The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 1146 escape from death

Eunuch Liu leaned his ear against the wall and listened carefully, and it was true that someone was calling for help.

He led people out of Changqiu Palace and went around behind the walls of Changqiu Palace, but he couldn't hear any sound again, and he shouted loudly, "Who is calling for help?"

At this time, a voice suddenly came from not far away, "Help, please save the little girl from this kind person."

Eunuch Liu followed the sound and saw a well with a stone slab covering it.

The two eunuchs worked together to remove the slate, took a lantern and looked down, and saw a figure in the well.

The woman in the well saw the light and cried excitedly, "Save me, save me!"

The eunuch untied the bucket for water and threw the rope down, "Tie the rope around your waist, tie it tight, and we'll pull you up."

Shortly after the rope was put down, the woman shouted, "Okay."

Two eunuchs pulled the woman up from the well.

The woman collapsed to the ground, crying.

Eunuch Liu looked at her, "Are you Xiaoyu?"

Xiaoyu nodded while crying.

Eunuch Liu saw that she was wet and trembling, and said, "Go back to Changqiu Palace to change clothes first."

This is not because he cares about the palace maid. It is only March and the spring is cold. He is afraid that the palace maid will not be able to support her body. After all, she has not yet questioned.

Xiaoyu shook her head in horror, "No, I'm not going back to Changqiu Palace."

Eunuch Liu said in a cold voice, "Don't worry, all the maids in Changqiu Palace have been taken care of, and the sage wants to ask questions."

Xiaoyu glanced at Eunuch Liu and trembled even more.

Eunuch Liu saw that she didn't look like he could go, so he carried her into the Changqiu Palace.

As soon as Xiaoyu entered, the maids who were waiting in the courtyard shivered obviously.

Eunuch Liu gave a wink and signaled the eunuchs to be optimistic, and he led Xiaoyu into the room to change clothes.

Entering the room, Eunuch Liu turned his back, "Hurry up and change your clothes, the sage is still waiting for questioning."

Xiaoyu was so cold that she took off her soaked clothes and changed into dry clothes.

Eunuch Liu was holding Xiaoyu, and the eunuchs were holding the maids of Changqiu Palace before they went to the imperial study.

After the people left, only Concubine Rong Gui was left in the huge Changqiu Palace. Although there were eunuchs in the courtyard outside, they were not allowed to enter the house to serve.

Concubine Rong Gui only felt that her eyelids were twitching, and she felt very uneasy.

Eunuch Liu mentioned the whole group of people to the imperial study, and Pearl, who was kneeling on the ground, shouted impatiently, "It's her, she gave me that packet of medicinal powder!"

Xiaoyu didn't dare to look at Pearl, and knelt on the ground silently.

Eunuch Liu reported the situation to the sage. The sage stared at Xiaoyu, whose hair was still wet, and said only one word, "Judgment!"

Gu Yunjiao went over to hold her pulse.

Xiaoyu thought that Gu Yunjiao was taking her pulse, and was moved to tears.

Eunuch Liu asked, "Who pushed you into the well, and why did he push you down?"

The wellhead is covered with bluestone slabs, which obviously cannot be explained by falling into the well.

Xiaoyu's angry eyes turned to the palace maids standing on the other side, and pointed at a few of them, "It's them!"

"As soon as the sky killed Hei, they deceived the slaves to the well and pushed them down."

"Fortunately, the slaves knew how to use water, so they didn't sink. They grabbed the foot sockets on the well wall and stood on an empty spot on the well wall, so they didn't drown."

When a craftsman digs a well, he will dig a foot hole on the wall of the well, and also leave a place to stand, so that when the well is blocked by silt, he can go down and dig the well.

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