Jiang Youzhi took the time to look out the window while everyone was not paying attention to him.

Both Xu Zhizhong and Zheng Juren brought their servants, both of whom were wearing blue cotton robes.

As if this robe was the uniform of the servants.

Jiang Youzhi sighed suddenly and said to several people: "Actually, my younger brother fell from the building that day, and he clearly felt that he was pushed from behind and fell down."

"That man—"

Having said that, Jiang Youzhi paused.

His eyes swept across the three faces in front of him without a trace—Zhou Jing and Xu Zhizhong both looked surprised, while Zheng Juren twitched the corners of his mouth and suddenly became angry, "How could this happen? This pushes Brother Jiang. Who was it that went down?"

Jiang Youzhi sighed, "I don't know that. People pushed from behind me, and I didn't see it."

Xu Zhizhong said: "Then report to the official, you have fame, murdering your life, even the county magistrate should pay attention to it!"

Jiang Youzhi shook his head, "It's just that I was dizzy at the time. After I woke up, I was worried about the money for the treatment. I didn't have time to think about it. It's been a long time now. ."

Having said that, Jiang Youzhi paid attention to Zheng Juren again, and found that he seemed relieved.

And Xu Zhizhong and Zhou Jing were obviously still thinking.

Jiang Youzhi narrowed his eyes. Could it be that Zheng Juren instructed the servant to do it?

After a long while, Xu Zhizhong said, "Could it be that Brother Jiang had a grudge against someone?"

Jiang Youzhi shook his head, "Never."

"I think maybe some drunk guy got drunk and pushed the next."

Xu Zhizhong sighed: "So, it's really a disaster."

"It's very, very, very unlucky, Brother Jiang too." Zhou Jing replied.

Zheng Juren also sighed, and after a few more gossip, he got up and said goodbye.

Jiang Youzhi sat on the bed and cupped his hands, "My dear friends, it's easy to leave, please forgive me that I really can't get up and see you off."

The three of them said, "Brother Jiang, don't be too polite."

Several people left and were about to leave when Gu Chuan grabbed a turtle and ran into the yard, shouting, "Sister, sister, I caught the turtle."

Gu Yunjiao caught a turtle last time, and now Sanya is raising it, Gu Chuan wanted to eat it very much, because his father asked the villagers to collect turtles before, and the turtle meat was stewed and eaten, and the turtle shells and shells were used as medicinal materials.

Gu Chuan likes eating turtles, especially turtle eggs.

But Sanya didn't allow him to eat her turtle, so Gu Yunjiao said casually, "I'll make it for you when you catch it yourself."

Gu Chuan caught one today, thinking that he could eat turtles, so he was very excited.

Gu Yunjiao originally planned to stay in the kitchen until Jiang Youzhi's classmate left.

Hearing Gu Chuan yelling outside, she had to come out, stand at the door of the kitchen, and waved to Gu Chuan.

As soon as they came out, Xu Zhizhong, Zheng Juren and Zhou Jing who had just walked into the yard looked over here.

Xu Zhizhong was slightly startled when he saw Gu Yunjiao.

He remembered that he had met Gu Yunjiao about a month ago. At that time, she was thin and dry like a flower that lacked water. Although she was still pretty, she was very pretty.

It's only been a month since she hasn't seen her. She seems to have grown taller and has more flesh on her face. The whole person is like a flower bud that has drunk enough water and is about to slowly bloom.

Although the beauty of this flower has not been fully revealed, it can be predicted how charming this vigorous bud will be once it fully blooms.

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