Gu Yunjiao then slowed down a little, and tried to breathe calmly as she walked.

Entering the yard, Gu Yunjiao heard the baby's cry, but the cry was loud and powerful, showing that the baby was still very healthy.

Several people in the yard walked around like flies without their heads. When they saw Gu Yunjiao coming in, they all rushed to surround her and said, "Little Doctor Gu, save my lady."

"Doctor Gu, save my daughter-in-law."

"Doctor Gu, save my sister-in-law quickly."

Gu Yunjiao paused, "Which is the delivery room?"

A man who looked like a scholar pointed at a room, Gu Yunjiao pushed the door and went in without saying a word.

There is a strong smell of blood blowing in.

There were two old women in the room, and one of them had a slightly square face to meet her and said anxiously, "Doctor Gu, hurry up and save my grandson-in-law."

Gu Yunjiao nodded at her, put the medicine box on the table, then opened the medicine box and took out the gold needle from it.

Chen Shi also came in, she was expecting to help Gu Yunjiao or something.

Just as Gu Yunjiao was about to move the stool, Mrs. Chen put the stool in front of the maternity bed.

Gu Yunjiao put the red sandalwood box directly on the stool and prepared to give the mother a needle.

At this time, the mother's consciousness is not clear, and her lips are white, which is a sign of excessive blood loss.

Gu Yunjiao took the gold needle and first pierced the Duanhong point on the back of the mother's hand between the index and middle fingers.

The mother had bare legs, her thighs were dyed red, and the mattress under her body was also dyed dark.

While inserting the needle, Gu Yunjiao instructed the two old women, "Put a clean mattress on the mother."

The two old women quickly put a clean mattress under the mother, Gu Yunjiao tied both hands of the mother, and then inserted a gold needle into the Yinbai point of the thumb of the mother's foot, which is also a point to stop bleeding.

Soon Gu Yunjiao used a needle to stab the sea of ​​blood on the inner thigh of the mother and Sanyinjiao on the inner calf.

After all the acupuncture points were punctured, almost at the same time, Gu Yunjiao heard an old woman whisper, "It seems that there is no more bleeding."

The mattress that had just been placed on it was only rubbed with some blood, and it was no longer wet with fresh blood.

Another old woman rushed over to take a closer look, her voice trembling, "Is there really no blood?"

Gu Yunjiao said: "The blood has stopped temporarily, but she still needs to take medicine when she looks like this."

"I'll take her pulse first, and then I'll give her a prescription."

The old woman hurriedly said, "Then there will be Dr. Gu Xiaoli."

Gu Yunjiao closed her eyes and took the pulse of the mother. The mother's pulse was weak and weak, and she was not completely out of danger.

She quickly drew up a recipe and said to the old woman, "Take this recipe and go to the county town to grab some medicine for the mother to eat."

"One pill a day, two pills a day, three pills, your life should be safe."

The old woman took the recipe with both hands and hurried out.

There was still a gold needle stuck in the mother's body, and Gu Yunjiao didn't rush to leave, and kept observing the mother's condition in the delivery room.

The old woman went out and came in again, watching Gu Yunjiao by her side, always paying attention to the pregnant woman on the bed, she couldn't help being very grateful.

After waiting for more than an hour, until the medicine was picked up, Gu Yunjiao watched the mother drink it with her own eyes, and after waiting for a while, Gu Yunjiao got up to draw the needle.

The mother had regained her consciousness at this time, but she had no strength. She looked at Gu Yunjiao gratefully, and was speechless.

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