The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 103 Your Sister Is Getting Married

When it was time for dinner, the snails were finally placed on the dining table.

Although Jiang Youzhi sometimes eats out with his classmates outside, he has never seen snails eaten even in shells.

Liu Lang felt sorry for his brother. Seeing his brother glanced at him, he quickly picked up one and planned to feed it to Jiang Youzhi.

Gu Yunjiao came over with the egg custard and hurriedly stopped it, "Don't give it to your brother, there are peppers and hot spices here!"

The snails had been brought to Jiang Youzhi's mouth, and Jiang Youzhi's mouth had also opened slightly. Hearing that he couldn't eat it, he looked at Gu Yunjiao aggrievedly.

Gu Yunjiao put the egg custard in front of him, "You eat this, it was steamed specially for you."

Jiang Youzhi was a little happy when he heard the words specially, and suddenly felt that the snails were not so fragrant.

Rokuro smiled at his brother, and as soon as the chopsticks turned, the snail came to his mouth.

He swayed lightly, and the soup and snail meat in the snail shell sipped into his mouth together, and the salty, spicy and delicious aroma instantly filled his mouth.

Rokuro did not forget to shout while eating, "It's delicious, it's delicious!"

Gu Yunjiao said amusingly: "It's best not to eat the intestines inside, it's very dirty, and it's fine to bite off half of it when it's sloppy."

"Otherwise, you can eat it with a toothpick."

She demonstrated how to eat with a toothpick, and Sanya quickly learned it and picked it up without hesitation.

Chen saw that several children especially liked to eat snails. She only tasted one and didn't stretch out her chopsticks again. She basically didn't eat meat and vegetables at home. She always thought that if she eats more, the children will eat less.

Gu Yunjiao told her a few times, but she still told me that she didn't like meat, and Gu Yunjiao couldn't do anything about her.

Mr. Chen took a chopstick of shredded potatoes and said casually, "In a few days, the Zhao family next door will have a wedding."

Gu Yunjiao hummed absently and continued to eat.

Seeing that Gu Yunjiao didn't understand what she meant, Mrs. Chen had no choice but to open her mouth, "Our family should follow the ceremony, Yunjiao, you say, how much is appropriate for this?"

The soon-to-be-married bride, Gu Mei, is Gu Yunjiao's sister. If this is not polite, everyone will not look good.

Gu Yunjiao has absolutely no idea of ​​what to do with the ceremony, "Mother can do it as she pleases, I don't understand that either."

Chen Shi had to remind her, "That's your sister."

"If I leave you alone, I will lose your face."

She wanted to be more polite, but now she still has some money in her hand, but Gu Yunjiao doesn't seem to have a good relationship with her sister, and she is worried that she is too polite, and Gu Yunjiao is not appreciative and unhappy.

Gu Yunjiao said indifferently, "Mother don't have to worry about my relationship with her. You can communicate with the Zhao family as you normally do."

Chen explained: "Now that we are separated, we have to do the rituals alone, which is different from before."

"Forget it, you're still young and don't understand these things, I'll figure it out."

She took two bites, "By the way, do you want to go back to your parents' house these few days to add makeup to your eldest sister?"

Gu Yunjiao glanced at Gu Chuan, "I won't go, I got married, and she didn't give me anything."

Chen shi has a certain idea in his heart, it seems that this sister relationship is really not good.

A jar of snails was quickly eaten to the end, and Rokuro took the snail shell and scooped up the rest of the soup to drink.

Chen Shi looked at him and only scooped a small amount, and specially handed him a spoon to drink the soup, but Liu Lang shook his head, "I'm going to drink the soup with snail shells, this is the original flavor."

Gu Yunjiao looked at Liu Lang funny, it was purely a psychological effect, okay?

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