When Jiang Che chose the dead man, Wang Er took the initiative to stand up, "I run fast."

"At my speed, it may be possible to survive."

"It doesn't matter if I don't survive. I was originally an orphan, and I have nothing to worry about in this world, and no parents will be sad for me."

Everyone was silent for a while, Jiang Che solemnly saluted him, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Wang Er stood alone in the tunnel, counting the time.

It wasn't until he felt that the time was enough for his comrades to withdraw to a safe place, and he took off the torch on the wall of the cave and lit the long lead tremblingly.

Then, he picked up the torch and started running wildly in the tunnel.

After running for a while, he suddenly dropped the torch in his hand.

He had already seen the light at the tunnel exit.

At this moment, a muffled sound came from behind him, and a huge impact knocked him to the ground.

Wang Er's hand stretched out towards the bright light, and countless pieces of mud instantly drowned him.

When Jiang Che heard the muffled sound, he stared intently at the city wall.

I saw the earth shaking, and the earth on the ground was blown open everywhere.

He didn't choose to blow up the city wall. He knew that this explosive would have little effect on granite. What he chose was to blow up the soil foundation under the city wall.

Whether it succeeds or not, he has no idea.

He saw smoke and dust everywhere, and in the billowing smoke and dust, he saw the solid granite city wall, swaying a few times, and then it seemed to collapse suddenly.

The collapse of the city wall brought more smoke and dust, accompanied by a loud noise.

The sound passed, the smoke and dust gradually fell, and a section of the city wall about a few feet long became a pile of rocks.

The Jin soldiers on the surrounding city walls panicked.

At this moment, the drums of war in Jiang Che's army were beating.

The soldiers rushed along the paved road over the trench towards the crumbling walls.

It's almost a straight line.

On the side of the collapsed city wall, Jin soldiers could not defend at all.

There were no arrow stacks, no bunkers, and on the pile of stones that collapsed in this section of the city wall, they had no defensive advantage, and they were in the same position as the soldiers of Da Chu.

And the soldiers of Da Chu were more than twice as many!

Jiang Che also rushed towards the pile of rocks following the drum of war.

In desperation, the soldiers of Jin State hurriedly searched for cover in the pile of rocks and shot arrows at the soldiers of Da Chu.

Jiang Che rushed in front.

He was wearing light leather armor and a silver mask on his face, and quickly rushed to the pile of rocks.

There is a long sword in his hand, and when the long sword passes, it must bring a bloody light.

Behind him are the personal guards who have followed him for many years, who are equally brave.

A few people were like a sharp sword, and they tore a hole, and the soldiers behind them rushed up along the hole, rushed into the city from the pile of rocks, and then climbed the city wall.

The fight continued until nightfall.

Five thousand soldiers and horses smashed Hecheng with minimal casualties.

And until this moment, the team that sent supplies has not arrived.

The first thing to do to capture Hecheng is to open the grain depot and let the soldiers have a full meal, and then send the scouts to deliver the letter to the grandfather of the country, and then start to deal with the follow-up matters.

Grandpa Guo had just seen the first batch of scouts sent by Jiang Che.

Hearing that the grain and grass had not been delivered to Hecheng, the grandfather of the country couldn't believe it.

For a distance of less than five hundred miles, it should arrive in about 1.5 days, and if it is slower, it is at most six days. With such a distance, the food and grass have not yet arrived!

The key is that the scouts came all the way and did not find this team transporting food and grass.

Where did this team of escorting food and grass go?

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