Gu Yunjiao said reluctantly, "Oh, that's fine, then I'll send it to you."

She and You'er sent Qi'er to the gate and watched Qi'er mount and leave.

After circling Gu Yunjiao, she went back to her yard, and You'er followed her, "Mother, didn't you say you would cook a few dishes yourself?"

"I want to eat a bowl of incense from your fried farmhouse."

Gu Yunjiao was silent.

When You'er stepped forward and looked, his mother was already in tears.

A few days later, the sage agreed to Jiang Zhongxing's resignation and gave him another palace.

This mansion can be said to be the best mansion in Dingjing.

It is not far from the palace, and it is also very close to Fanlou.

Inside, there are pavilions, rockeries, lakes, and rare plants and trees.

Soon, the family moved to the new Qi Wangfu.

After this, King Qi went out of the house every morning to go fishing by the river.

I don't go back until the afternoon every day, and every time I come back, I get something.

Gu Yunjiao thought it was fine, this was simply the standard life of a retired old man.

This afternoon, Gu Yunjiao was watching a big fish caught by King Qi.

The fish was several feet long, lying on the ground still alive, with its gills folded one by one.

Gu Yunjiao was talking to the old king in the kitchen: "Chop off the fish head, stew the tofu, and salt the fish body, at night—"

Before the words were finished, a girl stepped in quickly, "Madam, the eunuch has come to the palace and asked you to enter the palace immediately."

Gu Yunjiao followed the girl out, "Who's here?"

"Emperor Xiaoxizi."

As soon as Gu Yunjiao came out, she saw Xiao Xizi walking around in the hall, and seeing Gu Yunjiao seemed to have seen a life-saving Bodhisattva, "Mrs. Qin, the seventh prince is in an emergency, the Holy Master has asked you to enter the palace for treatment immediately."

Gu Yunjiao turned her head and instructed her personal maid to get the medicine box.

Then he asked Xiaoxizi carefully, "What kind of emergency is the seventh prince?"

Xiao Xizi said: "The seventh prince first said that his stomach was uncomfortable, then he vomited, and then he said that he was dizzy, and the whole person was very bad."

Gu Yunjiao asked as she walked, "Did the imperial doctor see it and said he didn't say what the disease was?"

Xiaoxizi shook his head, "When the servants left the palace, the imperial physician hadn't arrived yet."

"The sage first ordered the servants to come to you, and then passed on to the imperial physician."

Gu Yunjiao couldn't hear what was wrong with the seventh prince, so she took the medicine box and got into the car to go to the palace.

Prince Qi's mansion was very close to the palace, and after entering the palace, he went straight to the imperial study.

In the warm pavilion on the side of the main room of the imperial study, the seventh prince was lying on the bed, his chest was heaving greatly, and it seemed that it was very difficult to breathe out.

As soon as Gu Yunjiao entered, the sage and several imperial physicians said in unison, "Doctor Gu, come and have a look."

The seventh prince was still conscious, and Gu Yunjiao asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The seventh prince said laboriously: "Dizzy, breathless, bored, and exhausted."

"Put your tongue out and let me see."

The seventh prince obediently stuck out her tongue, Gu Yunjiao looked at it, stretched out her hand to take the pulse, and after taking the pulse, she immediately instructed the eunuch, "Go get the milk, it needs to be boiled."

Then he opened the seventh prince's belly and stabbed a few needles in his belly.

After a while, the seventh prince who was lying on the bed hummed, "I, I'm going to change."

The eunuchs rushed forward to serve.

Gu Yunjiao came out of the Nuan Pavilion and sat down to prescribe.

The sage stood beside him to watch Gu Yunjiao open the prescription and asked, "What kind of disease is this, Lao Qi?"

Gu Yunjiao raised her head and glanced at a few imperial physicians before she said, "If the court lady's judgment is correct, the seventh prince should be poisoned."

"Poisoned?!" Sheng Shang's expression changed.

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