The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 1163 I have a girl I want to marry

Wanyanzhang bowed his hands and bowed, "Empress mother, my son is on an urgent matter."

"My son is here today because I want to tell my mother that the marriage between me and Mu Girl will be put to an end."

The queen was sitting, and stood up angrily, "It's a good marriage, you suddenly left the whole house and the bride and ran away, right? Why? You must explain it to me today!"

The queen's tone was too hasty. After speaking, she took a few breaths. Wanyan Zhang hurriedly helped her to sit down, "Don't be angry, the queen mother, my son wants to break off the marriage because he has a girl he wants to marry."

The queen frowned, "Who is it? Which girl? And where have you been in the past few months? Your father asked you a few times, but I don't know what to say!"

Wanyan Zhang thought for a while, "She is a very good girl. She has excellent medical skills. In a few days, I will let her go to the palace to see a doctor for my mother, and my mother's illness will soon be cured."

"She lives a little far away. I've been looking for her for the past few months."

The Queen's face was cold, "There is no imperial doctor in the palace? What kind of disease do I want a girl to treat me!"

Wanyanzhang said patiently, "The queen mother has been taking the medicine from the imperial doctor for so many years, and she always has repeated attacks. It can be seen that the imperial doctor cannot cure the mother's disease."

"Her medical skills are really superb. The mother can rest assured that after taking the medicine she prescribed, the disease will be eradicated in just a few months."

The queen waved her hand, "Let's talk about seeing a doctor, what are you going to do in Mufu?"

"Don't worry, this mother, I will give Mufu some compensation."

The queen said very unhappily: "Mu Ying is the daughter-in-law that I have chosen for you. She has a tenacious personality and is very suitable to be the mistress of the palace."

"The girl you mentioned, who knows what her background is and whether she has the ability to be the mistress of the palace."

Wanyan Zhang thoughtfully said, "Girl Gu is knowledgeable about books and etiquette, so there will be no problem in managing the palace."

The queen snorted coldly, "I'll talk about this later, and handle the Mu Mansion by myself."

"Also, since you're back, you have to go see your royal father quickly."

Wanyanzhang retired, and then went to Lingyun Palace.

In the hall, the female performers were performing songs and dances, and Jin Emperor Wanyanhong was having fun with a female performer in his arms.

Seeing Wanyan Zhang coming in, Wanyan Hong waved his hand and stopped singing and dancing, frowning at his saluting son, "Where have you been, running for a few months is too outrageous."

Wanyan Zhang lowered his head, "My son, I have gone to deal with some private matters."

Wanyanhong didn't ask this again, but said, "The war against Daliao is about to begin, you pack up and set off with the army."

Wanyanzhang agreed and backed out.

As he walked, he recalled that in his last life, he also went to fight Daliao, and in less than half a year, he almost reached the capital of Daliao.

His eldest brother seemed to be afraid that he would make too much credit, and he didn't know what to say in front of his father. The father ordered him to call him back to Huining.

He was so depressed that he wrote a memorial to his father, took off his armor, and traveled to Da Chu.

During this trip, he also wanted to find out the geographical environment of Da Chu, so as to prepare for the future attack on Da Chu.

That time I met Gu Yunjiao in Xiangcheng.

Thinking of Gu Yunjiao at that time, Wanyan Zhang's eyes softened again.

She is too thin now, much worse than back then.

What troubles him now is that he is going to set off soon, and it is too late to marry Gu Yunjiao.

Moreover, what would she do if he went to war?

He could never leave her alone in Huining.

In the last life, she could still disappear under his nose, and in this life, he would not dare to let her take another step away from him.

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