

But now some of them won't see their husband, father, or son to come back home anymore.

So tell me, why would I keep you all alive or why I wouldn't just sell you all slaves?\" The caravan leader asked those that were captured and still alive.

They all suddenly started to panic and shout out reasons for why they should be spared, and the caravan leader finally got tired of it and shouted out loudly.

\"Enough that's enough; everyone shut up now shut up!

I'm not a cruel man, but I'm not merciful either.

You all will live, but you will work as slaves for my trade company and for me so long before you have enough money to buy your freedom out.

Before we get to the capital that I can place the slave brands to you with magic, you will be imprisoned to the carriage, but you will be fed.

But for your leader, I will execute him, and that same fate will happen to everyone who tries to run away no matter the age or gender.

Men take them and separate the woman from the men and put them in different carriages and place some guards near the wagons if any of them tries to run away you have the permission to kill them immediately.

For their leader just behead him and throw his corpse away.\" The caravan leader said, and his men started to obey their orders.

The peasants thanked the leader for the opportunity to live even if it would be slavery; they still had a chance to live, and they would get shelter and food to eat.

So they accepted the conditions as they were far better than lose their lives or live like a robber rest of their lives without knowing will they die or eat every day.

So they followed the guards to their carriages and went in without making any sound or complaint, and soon they were given some bread to eat and water to drink.

At the same time, the caravan leader went to the infirmary to get the report from Pearson and to hear his side of the story and thank him for saving their lives.

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