The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 1143 Climbing and biting

Eunuch Liu has already arrested all the people who have been in contact with dim sum.

After some torture, the imperial chef who made the dim sum came in.

Although he already has a wife and children outside the palace, but recently, he had a good relationship with a maid in the palace.

The maid herself said that she was from the Queen's Palace, and her name was Pearl.

When he couldn't go home at night, Pearl would sneak over to meet him, and sometimes, during the day, she would go to the imperial kitchen to find him.

Originally, the imperial kitchen was not allowed to wait for people to enter, so she gave some favors to the soldiers standing guard at the door, so she opened her eyes and closed her eyes and let her in.

This afternoon, the royal chef was about to make snacks for the Seventh Prince, and Pearl went in to look for him again, watching him make snacks, and curiously touching it here and there.

Now that I think about it, maybe there was a problem at that time.

After all, after the dessert was ready, it was immediately put into the food box, and the two little eunuchs mentioned the imperial study all the way.

The two little eunuchs did not stop on the road, and did not encounter anyone.

After listening to Eunuch Liu's report, the sage's face turned hideous, "Go to the Queen's Palace and bring the palace maid!"

Eunuch Liu took the eunuch to get people from the Queen's Palace.

The queen had already rested, but was woken up again. After learning about the incident, she was shocked.

This kind of thing happened to the maids in her palace, it's not clear that she ordered it.

The queen hurriedly got up and brushed her hair. She just rolled her hair and did not put on makeup. She put on her clothes and went to the imperial study.

In the imperial study, the sage was watching Eunuch Liu interrogate Pearl.

Eunuch Liu asked sharply, "Did you put medicine in the cake?"

Pearl lowered her head and said in a low voice, "No, I don't know what my father-in-law is talking about."

The sage said: "There is no need to ask about the medicine. It is not you or you. In short, entering the imperial kitchen without authorization is a death penalty. I only ask you, who ordered you to do it?"

Pearl shook her head with a terrified face, "No, the slave did not poison me, and no one instructed me."

Eunuch Liu slapped Pearl on the face with a slap, and half of her face became red and swollen. Eunuch Liu shouted, "If you do it with ease, you will still be left with a corpse."

"If there is half a lie, your family will not want to live!"

Pearl trembled and fell to her knees, "I'll do it, I'll do it."

"Yes, the queen ordered me to poison me!"

The queen stood outside the door holding Xu Mama's hand when she heard this sentence, and her whole body froze.

Xiaoxizi, who was about to enter the door to report, glanced at the queen embarrassedly, and then lowered her head and went in to report.

The saint said coldly: "It's just right, let her in."

The queen stepped into the door, looked at Pearl kneeling on the ground, and said sternly, "Who the hell are you instructing you to hurt me like this?"

Pearl said timidly: "Isn't that thing the Queen Mother gave me to find a chance to put it in the cake?"

The queen was so angry that she vomited blood, she pointed at Pearl and trembled, "You spit blood!"

"You are just a palace maid doing chores in my palace. If I really want to poison, I won't use you!"

She then knelt down on the pilgrimage, "I beg Your Majesty to look into this matter, this is definitely not what the concubine did."

Sheng Shang narrowed his eyes, "I don't know if it's you."

"I only know that I take Xiao Qi by my side every day to teach, which is in the way of your eyes."

"Come on, you think that without Xiaoqi, some people will have the opportunity to be crown princes."

"Hehehe, don't even think about it!"

"It's all a bunch of trash, what qualifications do you have to be a prince, how can I give them my big Chu! As long as there is a good point, I won't be too old, and I have to teach Xiaoqi myself!"

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