The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 1080 Asking for a Proposal

Gu Yunjiao nodded, "That's natural."

Jiang Youzhi pondered for a moment, "However, at the Xie family's side, Xie Heng has already picked it up, and in two months' time, he will have the Spring Festival, wait and see, after the Spring Festival, if there is no movement from their family, we will hurry up and find another way for Ruru. A good son-in-law."

Gu Yunjiao nodded.

At the same time, in Mrs. Xie's house, Xie Heng was talking to his mother, "Mother, please, find someone to go to Jiang's family to propose marriage early tomorrow, and it will be too late when their family reports their names to the Ministry of Rites."

Mrs. Ruan, Xie Heng's mother, said unhurriedly, "Heng'er, it's not that my mother refuses, it's just that it's too late to go tomorrow."

"It's not that simple to get married. You have to make a small decision first and then make a big decision. It will take at least a few months to get everything done."

"Besides, our family is coming to the door now. Isn't it obvious that we are robbing a daughter-in-law from the royal family? What do you want the saint and the empress to think?"

Mrs. Ruan took a sip of tea and said lightly: "Also, how do you know if people are willing to marry into our family? Maybe they are waiting to be a prince now and a concubine in the future."

Xie Heng stomped her feet anxiously, "Ruru is not such a person, she—"

"Okay." Mrs. Ruan interrupted him lightly, "It's going to be the Spring Festival, you have to focus on the scientific examination now, get married, don't worry, wait for you to pass the Spring Festival examination, let's slow down. Pick slowly."

Xie Heng saw that his mother couldn't say anything, so he came out of his mother's yard in frustration and went back to the room.

Back in the room, Xie Heng sat by the window, not in the mood to read.

In the past two years, the princesses didn't need to read, and Ruru didn't work as a companion. He seldom saw Ruru.

The last time we met was at Princess Huaiqing's banquet a few months ago.

Ruru seems to have grown taller and more slender.

The appearance is getting better and better, and he can't help blushing and heartbeat when he looks at it.

That day, he finally found an opportunity, pretended to meet Ruru by chance next to the water pavilion, and said a few words to her.

At that time, he only felt hot on his face and his heartbeat was fast.

Ruru's face was also a little red, and she became more and more beautiful, and he was almost stunned.

He said something vaguely that day, and he didn't know if Ruru understood it.

Xie Heng looked at the clump of bananas outside the window and couldn't help but think, with Ruru's family background, it is also possible to be a crown princess, would she be willing to give up that supreme honor and marry herself?

Would the queen and concubine leave a good girl like Ruru not selected?

Thinking of this, he became more and more restless.

Xie Heng's servant Mo Zhu watched the young master grit his teeth for a while, frowned for a while, and probably knew what the young master was thinking.

The last time I came back from the banquet of Princess Huaiqing, the young master was locked in the house for several days to paint.

Mo Zhu couldn't bear to see Young Master like this, so he whispered, "Young Master, why don't you write a letter to Miss Jiang and send it for you, it's better than thinking about it yourself."

Xie Heng hesitated: "Correspondence is considered a private exchange, isn't it right?"

Mo Zhu said anxiously, "Young Master, you have to let Miss Jiang know your intentions, and you have to give it a try."

"If the son doesn't act again, I'm afraid that Miss Jiang will really be a concubine!"

Xie Heng thought about it, between the two consequences that might damage the girl's family's reputation and the possibility of losing Ruru, he decisively chose the former.

He picked up a pen and quickly wrote a letter. After writing, he planned to check for typos. After reading the letter, his face turned red.

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